A/N: This isn't actually the first chapter, but it's an intro and explanation to Jack the Ripper, because I can bet that some of you, if not a lot, don't know that much about him. I obviously can't make you read this, but I would highly suggest it, because you might be a little confused if you don't. I'm going to try to just give you the outline, but if you want more information you can wikipedia Jack the Ripper. It has very good facts on him. Also, this is my first AU fic! –squees- I'm so excited!!

First off, here's the cast:

Jack the Ripper: that's a mystery :P

Mary Ann Nichols: Tsunade

Annie Chapman: Shizune

Elizabeth Stride: Kurenai

Catherine Eddows: Temari

Mary Jane Kelly: Sakura

Frederick George Abberline: Itachi

(Sasuke will still be Itachi's younger brother, so he'll just be Sasuke Abberline)

George Lusk: Kankuro

Walter Andrews: Shikamaru

Henry Moore: Kakashi

(Naruto will be Iruka's kid and Iruka will just be Iruka Smith, a made up guy, so Naruto will be Naruto Smith)

Also, I'm not going to stick to the original ages of the characters or the people they're playing. In this story, here's how it'll go:

Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura: 20 years old

Temari: 28 years old

Kurenai: 33 years old

Shizune: 35 years old

Tsunade: 43 years old

Itachi: 25 years old

Shikamaru: 29 years old

Kakashi: 30 years old

Kankuro: 39 years old

Heh pretty crazy huh? I have to do this though, to balance out the actual people they're playing.

The basic stuff is that Jack the Ripper is an alias given to a serial killer who was active in the Whitechapel area of London, a place filled with poverty and suffering, in the late 1888. The killer was never identified, never caught. Because of this, and because it would be annoying to type he/she all the time, I'll be referring to Jack the Ripper as a man.

All of his victims were women who earned a living working as prostitutes. Most of these women were overweight and unattractive (however, in the story I won't make that so because obviously the girls are pretty in Naruto). Now, Jack the Ripper was not clean in his killings. He would cut his victim's throats most of the time and sometimes mutilate them. Also, he had a habit of removing the internal organs of the women he killed. There were eleven murders stretching from April 3, 1888 to February 13, 1891 that were referred to by the police as "the Whitechapel Murders". However, only five of these have been agreed upon as being the work of Jack the Ripper. They're often called the "canonical five" victims. They're the ones that are played by the women in the cast listing.

I won't post all the details about these victims because it'll probably be brought up over the course of the story, but you can check it out on wikipedia if you'd like.

After the murder of Mary Ann Nichols, Detective Inspectors Frederick Abberline, Henry Moore, and Walter Andrews were sent from Central Office at Scotland Yard to help out.

Frederick George Abberline was a Chief Inspector for the London Metropolitan Police during the murders. He was placed in charge of the various detectives who were investigating the Ripper murders.

George Lusk was the Chairman of the Whitechapel Vigilance Committee, which was a group of local volunteers who patrolled the streets of Whitechapel at night to search for the murderer.

The police were not viewed highly during this time period because of their failures in successfully capturing Jack the Ripper. They sometimes arrived at the crime scenes just moments after the Ripper had already escaped. There are multiple comics and newspaper clips mocking Scotland Yard and the Metropolitan Police.

There were multiple letters sent to the police, most thought to be hoaxes, but three were considered to be from the Ripper himself. They are titled as the "Dear Boss" and "From Hell" letters, and also the "Saucy Jacky" postcard. They're very interesting, because the Ripper's writing pattern would change. In some of them he wrote with very elegant handwriting in an educated way. However, in others he would seem very uneducated and dull and his handwriting was almost illegible. He was very cunning, it seemed. He also liked messing with the police.

Also, if you would like to "talk" to Jack the Ripper, you should check out the site /jack-the-ripper. Click enter on the bottom of the page. It's pretty cool, but of course, creepy.

Phew! That was a lot to put lol. Well hopefully you now have a pretty general idea of the setting and characters. I really hope you enjoy reading this story as much as I loved typing it, because Jack the Ripper fascinates me, especially since he was never found out, so it's still a mystery. As the story progresses, please let me know who you suspect as being Jack the Ripper, because I would love to hear your ideas. Thanks! ^_^