DISCLAIMER: I don't own anything that has to deal with Friday the 13th. This is another one of my stories that I have written a while ago, so please don't get angry at me if the story isn't that great. I promise I will write better soon.
"Jess, I'm sure you will have a great time here. It's a big camp with a lot of nice kids. I'm sure you'll be able to make a friend" my mom said while parking in the parking lot for this camp place called Camp Crystal Lake. I'm only 10 years old, and she's leaving me here! "But mom I-"
"No buts. Now I'm sure there is someone out their that would like to be your friend. You just have to actually talk. Stop being so quiet all the time, and maybe you will actually meet someone." I sighed heavily and got out of the car. I got my bags out of the back seat and once I closed the car door my mom pulled out of the parking lot without even saying goodbye. I felt one single tear drop out of my eye and down my cheek, but I whipped it up before anyone would notice.
*Where am I supposed to go?* I walked over to a small building that had adults talking in the front, so I dragged my bags with me over to them. Once I got over there a tall blond girl said "Well, hello there. What's your name?" "Jess" I said quietly. "Well Jess, I see that you're ready for this fun week. Lets get your bags into a cabin so you can get settled in and meet your buddies that you'll be staying with." I nodded my head and she helped me with the bags.
She talks to me like I'm just 2 years old or something. I get annoyed with those people really easily. We finally got to a small cabin and I saw kids running around by the lake that was just about 20 yards away. Kids were jumping off of the dock and laughing. I walked into the cabin following the blond girl and I saw two bunk beds. There were three girls already in there, all of them sitting on the top bunk of one of the beds.
"Hey girls. This is Jess. She'll be staying with you guys for the week. Jess, this is Kate, Anne, and Tony." I laughed at the last name. Wasn't that supposed to be a guys name? They all said hi to me in voices that sounded like they didn't care at all. I wouldn't be surprised if they thought watching grass grow would be more entertaining than talking to me. The blond girl walked out and I was stuck in here with the three girls that I knew already hated me. "So, which bed is mine?" I asked as politely as I could.
"Um, you get the bottom one over there" The girl that was named Anne said. I drug my bags over to it and I made my bed with my sleeping bag and everything. While i was making my bed slowly I couldn't help but over-hear their conversation. "Ew, I can't believe they are letting that icky faced boy stay here." "Yea, I know! He should just kill himself."
"I think his name is Jason. His mom works here so it will be hard to pick on him, especially since there are so many lifeguards and stuff here." "I still think we should pick on him. He doesn't deserve to be here." Listening to their conversation made me really mad. How could they just hate someone without getting to know them? I get sick of it. I know how this Jason boy feels. I wonder what's wrong with his face? But they shouldn't care about what people look like on the outside. It's the inside that counts. I decided that I should speak up.
"You guys are really mean. You shouldn't judge someone just by how they look like." The three girls stopped talking and looked at me. "I think you better shut up before we beat you and Jason up. The boys here will help us with it too. You better watch your mouth, or else!" I was about to say 'or else what', but I didn't want to make things any worse than they already are. I looked at the clock that was on the wall. 11:06 AM. Great. I've only been here for 5 minutes and it's already hell.
t's still not even lunch time. It's only 11:30. I've been sitting on my small bed reading a book when all of the sudden I felt something hit me and water went everywhere. I set down my book and noticed the three girls laughing at me. I looked at the ground and I saw a little piece of pink plastic. I got hit with a water balloon.
"Was this necesary?" I said while getting up and ringing out my soaked shirt.
"Of course it is." One of the girls said and they all started laughing again. *That's it. I'm leaving this cabin.* I put my wet book on my pillow to dry and I walked out the door. I took a deep breath of the fresh forst air and looked around. I noticed about 6 kids chasin a boy near the lake. I decided to go over there to checkit out.
While walking over there I noticed someone yelled "freak". I then quickly noticed that they are tormenting this boy, not playing tag with him. I ran over to the crowd and I noticed the boy they were chasin. He was baldish, but I noticed some bright blond hair. His eyes were a little un-even, and one side of his mouth was turned down a little. But seriously, other than those things, he looked like a normal person. This must be Jason. I ran over to him and stood in front of him, blocking Jason from his bullies.
"Hey, get out of the way!" a boy with dark brown hair yelled at me. I just shook my head.
"Come on! Get out of our way! We need to beat up that freak!" another kid said.
"Just leave him alone! He never did anything to any of you. Just go away!" I yelled, feeling my anger for those kids rise.
"C'mon guys, lets leave these two lovers and go swimming" another one of them said and they all agreed and soon left. I turned around to see Jason staring at me.
"Why did you do that?" he said.
"Becuase I don't think it's nice to pick on someone. You're Jason, right?"
"Yea. How did you know my name?"
"Um, some girls in the cabin I'm staying in was talking about you." I saw Jason look to the ground. I can tell he was sad.
"Can we be friends?" I said. I didn't want him to be alone, and I have no one else here nice enough to talk to, so this would turn out perfect. Jason lifted his head up, a smile forming on h is face. He nodded and I smiled back at him.
"Why are you all wet?" he asked as we went walking towards the dock on the lake. I told him about the girls in the cabin and how mean they were, and soon enough I was talking about my whole life.
It's been an hour and I'm sure Jason knows everything you can possibly know about me. He's told me a little about himself, but he said he didn't like to talk much and that he'd rather listen to what I said. He even told me that instead of doing to boring activities here, that he and I could hang out in the forest and watch the animals. I of course said yes.
This is the beginning of a great friendship.