Disclamer - I own nothing sigh except my imagination

"You don't want me"?


He didn't know that after he left Victoria would come back looking for revenge I remember her exact words "you know what I'm not going to kill you I'm going to I will change you and you will have to live forever knowing you can have the one that you love." With that she pounced and I felt a searing pain start to course through me.

When I woke up I saw two pairs of golden eyes on belonged to a vampire with straight blonde hair and another vampire that had an olive tone to his skin and black hair. "What is your name little one?" the female asked " B-bella I stuttered but please don't call me that." They both asked why simultaneously I told them my story. It has been one hundred years since then joined their coven their names are Melissa and Joseph they had another coven member about my age with dark brown hair named Zack and we were recently joined by Kate we are moving to forks and enrolling in high school as Toxic Rave the hottest band in the world at the moment and our other coven member is Robert our body guard he is bigger than Emmet.

I was pulled back into reality by my annoying little sister Kate banging on my door we weren't blood related but we pretended to be we could pull it off we both had the same brown hair although hers was cut into a bob while mine flowed freely down to my waste, because we are vampires we both have the same chalky complexion and our golden eyes are a result of only drinking animal blood. "Raven if you don't open this door I will use my power to make you!" Raven is the new name I chose because it is black and lonely I am often called Rave for short. Kate's power is telekinesis "Kate chill I'm coming plus you know I can beat your butt anytime." I have multiple powers I can shape shift and absorb the powers of those around me so I have many powers.

When I opened the door I was attacked by Kate who told me to change into the disguise I was wearing. It is too painful to be Bella so I changed my appearance to black with streaks of purple, red, blue, green, yellow and any other color known to man. I changed my eyes to navy blue with a faint shimmer. Once Kate saw I wasn't going to be inconspicuous about being Raven Smith the British world famous rock star her and Zack got into their "disguises" and Kate picked out an outfit for me a black corset with a red plaid pleated skirt and fishnet tights with three-inch heeled boots and fish net gloves.

We said good-bye to Joseph and Melissa they pose as our parents but too us they are. I climbed into the limo and Rob got in the front to drive us to school. When we pulled up to the school we were met by the stares of all the students Rob went around and opened the door and opened it as soon as they saw us all I heard was screaming. We made our way to the office and got our schedules they were all identical so Rob could keep track of us better. "Well we better get going" Kate sighed and we headed off to our first class.

Next chappie edward's point of view. and pllllllz plz review and tell me if i should continue.