Alright here's the deal, I re-read my story and the grammar is horrid! So in this chapter you'll find the whole story plus a bit more info here and there!

Sam is sitting on the plane that is taking her back to her old life, Aunt Sue may have said This plane will take me 'home' but it obviously isn't taking me back to San Fran!! My dad sent me away and I am not sure I want to go back! She thought to herself.

It had been three years since her Dad had put her on a plane after her accident.

The stewards annoyed voice pulled her out of her daze, "Miss please fasten your seatbelt we are about to land."

"Sorry." Was all Sam said as she fastened her seatbelt. The landing was fine, but no matter how smooth or how many times she travels via plane, she'd never like it.

Getting off the plane she saw a happy family obviously waiting for someone else on the plane. The mother was short, had a tight French braid and wore a kaki uniform, the father had a Stetson pulled down just enough to cover his eyes, one of the children standing with them looked about 2 or 3 and had a little cowboy hat on and a toy horse in his hands, two other teens stood with the family but they didn't look quite like the rest, the girl looked Sam's age and had white/blonde hair in plaits and wore glasses, she had jeans and a plain tee on, the guy standing there looked about her age too if not a little older, he had long black blue hair tied up with a leather thong and a Stetson pulled over his eyes he looked HOT! He suddenly leaned towards the father and said something to him. Wow maybe I might just try to get to know him… Sam thought to herself.

Snap out of it!! She commanded, and tried to think of what Aunt Sue had told her they would where.

---Jake's POINT OF VEIW---

He was so excited but he tried to hide it as much as possible, Sam was coming home, after three long years without her he came to realise how much he cared for her. When Wyatt told him that morning Sam was coming home and he was to come to the airport to pick her up he had almost wanted to jump up and down and yell! He couldn't wait for her to get home.

They were now at the airport waiting for her to appear, the gates opened and out came a few people and then one caught his eye Wow she is really hot!! What am I thinking?!?!?!! The girl had dark brown hair with a twinge of red in it, and it was down to the middle of her back, she wore no makeup and her natural face looked beautiful, she wore a denim mini skirt and a blue boob tube. He let his gaze look her up and down then he saw her eyes, IT WAS SAM! Wow had she changed.

"Wyatt, I think that's her," He told Sam's Dad.

"Well then tell Jen to get out the blue Stetson." Wyatt replied.


Urgh!! What was it Aunt Sue said they would have with them when they came to get me. Playing over the conversation—between her and her aunt that morning in her head while she went to get her bags, she turned on her phone and saw she had one message,

Blue Stetson sweetie!

-luv Aunt Sue

Sam text back,

Thanx!! I always was a lil forgetful luv ya

bye Sam!

Sam got her bags and walked back towards the place where all the people were awaiting the arrival of their loved ones. She snuck a quick glance at the happy family and noticed the teen girl held up a blue Stetson in the air suddenly she yelled "Sam, Samantha Anne Foster, come on hurry up where ever you are!"

Sam caught the teen boy looking at her and then she looked back at the girl bouncing up and down and couldn't help but burst out laughing and she fell to the floor laughing so hard!

---Normal POINT OF VEIW—

The Fosters and Jake and Jen looked around and just after Jen had yelled out a girl carrying bags towards us burst out laughing and fell to the ground. Jake knew only one person who would do that, Sam. He noticed every one had noticed too and must have come to the same conclusion as him, the girl on the ground was Sam.

They reached Sam and Jake couldn't help himself "You right there Brat?" He teased.

"Wow Jacob," Sam said emphasising the last part, "You are still as immature as you were when you were 3! Ha take that!" she said still laughing, she composed herself and stood up. The minute she was straight her Dad engulfed her in a hug.

"I missed you honey." He said.

"I missed you too." Sam replied.

"This is Brynna your new mum and this is Cody your two and a half year old brother," He told me.

Sam carefully blanked out her face before saying "Hi nice to meet you." Sam hugged Brynna and got down to her knees and said to Cody in her best western impression "Howdy little cowboy, how'd you doin'?" She asked shaking his hand.

He shyly replied "fwine!" (AN: Spelt wrong on purpose to sound like a baby)

Jen who had been waiting patiently couldn't control herself any longer.

"Sam!" she squealed hugging Sam "I missed you, how was San Fran? What have you been up to?" she stopped noticing the look on Sam's face, she let go of Sam and asked, "You don't remember me do you?"

Sam figured no other way she would have to tell the truth "No."

"Well then" totally unfazed by Sam not remembering her "Hi, I am Jennifer Kentworhty my family used to own Gold Dust Ranch, but we still live on it now, I own a palomino horse named Slit Stockings. We used to be best friends"

"Oh you own the silly palomino mare yea I remember her." Sam said

"Geez you're nice brat remember the horse but not her owner." Jake exclaimed with his mouth inches from her ear he was standing behind her.

She turned to face him, "Jacob, I will tell you once and once only, The boys at my old school and some girls too, will tell you the school never should have taught me self defence." She lifted my head to stare into his eyes, "When I swing I never miss." Sam said before turning and picking up my bags.

"Where to now?" Sam asked acting as if I hadn't just threatened her oldest friend.

"Home then to a bon Fire at Three Ponies" her dad said. Everyone looked a little shocked at Sam's mood swing. Sam followed her family out the door.

****New Scene****

---River Bend---


When I got home I went to my room, not a thing changed everything was exactly the same as when I left it, and there was a layer of dust over everything. I had no idea whether that meant they had shut the door and tried to forget I existed or whether it was because it was too hard for them to see it and know that I was not there. I decided I liked the second one better. The teens Jen and Jake stayed with me the whole time.

"Hey brat? BRAT?!?" Jake finally acquired my attention through shouting. I simply turned and glared at him. "Well now I know you're listening, you had better have a shower if you want one because we'll be leaving for my place in an hour."

"And why are we leaving for your place in an hour?" I asked him.

"The bon fire." He told me.

"Well then shove off me and Jen have to get ready!" I told him bitting back a laugh when his face showed shock. He left Jen and me in the room alone.

"Uhh, Sam I have no clothes here," Jen told me.

"Duh, I have just the outfit for you," I replied simply.

"Sam, I really really don't like the evil grin on your face." She told me, sort of scared at what made me grin like that.

45 minutes later


Jen and Sam look at themselves in the mirror, they were wearing two of Sam's shortest dresses and some of her highest high heels.

Jen said "Sam I think your dad might kill us I mean this dress doesn't even reach mid thigh, and I don't think I can walk in these."

"Jen, don't worry, that guy Darrell you like—"

"I don't like Darrell!" Jen yelled

"Ha, you do when Jake said about him your eyes went dreamy and you sighed! Jennifer, you do like him." Sam told Jen before continuing, "Anyway as I was saying, Darrell will totally love the dress and you are wearing shorts underneath! The high heels aren't that high you'll be fine, and no my dad won't kill us for what we're wearing because he won't see it."

"What?" Jen asked, "How will he not see it? He is driving us there remember."

"No well he is but we will wear these jackets over the dress," Sam said pulling out two really nice jackets, "and these skirts over the bottom of the dress." Sam concluded throwing the jacket and mini—but not as short as the dress--skirt at Jen.

"Are, Sam have you thought that your dad will be there the whole time?"

"Yes but he'll go home early so we are staying there for the night!" Sam answered.

"But, umm have you asked permission?"

"Yes for me and you, Jen I have everything figured out now put on that jacket and skirt." Sam ordered Jen.

Jen put on the skirt still unsure that it was long enough, but when she went to put on the jacket all she could think was what the hell. "Uh… Sam the jacket sleeves are only ¾ and the top half is to big and the bottom half is like tight and it doesn't even reach the top of the skirt!" Jen said a little shocked.

"Relax, it's called a crop jacket, and it fits you." Sam told her new friend. "Now lets go or Jake and Dad will throw a fit."

--Jen's POV--

Sam has changed so much, I mean she would never wear or act like she is now before she left...

--Jake's point of view—

Sam and Jen walked down the stairs and when I saw them my jaw dropped. Sam looked beautiful!!! The jacket showed her curves beautifully!! I mentally hit myself on the head how could I ever think like this.

Wyatt spook first "My little girls all grown up and beautiful, and you look mighty fine too Jennifer."


-----2 hours later----

"Sam, me, your mum and Cody are going home, see you tomorrow sweetie." Wyatt told Sam.

"Love you bye" Sam told him, as he drove away. When he was out of sight Sam sighed and said "Come on Jen time to get the over clothes off."

All the boys looked at Sam, she had a mischievous grin on her face, suddenly she stripped off her skirt and pulled off her jacket so did Jen.

"Time to get this party started!" Sam proclaimed changing the song and turning the volume up. Within ten minutes all the guys were dancing around her. Jen and Darrell had disappeared; Sam smiled to her self-knowing what they were doing or more like whom they were doing.

Quinn yelled over the music "why don't we have a mini dance battle?!"

"Sure!" Sam yelled she wanted to show off her competitive streak!

30 minutes later Sam had beat all the boys and was about to battle Jake when Nate spoke up. "Wow Sammy you sure are competitive but I am sorry to say we have to go to bed now."

A chorus of what, whys and oh were heard. Quinn decided to speak then to, "I dibs Sammy in my bed!" he yelled running up and picking Sam up.

"Excuse me!" Sam yelled, suddenly she wanted to have some fun, "I think I want Nate!" The look on all the boys face was shocked, Nate walked up ready to pick up Sam when he seemed to look at Jake then regret his move.

"Sam, I think Jake already has dibs on you but he already told us you and Jen are in the spare room." Quinn told her.

Sam laughed, "Somehow I think Jen is spending the night at Darrell's," She explained.

When they got up stairs Sam asked "Can I borrow a shirt to sleep in?" There were a number of shirts thrown at her and she picked the green and gold one. Sam slipped off her dress aware all the guys were staring at her and she couldn't help herself, "What have none of you guys ever seen a girl in her under ware! Ha you guys are hopeless can't even get a girl!"

The guys looked at Sam in shock at what she had just said Jake was the first to recover "Well Brat, you are very nice tonight aren't you?"

"Yes well I've decided I want to go to bed now so where is the spare room?" Sam asked.

"Across the hall, your dad dropped your's and Jennifer's school clothes in there." Jake told her.

"And why would I need school clothes for tomorrow?" Sam asked obviously not getting it then it hit her literally.

"Ow what is with throwing a piece of scrunched up paper at me!" Sam yelled as she picked up the paper and unfolded it, it had 'Darton High School' written on the front "Shit! I forgot school tomorrow."

After those last words Sam went to her room and fell asleep hoping tomorrow went well.

Sam woke and grumbled someone's alarm was going off! She looked at her watch, "Shite!" she exclaimed jumping off the bed. Sam frantically search for the clothes her dad left her, When she found them she was less than impressed, "How like dad," she looked at the jeans and sighed when she got a look of the top, "he obviously doesn't realise I am a teen now and I do like to show myself off a little," Just then she found a note stuck to the ugly shirt.

It read: Sam,

Look in your school bag I put in some 'girly' clothes and some shorts and singlet for PE. HAVE FUN AT SCHOOL!!

Love, Mum xoxo

Sam silently thanked her new mother, and went looking for the other clothes, she pulled a mini skirt out of the bag and a pretty emerald top, Sam had to admit her new mum had some style.

Grabbing her clothes she flew out her room door. Nate seem to know where she was going and just pointed to the bathroom.

--20 minutes later—

Sam walked out of the bathroom ready to go to school as she walked into the kitchen she grabbed an apple. Jake walked in and said, "We leave in ten." Then he nodded and left Sam to get her bag. After racing upstairs to get her bag she had walked out and got in the old blue Chevy, the ride to school was really loud all the Ely boys except Jake made a lot of noise, he stayed quiet and Sam was glad. Whenever he spoke to her he acted older, wiser and better than her she couldn't wait to beat him at whatever he was good at.

"Hey Quinn," Sam whispered to him, "what is Jake really good at? Or more precisely what would ping him off the most if I beat him at it?"

Quinn looked at Sam and had to admit he liked the evil look in her eyes and he knew what would annoy his brother most if anyone especially a girl beat him at, "Track but you have to be pretty good to beat him he is top like in the whole school." Quinn told her even though he hardly thought she could beat him.

"Thanks." Sam told him as they pulled into the parking lot. Sam jumped out of the car noticing a slightly distracted Jen walking towards her.

"Hey Jen," as Jen got closer to Sam, Sam noticed little red marks around Jen's neck and collarbone. "Ah.. Jen you might wanna use some good concealer on the tell tale marks that mean you had fun with Darrell last night." Sam dodged Jen's slap aimed at her shoulder and chuckled.

"Thank-you Samantha for your concern but they are from bed bugs!" Jen told Sam.

"Sure, those beg bugs must be pretty big…" Sam tried to hold back her laughter, "I believe you but... some people might not!"

"Sam, shush!" Jen said finally joining in with her friend's laughter. "Come on, I'll take you to the office to get your schedule."

"K then Jen," Sam told her following her to the office. When they got there the principal, someone named Mrs Santos, greeted Sam and gave her, her timetable and a map.

When they got out of the office Jen took her time table and shrieked "Ahhh you're in all my classes except calculus!"

"Cool, so where do I find locker 584?" Sam asked reading her locker number.

Jen shrieked again, "Wow that locker is right next to mine!" The pair were getting a few weird looks by now and Sam tried to calm her eccentric friend.

"Jen, geez girl are you always this loud?" Sam laughed.

"No!" Jen was about to explain when they got to their lockers. Jen sighed and said put your books in there and just keep out the ones for SOSE and PE, hope you've got gym clothes."

"Yea I do Brynna packed some, so yeah." Sam finished off as Jake and his brothers walked up.

"Sammy, how ya doin' got all your gear for class?" Quinn asked.

"Yeah dad," Sam said her voice dripping with sarcasm.

Quinn held up his hands like he was surrendering. Sam laughed, "Just kiddin' good thanks and yes."

A thin model looking girl walked up to the Ely boys, "How nice of you guys to take pitty on the new girl and talk to her." She exclaimed obviously trying to flirt or get the boys attention.

"Ha Rachel, don't be so jealous just because we like the new girl more then you." Nate sighed shaking his head.

"Ehem, remember me, yea the girl you have been referring to as the new girl!" Sam said starting to get angry, "yea well Nate I have a name."

Jake came up behind Sam and whispered to her "Easy Brat." Sam thought 'how the hell does he have that knee melting affect on me!' Jake whispered again, "Brat, don't fight what we're 'bout to do, it'll get rid of Rachel." Sam was about to turn and yell at Jake and ask what he meant when she felt Nate, Quinn and Jake pick her up and yell," Off to your first class…" they waited for her to fill in the blank.

"SOSE in B4." Jen told the boys while walking beside them.

Sam looked back at a very shocked Rachel or whoever she was and her group all had their mouths open. Sam laughed.

--1hour later—

Sam and Jen walked out of their first class, "I thought that would never end! And that teacher for someone named Mrs Slack she sure hates Daydreamers!" Sam exclaimed. "Now what do we have?" Sam asked Jen

"PE or gym whatever you want to call it. Come in here this is where we get changed." Jen told her.

Sam walked in and stripped off to reveal very tone stomach, and thighs. Jen gasped and Sam laughed, "I love sport." She explained while putting on her shorty-short shorts and tang top. Jen did the same.

When they were marked as here on the roll coach called 5 laps as a warm up, every one groaned at this and everyone started running. Sam stayed next to Jen until the second last lap when she asked an exhausted Jen, "Wanna see how Jake takes losing?"

Jen looked at her friend confused. "ah, Sam Jake never has and probably never will lose in case you haven't noticed all the guys who are up the fount but still behind him are slowing." Jen told her crazy friend.

"Dare me?" Sam asked.

"What?" Jen asked still wondering what Sam meant. At that Sam took off, Jen thought to herself 'wow she must be fit to still have energy!'

Sam heard whoops and whistles as she took off past the guys on her way to beat Jake, she smiled and just before she pasted him she put in an extra burst of speed deciding to sprint the last 600m lap of the oval. All she heard as she pasted Jake was "What the?" Sam laughed.

---Jake's POINT OF VEIW---

I was running at an even pace about 400m in front of the closest kid, Suddenly someone ran past me, "What the?" I yelled wanting to catch up I took off after her, she kept going crap she was fit! As I got close to her she put in a final burst of speed to the finish line, lapping about ten people. I lost!! I never loose how… who… urgh!! I got beaten and not even by a guy a girl! Who the hell is it! I thought starting to get grumpy as she crossed the finish line she seemed to settle into a long strided jog not stopping at the finish, I was not going to be out done especially by some girl! So I kept going. Trying to catch up but I couldn't, I had to find out who she was! She so easily beat me she must be some super fit girl, no maybe she is really a he just with long hair, yea that's it! He is a super fit guy. No it is a girl she has curves DAMMIT! A girl beat me. She caught up to a girl I knew was Jen because of her cowgirl shorts and the super fast girl seemed to slow and stay in time with Jen. This was my chance I went to take off after her and realised I couldn't I was exhausted! I decided to keep at this pace and finish with my head held high. She who ever she was, was only 5m in front of me when she crossed the line. The minute I got over the line I bent over and had me hands on my knees! I panted for a bit watching the girl, she walked around as if she had only ran 100m instead of running 2400m and sprinting 1200m! wow I have to know who just beat me I went to straighten up and heard a familiar voice near me.

"What's wrong Jacob did a girl beat you?" She said in a sing songy voice.

"Yes Sam a girl did beat me and I want to go find her because she must be some girl to beat me." I scoffed. Just then I straightened up and turned round to glare at a giggling Sam, My jaw dropped, it was her! Sam beat me! "Shite!" I proclaimed.

"Aww poor lil Jacob got beaten by his next door neighbour, may I add girl next door neighbour!" She was enjoying every minute of this. I was so busy glaring at Sam I didn't hear coach tell everyone to come over to him. Suddenly I heard a yell.

"ELY, FOSTER, 10 laps loser does 5 extra today at lunch! Oh and both of you will be on the track team, got it NOW GET OVER HERE!" Coach yelled. Shit mum will kill me in trouble first day back! Double shit LUNCH! There will be a crowd I won't let her beat me again.

Sam chose that moment to whisper in my ear "We should train together some time," I thought wow she might actually like me, then she added, "Maybe I could help you get fitter so girls can't beat you!" She just walked away over to Jen, I was shocked, but what she said only made me want her more or at least want to beat her more.


Sam had just walked over to coach after whispering her own little smart little remark in my ear. I was kind of dumb-founded but quickly composed myself before I got a detention from coach, that would really tick mum off. I walked over to the other teens, I glared at a few that were snickering at me and they seemed to shut up real quick. I smiled to myself; even if I was just beaten by a girl I could still hold command over anyone and everyone.

---Random point of view---

Throughout PE (physical education) Sam and Jake continued to try to beat each other, unfortunately they seemed to be equal, neither could beat the other; it was downright frustrating for both.

Sam had never been this annoyed in her life, every time she went to pull ahead in anything he would keep up! He was sooo frustrating couldn't he just give up! But then again Sam thought to herself if Jake just gave up he wouldn't be Jake! And I would never ever have any respect for him, I hate people who just roll over and die! Or so to speak. Sam sighed she was thinking too much, this was her favourite subject she should enjoy it!

Jake knew if he lost to her she would loose all respect for him and would never treat him the same again so he put in 110% effort all class. Never had he had to work this hard, just to keep up with the leader! Hell he was usually the leader! He was getting really irritated by her she just seemed to keep trying to pull ahead but of course he kept up and tried to pull on ahead occasionally but she was always right there beside him! Urgh! This is my favourite class and all I can think about is her! I should be having fun! Not thinking!!

By the end of class both of them were really exhausted.

Coach called out, "Ely Forster, because you did so well you don't have to come back at lunch but be here at 12:30pm sharp, tomorrow for track sign up!"

Sam whispered to Jake just before the class went to shower and change, "Well he just saved your ass," she laughed, "from getting beaten by a girl twice in one day!"

Jake wanted to wring her neck but at the same time he found himself wondering what she tasted like (AN: not in a canable way but in like a, kiss sort of way lol!) and how her lips would feel against his. He shook himself how could he feel like this sure he had plenty of girlfriends but never once did he act like this! He figured he would have to go for a run that afternoon to clear his thoughts, or at least figure them out.


I walked into the girls showers and cheers erupted from everywhere, I looked behind me thinking someone popular had walked in behind me, but there was no one there. Suddenly Jen was standing at my side congratulating me.

"OMG Sam! You beat Jake Ely, I repeat JAKE ELY in running! Holy crud!!!"

"So?" I said not really seeing that the feat was worth the applause I was getting.

"SO! Jake is the best! No one beats him, no one even tries! He, as much as I hate to admit it, is well and truly the best! He is getting into a college because of his running abilities!" Jen exclaimed still shocked at Sam, "And to top it off you kept up with him throughout the rest of class!"

I suddenly realised that what I thought was just a little fun might actually turn into more, but I wasn't sure if I wanted all this attention and a part of me felt sorry for Jake. WTF!?! how can I feel sorry for some one like him!! He is so annoying, stubborn, cute…. Ahhhhhhh what the hell!!!! Did I just think Jake Ely was cute? What is wrong with me, well he is hot and his eyes are gorgeous…. No no no I can't think like that! Ew ew ew!!

Sam was snapped out of her trance Jen waved her hand in front of Sam's face.

"What?" Sam said fiercely but softened her voice when she heard it, "Sorry I was just thinking."

" 'bout what?" Jen asked.

"Trust me you don't want to know!" Sam laughed and continued, "I'm not sure I even want to what I was thinking." Sam continued to laugh.

"hmph! Your no fun then!" Jen sighed, "did you hear Rachel and her 'possy'" Jen used her fingers to quote the word, "They think Jake let you win just cause your new and he was being nice, and I quote 'being a caring and nice person like he always is even though that girl doesn't deserve the time of day' " Jen was laughing really hard and so was Sam at this point.

"Yes well, mmmm I don't know what to say." Sam said before going into the shower to change back into her other clothes. Jen did the same.

--10 minutes later----

Sam walked out of the shower to find the only other girls still in there were Rachel and her followers. Sam's eyes widened when she saw they were intentionally blocking her way! How dare they? Hmm this could be fun, I'd love to see her face if someone like me broke her nose, Sam thought about Rachel and her 'perfect' nose. Sam was suddenly aware Rachel was walking toward her trying to look threatening, Sam held back her laugh 'if only she knew'.

"Listen Cowgirl!" Rachel said backing Sam into a wall, "Jake is mine, he doesn't have time for a girlfriend at the moment but when he does I have first dibs. GOT IT!" Rachel yelled hoping to scare Sam away from Jake.

Sam couldn't hold it in anymore she laughed, and laughed. Finally she straightened up, and said, "Yea sure, you can have him if you want," Sam held back more laughter, Rachel's face was priceless, Sam kept talking hoping to annoy her more, "You know if you wanted Jake you could have just had him, I mean you didn't need to ask my permission."

"URGH!" Rachel yelled she went to punch Sam.

Sam was ready for Rachel's punch so Sam simply moved out of the way and let Rachel hit the wall with her fist as she retracted it Sam grabbed it, hard.

"Don't mess with me or your knuckles won't be the only thing bruised and broken." Sam replied before letting go of Rachel's wrist and turned walking out of the change rooms. Sam smiled to herself she could bet that wasn't the last she would hear of Rachel. Sam ran into something or rather someone, as she fell out of her thoughts she came eye to eye with, not eyes but a hard, very hard chest. "Oof, move now," Sam demanded.

"jezz brat shouldn't threaten people, one bigger than you and two already want to kill or at least harm you," Jake laughed, "and you were in my way."

"I am never in anyone's way," Sam replied simply, "They are always in my way." She held her head high looking him straight in the eye. "I will hit you if you don't move." Sam wasn't quite serious but she did want him to move.

"Aw come on Brat, you wouldn't hit me." He laughed.

Ha now I have him! He will regret those words! Sam thought, Sam threw a punch at his cheek, she had learnt the best way to get someone was to use your weak arm to throw a 'distraction punch' at the head and when they grabbed it and were distracted by that hand only then did you use your best arm to hit them in the gut and wind them. As predicted Jake grabbed her hand and laughed that was when Sam saw her chance and took it. She didn't use all her force but hit him hard enough he winced.

Sam smiled to herself, bet he didn't see that coming! Sam turned to walk away and noticed Jake still ad hold of her wrist.

He swung her back around to face him not really sure how to keep her in one place long enough for him to talk to her. Suddenly a thought popped into his head, 'yea that will work to close for her to hit me again.'


Before I could react Jake used his body, and I mean his whole body to push me against the wall. I could smell his cologne, mmmmm I thought to myself, I could get used to this! Eww!! What did I just think?

(AN: Sam is arguing with herself!! Sam is in bold italic and annoying little voice is in italic.)

You like him! You said it yourself you think he is hot and cute!

No I. DO. NOT.

Yea you do you thought it before after PE, and when you first got off the plane!

In PE I don't know what happened maybe I was so exhausted I didn't know what I was thinking and as for the plane well, I didn't know it was Jake!

How does not knowing him change it? You like him admit it!


Are… so you do!

NO, YES you are confusing me! Are crap it's not normal to talk to myself go away!!

Say it, and I will!

Fine I do GOODBYE little voice.

I was brought out of my trance when Jake pushed me a little harder against the wall no part of our bodies not touching. I really really like this, I thought to myself. I mean I had had plenty of boyfriends but none had made me flush against a wall. Hang on why was I letting Jake do this to me? I had never let a boyfriend do this to me; hell Jake wasn't even my boyfriend what am I doing? I wanted to push him away but I liked this feeling so much, I couldn't even force myself to push him away.

"Brat, we need to talk," Jake said but was interrupted by a bunch of other guys.

"Yea sure mate that's what they call it now, you don't look like all you want to do is talk!" The bunch called.

I was totally surprised when Jake didn't back off me or move away embarrassed, he just seemed to turn and glare at them which sent the guys running.

I laughed a little; Jake seemed to suddenly remember I was there! Ha like he could forget!

"Sam we do need to talk," He said

"Bout what Jake?"

"Um... uh… a lot of things."



"would you mind getting off me?" I asked even though I wanted him to keep me there in that very position.

"huh? Oh sorry."

I moved out from Jake as he moved away suddenly looking embarrassed. "Nothing to be sorry about I had no problem with it." Ahh shit what had I just said? Mose well go with it. I thought to myself before flashing a smile and winking before I turned and left.

I walked a little further and turned a corner, suddenly something or rather someone grabbed my upper arm and pulled me into a closet, before I could scream a hand clamped over my mouth.

"Shut it," A harsh male voice whispered.

I tried to scream but he covered my nose as well and said "If you ever want to breathe in oxygen again keep quite!" Who the hell was this?......

HOPE You like it! Lol it is almost the same only better edited! Lol! And there are a few things different like Jake and Sam are less OOC (out of character)

Lots of luv

Chooka (mad-bout-horses-and-cowboys) xoxo