It's been quite a while, hasn't it?
To make a long story short, I was cripplingly depressed for the last 5+ years, and am now on the mend and pondering the idea of getting back into writing. (Additional details are on my profile).
Now to get down to brass tacks: the 'Demadiluve' hiatus has gone on for nearly 5+ years. I need to know if there's still an audience for this fic, because if there isn't, I will permanently abandon it.
If you'd like the story to continue, VOTE IN THE POLL on my profile; DO NOT COMMENT/REVIEW this "chapter". (The poll is located on the tippy-top of my profile). Frankly, I don't have the time to sort through reviews to maintain a tally; that's what the poll is for. I need a hard and fast "yes" or "no"'s; no fluff, no commentary. If you want to discuss things further, just send me a PM :) I'm totally up for a dialogue that way, instead of through "reviews".
The poll will go for however long it takes for me to definitely see whether or not there is or isn't enough interest in the fic. If there are lack luster number of "yes" votes, the story will still be dropped.
Regardless of whether or not the story continues, this chapter will be either be replaced with another chapter to continue the tale, or a final declaration of abandonment of the fic. Which is another reason NOT TO "REVIEW" THIS CHAPTER" because any "reviews" that correspond with it will be deleted if a new chapters replaces this one.
QUICK SUMMARY: want the story to go on? Go to the poll. Don't give a sh*t? Go to the poll, don't review this chapter.
Look forward to hopefully hearing from those of you who are left. ~ A.J.