NOTE this is my First Criss Angel Fanfiction. I have been a loyal fan for a long time. This story was inspired by my trip to Vegas in Jan. 2009 for my 21st b-day. I got the chance to see his show BeLIEve and it was amazing! Please Review if you read, I love reviews! (good or bad as long as they are constructive) Thanks and hope you enjoy reading!

All fictional Characters are owned by me (Deppdependant), I am not affliated with any of the Celebrities in this story in anyway.

Lucky 13

It was a unusually quiet day for my only day off. I remember that morning I could actually sleep in for a change. The sun was high above my window by the time I decided to creep my way out of my cozy bed. Smiling to myself, I thought of all of the nothingness I had to do. It was peaceful outside, the birds were happily eating the small feeder in my garden and it was a decent temperature in Chicago for mid fall. I was sitting at the kitchen table eating my late breakfast when I heard my phone ring from across the hall.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Good morning, or rather afternoon." Elaine, my assistant greeted.

"You too, what's up?" I questioned as I followed my way back to the kitchen with the cordless.

"Are you sitting down?" She asked rather seriously.

"I am now?" I giggled as I took seat back down at the kitchen table.

"Ok, well, do you remember when we signed up for that stylist position back at that Vegas hair show about a year ago?" Her voice began to raise with excitement.

I nodded to myself and the phone. "Yes, what about it?"

"Well, you are familiar with Criss Angel right?" She asked.

I thought for a moment. "Oh, yeah, that MindFreak guy?"

Elaine laughed. "Yeah, him. Well, he has a show at the Luxor hotel called 'Believe' that is teaming up with 'cirque du soleil' and so his head hairstylist just quiet on him and they choose you to come in and help style cast."

I nearly dropped the spoon to my cereal.

"Shut up!"

"No seriously. I've already got your tickets, the flight is tomorrow. Lesley has the shop under control and we can put the home business on hold, I just need you to fill out some paper work for that?" Elaine explained.

"Awesome, I can't wait. This is outrageous!" I exclaimed.

"I know! I'm so happy!"

"You're coming too, of course!" I replied.

"Of course, I'll drop by tomorrow. You need to be ready and packed by 3pm. Alright?"

"Okay, see you then. Bye!"

"Bye bye!" She hung up.


The next day

Elaine had brought the papers over to my house and I signed everything I needed to. I chatted with Lesley about leaving the salon to relocate to Vegas and her and all the girls were very supportive.

I packed for ages it seemed I didn't know how long I'd be staying but they said for at least a month. So I packed about three suitcases and two carry on bags not including my hair supplies. When Elaine I arrived in Vegas we were automatically given a free suite at the Luxor hotel. It was beautiful! I couldn't believe how nice it was there. We were put up on floor 22. The highest floor on the East tower. Everything there I noticed was based around this Criss Angel guy. I was never a big fan, but I had seen his show a few times on A&E. I wasn't so sure what the huge deal was about him, other than his obvious good looks. I never bought into the whole "pull a rabbit out of a hat" routine.

Once I was partially unpacked. The doorbell of our suite rang which made both of us giggle.

"Oh my gosh, we even have a doorbell!" I laughed as I walked to the door.

Elaine nodded still eyeing the king sized beds.

I was greeted by a tall, blonde haired man in a security uniform.

"Miss. Howard?"

"That's me." I replied.

"You have a message from Mr. Angel." He held out an envelope.

I took it and gazed down at the black waxy paper.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"He also would like you to report to the theater, tomorrow at noon." He explained.

"Okay, great. I'll be there, thanks again." I closed the door.

When I opened the envelope nothing was in it but a piece of white paper with the handwritten number 13.