I woke up in a bright room. Guitars were against the wall, an extremely comfortable mattress, a dresser, and a Shane Grey.

"Hey." I had nothing to say to him. He was having sex with another girl while I'm trying to congratulate my own boyfriend. I still loved him, but he didn't know that.

"Good morning….Hey, we need to talk." What the hell did he have to say??

"Okay, go on." It probably has something to do with our old relationship Asshole is probably dumping me even though we've been separated for like forever.

"Mitch-," I glared at him. "Mitchie. What happened that day, that wasn't me. It was that Popstar-"

Caitlyn burst into the room. She's my savior.

"Mitchie, ARE YOU OKAY??" Ahh, the volume of her voice is giving me a migraine.

"Ahh, the volume of your voice is giving me a migraine." Hey! It's true…

"I'm so sorry for dragging you to that awesome concert." I saw Shane walk out the room. It's time to tell her the truth.

"Caity, we need to talk." Crap, I really have to do this, don't I?

"Are you breaking up with me?" She said sarcastically.

"I'm Serious, I dated Shane Grey." Crap I can hear it now.

"AHHHHHHHHHHH{girlish wailing} YOU DATED SHANE GREY??" I was in the water now. There was no turning back.

"Caity, Three years ago, I fell in love with Shane Grey. He was the bad boy of the press and the sweetest guy if you were nice to him. Long story short, we fell in love. Nate was always my best friend growing up. And Jason, he was my Emmett if this story was Twilight, always the big brother. Three Years Ago, They all left me with my heart shattered to a million pieces. I lost my boyfriend, best friend, and brother. Two months after they left, I got a phone call from all of them. They came back in town and were at their house. I spent that Christmas with them. It felt like a reunion, but it also felt like no one left in the first place. So, during those two months, I met you at Camp Rock. It was my Fung Shuei to go every summer, a place to relax and start fresh. I found out that they created Connect Three from you, and called to give congrats on the name. I called Shane's phone (oh and we were still going out.) and heard some type of slapping noise. Nate grabbed the phone and talked to me, the girl who cried herself to sleep every night. I was heartbroken. Then, two weeks later, I met Jack. He was a musician on the rise and it felt like my heart wasn't broken in the first place. He put the pieces back together and I was happy again. Nate called me and I told him the news. During that phone call, I was invited to a Connect Three concert. Now you know the story."

Her eyes were wide once I finished my speech. She had that really angry look on her face and fan outside.

"OW! WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT FOR?" Ha. She wanted to hurt him. Did I ever mention Cait was like my savior?


Shane was on the floor. And Caity was hovering right above him with her fist up.

"Shane, come back in please??" He had to finish talking.

He got up, darted to my room, and closed the door all the way.

What does Shane need to tell her? Is Caity really gonna chop his balls off? What happened to Nate and Jason? I need at least 4 reviews before a new chapter comes up so leave a review!!

How many times will I break till' I shatter? Over the line, can't define what I'm after, I always turn the car around."