Thanks for the last set of reviews! Now, moving on to the final chapter, in hope that it'll stop the angry mob...
Chapter 12:
"Hi..." Erol said, standing up and turning around to face the new arrivals. Torn, Ashelin, Sig, Jinx and Daxter were all gaping at him.
"Jak!" Keira yelled, shoving the now not so dead Erol out of the way, and kneeling beside the injured Jak.
"Ashelin... I can see him..." Torn said.
"Me too..." Ashelin said.
"Well I'll be damned..." Sig said.
"Do you believe us now?" Daxter asked.
"I guess so..." Torn said. Jinx smirked and puffed away at a cigar. Ashelin turned to him.
"Why are you still here?" she asked.
"Do I have something else to do?" Jinx asked, breathing smoke in everyone's faces.
"How about finding the dynamite you set?" Ashelin asked. Jinx's face fell, and he disappeared off, searching in nearby piles of rubble.
"PUT THAT CIGAR OUT!" Torn yelled after him. "Erol... damn... am I dead?" Torn asked, still in a state of shock at seeing the late Krimzon Guard Commander standing in front of him – alive.
"No Torn, you're not dead." Erol said.
"Good. If I was, this would be hell." Torn grumbled. Erol smirked.
"Is Jak ok?" Torn asked.
"I think so." Keira replied. Jak sat up.
"What do you mean 'I think so'? I'm fine! Ow..." he trailed off. Erol walked over to him. Jak punched him around the face. Erol wiped blood away from his lips.
"Thanks." He grumbled. "I save your life, and this is how you repay me."
"You were trying to get me killed!" Jak protested.
"Yeah... but then I stopped you getting killed." Erol shrugged.
"Go to hell!" Jak yelled. Everyone turned to look at Erol.
"What does happen now?" Keira asked.
"I don't know." Erol replied.
"Well... you're meant to be dead." Torn said.
"FIRE IN THE HOLE!" Jinx yelled, and ran past everyone. They all looked at each other, then at Jinx, who dived behind a pile of debris. Everyone joined him behind the pile of debris, except for Erol. Keira stood up, and called to him.
"Erol! What are you doing?" she asked. Erol turned around to face the pile of debris, where Keira was standing.
"I'm meant to be dead Keira." Erol said.
"Erol... you won. You beat me... I said you won, remember?" Jak said.
"No Jak. You win." Erol said. "Again." Jak pulled Keira back down, just as the dynamite exploded.
I let him win. I have no idea why – I could've been alive again. ARGH I can't feel anything... there's nothing... nothing... nothi...
The smoke cleared, and everyone was coughing, except Jinx, who had the common sense to pull his face mask up. He lowered it, and immediately started another cigar.
"What just happened?" Torn asked.
"I think that was Erol dying... again." Jak replied.
"Why?" Keira asked. "And what did he mean by 'You win'?" Keira asked. Everyone turned to look at Jak, who sighed.
"We were fighting over you." Jak said.
"Me?" Keira asked. "But I'm yours anyway Jak... I love you."
"What about Erol?" Jak asked.
"I never loved him Jak. I just enjoyed his company – is that why he was haunting you? He wanted you to lose me?" Keira asked.
"Yeah... and he wanted to destroy me." Jak replied. He took a deep breath. "Are we back together then?"
"I guess so." Keira said. There was an awkward silence.
"Oh, just smooch already so we can go home!" Daxter snapped. Jak grinned, and pulled Keira into his arms, kissing her passionately.
"Can we go before anything else blows up?" Torn asked.
"Oh that reminds me... there's still some dynamite that hasn't exploded..." Jinx said thoughtfully. Everyone looked at each other, and ran for it.
Well what do you think of the end? I found this chapter really hard to write because I had to tie up all the loose ends. Please review!