Link ducked as another loud snore sounded.

"Is he awake?"

"No Kai, but if you don't be quiet, he might be soon."

Kai who was crouching beside him, laughed somewhat nervously.

Link held up the camera again and pointed it towards the sleeping Shigen. There's no way I'm going to pass up the opportunity to get blackmailing material.

It had become something of a game to them. Every once in a while Shigen would find the weirdest spots to curl up with his favorite blanket and sleep.

Last week it had been inside the kitchen sink. And the week before that, it had been under Link and Kai's bed.

Today he was found… In the bath tub. Snuggled up and very oblivious to the world.

You would think a normal person would not find a place like that comfortable, but Shigen was not a normal person, and thus he provided lot's of entertainment for those who were in the right place, at the right time.

Kai nudged the hero, urging him to take the picture.

Link pushed him back playfully, not meaning to 'accidentally' aim for Shigen's nesting spot.

Kai threw his arms up in an attempt to stop his descent onto the sleeping emo, and was relived when his hand caught something.

But unfortunately, it was the water tap.

The cold water tap to be exact.

Link watched in horror as water burst from the water head that Shigen was sleeping under. Screw it… I'll just take a video.

Shigen started flailing as soon as the cold water hit his face. He sat up quickly, nearly hitting his on the tap in the process.

"What… the… hell…?"

Kai shut the water off and petted his soaked friend apologetically. "Sorry Shigen… But you were really asking for it."

Shigen didn't answer him. Instead he was staring at his blanket. Which was now, with out a doubt, very wet.

…And Shigen looked like he was about to cry.

Link stopped recording and helped pick up the blanket which now weighed over 100 pounds. "Why do you like this blanket so much anyways Shigen?"

There was nothing special about it. No pretty pictures or extra soft texture. It was white, and covered with different square like shapes of black and grey in a very chaotic design.

Shigen shrugged. "It represents the inner chaos of my soul…" He then slung it over his shoulders and went off on a journey to find a dryer.

Link looked at Kai.

Kai looked at Link

"Hero... I think the druggies got to him."

Link nodded. "Agreed."

Yeps! That was random! But Krys knows what the full story is ne?

I think Shigen said something like that… And it was too corny, so I had to make a one shot out of it.


And yes, I'm on my mom's computer, since my dear Bob has died… But he shall be fixed soon!
