He was serene and still. Sitting calmly in his pearl shirt somehow made him even more stunning than the prospering roses in their efflorescence. They were blossoming in strategically placed patches around the gilded table and chairs and tea set. It was all a sparkling white with the golden leaves and vines adorning them. Truly a sight to see! It made me wary though- I had a feeling that each cup was worth more than an average (human) student's family fortune.

His eyes turned to me, a gentle glow radiating still in this dark. The dusk had come quick.

He had told me he wished to speak with me in the garden around 5 in the morning- so late! I had quickly fell into the pattern of the creatures of the night- it was actually more comfy this way. I was used to staying up all night- running around campus- anyways.

His placid voice had woken me from my slumber. It was so beautiful and ... well. It was Kaname. If only I could be woken from my dreams like that every night... but lately he was gone. So many people he angered by killing Rido. A psycho like him couldn't be that loved, could he?

But I already know he wasn't... which means that they're just fighting to dethrone my love. Which of course makes him incredibly busy defending himself. And often taking him away from the academy. It leave me alone with an awkward Night Class- not sure how to address their princess/prefect.

Tons of times I've caught Aido about to make fun of me- but suddenly remembering I was no longer someone to be fooled with. It was so lonely in my own home now. Even now my teacher's gave me more respect than I ever gave them. And dad was off now- often negotiating with the hunters. It was a mess. All I wanted was my Kaname. And for now I do have him. Now I'm sitting in front of him and I'm too nervous to say anything.

His gorgeous dark chocolate eyes are focused on the tea he just poured. I hadn't seen him in weeks yet I couldn't say anything to get his eyes off of boiled water?

I had to speak!

"K-" I cut off. It felt my heart stop as he peered up at me with a gentle and rare genuine smile. It was just too much. I knew my face was at least a ruby by now.

"Yes, Yuuki?" He asked with a sly look, tilting his head to the side slightly. I thought I might die.

"W-w-what do you th-think of ... of... ofthetea!" I exclaimed lamely and let my gaze fall down to my lap. I wanted to bury my face in shame! How could I!?! Speaking to the image of a god and saying something so boring? I hadn't even tried my own tea yet either...

His chuckle startled me. I looked up and saw the King of the Night with a look of pure amusement.

With a big more of light laughter he began,"Well, my love, I believe that it's lacking something... But I believe I know how to fix it."

He rose from his chair and took steps towards me. He leaned down... lips like feathers brushed my own.

Even this light of a kiss made me jubilant... even if I wanted more. Much more. But he was being gentle so I was in return.

I could feel his smile against my lips and how his mouth formed as he said,"It's sweet enough now."