Disclaimer: I do not own any material or rights to Sailor Moon or DBZ.

Chapter Eight

Serena woke slowly. Her eyes felt scratchy as she tried to open them, which caused her some difficulty since they seemed glued shut. Her head ached slightly and was a little fuzzy. She tried to remember why she felt so bad. All in all, it wasn't too bad just her eyes mainly.

Pressing through her memories, she started piecing it together. They hit her in a flash, causing her eyes to fly open, which cause her some discomfort but not enough to block the pain of the memories that were spilling forth. Sitting up, she slowly lowered her head into her hands.

She sat there for several minutes before she sat up and with determined steps she started to dress for the day. She couldn't use the chamber again for six more days so she would work on what she learned and prepare for what was going to be the hardest thing she has yet to do. First things first though, she needed to see Bulma.

Bulma was repairing bots again! It was one of the phrases that were bouncing off the walls of the lab. It wasn't hard to hear the mutterings that she would reiterate over and over. Wincing at a particularly offensive word, Serena thought that it was time to make her appearance known.

She was still nervous at being here and didn't want to disturb the woman but she thought it best to ask permission to get familiar with the area. "Ah, G- good morning, Bulma." Serena was still a little lost her and not sure how to proceed.

Bulma though turned around rather quickly at the sound of her voice. She was all smiles and most welcoming. It was surprising considering her mood a moment ago. "Well, good morning to you too, Serena. Have you eaten yet?" She wasn't really waiting for a response instead she tucked her arm in Serena's and started off for the kitchen.\

"What would you like? I'm not that much of a cook but my mother is a wonder in the kitchen. She should be around her somewhere. She stops by every so often to check on us. She knows how important my work is and with living with two bottomless stomachs in the house, she worries about us eating regularly."

Not sure what to say to that, Serena just kept quiet and listen to Bulma talk. It was kind of nice. She was feeling lonely and it seemed to help relieve some of it.

Breakfast was something that felt unreal to Serena. The mass of food was amazing. According to Bulma this was made after the 'boys' left so that there would be enough food for the guest. Serena was surprised at the thoughtfulness and grateful at the same time. She was starving after all of the training and stress so she dug in with great enthusiasm.

Over breakfast and in between the mouthfuls, Serena asked Bulma about a place that she could go and if maybe there were some programs that she could use. As much as she hated it, she was going to have to get the hang of all the things she used to loath, studying, reading, etc. Ami would be proud. Ugh!

Over the next few days, Serena spent her time at the little capsule house that Bulma gave her. At first, Serena was confused at Bulma's instructions but was amazed at what popped out of the tiny little capsule. The little was situated near a small lake on the far end of Bulma's property that she said they only used for family outings.

She spent hours concentrating on her energies and learned how to sync her communications with her generals. Her only contact for the moment was Jedite. She spent time talking with him off and on during the course that time. The remainder of the time, she spent with the learning software that Bulma provided.

The simulations and strategies helped a lot. At first, Serena was glad that no one was around to see her get her butt handed to her. It was a true learning experience and just what she needed. Through time and perseverance, she adapted and became proficient. It was that small victory that catapulted her through the remaining challenges. She was now able to out think and maneuver the simulator. No small feat for Serena the former meatball head.

The only person that she could share this with now was Jedite. She wanted to keep it that way. As she worked her way through, she began the discussion of teleportation and how to use the single energy to create a pathway. Jedite was definitely interested in the possibilities. The discussions were sometimes more that Serena could comprehend and he had to slow down and explain the details. In the end, he gave his word to keep their conversations private and promised to explore the single teleportation theory.

It was an exhausting six days. It was also exhilarating. She was proud of her accomplishments. She had spent six entire days, alone, unsupervised and management to complete the goals that she had set.

In the evenings, she would sit at the water's edge and ponder on all events that had lead to this point in her life. It was heartbreaking but also enforced her resolve to stand by her decisions. She was normally the reluctant one but not anymore. She wanted to lose the hesitation and be strong. It was something that she was working on and hopefully, someday she would be the strong one that they could count on.

By the end of the six days, Serena knew that she was ready but at the same time not. She had prepared very well. Jedite believed her to be ready but in her heart, she was still hesitant. She knew that there was no going back but going forward could cost her everything. Her friends and family meant more to her than anything. It was the only reason she was here doing this. But, by doing this, she could also lose them.

It was time. Serena knew it. The return trip to Bulma's was very long and each step seemed more difficult to take. Every move seemed to weigh more heavily on her shoulders. Her decisions up until this point came into question, trying to shake her resolve.

During the time that Serena was away. Bulma prepared for the return of her son from the future. He would need her now. His 'mother' was gone but she was here and she would make sure that he would have whatever he needed.

She would night and day work on whatever item came to her attention. Anything that would come to mind that she thought that would be remotely helpful. Vegeta hadn't said much about the situation but she knew that he understood. He would not admit it but he wanted to get to know the son that grew up without him under the care of his rival's son.

He was still a little upset about the fact that the boy was the one that killed Frieza. It had eased him somewhat that it was his son but the fact remained that he didn't get the revenge that he had wanted to so long to take. He was deeply curious but would never admit it so he watched him when he thought no one noticed. Other times he would do his best to ignore him. Everyone knew of course that it was the exact opposite. Though no one in the right mind would ever dream of tell him that.

Bulma knew her husband well. He was a hard person to get to know but sometimes the best way to get to know someone is to watch not listen. Actions always speak louder than words. When he wasn't looking, she could help but smile. She was making one of Mirai greatest wishes come true. He was going to get to know his father. Even with a grimace, good and bad, he would finally spend time with the man he had wonder about for so many years.

His room was ready. She knew that he would like his privacy but she was selfish wanting to keep him in the main house so she gave him one of the far end of the house. The only other person that had a room on that side of the house was Serena and wasn't going to be here that much anymore so it didn't matter.

She was in her lab when she finally heard it. There was a ship landing out back. She didn't want to be over tenacious but this was her boy and he was hurting. So she thought, to hell with it and was out the door in a second.

Mirai Trunks had spent the last few days not long saying goodbye to his mother but to his home. It was all that he had ever known until his mother had sent him back to trying and stop the androids that destroyed his world. It was harder than he had expected, even though there was nothing left. It was still home and unsafe home but he had always had his mother there to guide him. Without Gohan, she was the one to keep them going, keep them safe and the keep them sane.

As the door to the ship opened, he took a deep breath. Hoping that it would calm him, he exhaled slowly. The thoughts of the past still over whelmed him. Closing his eyes, he tried to bury the ghosts from his past. Gritting his teeth as the pain washed over him, he fisted his hands and pushed them from his mind. He would not let the same thing happen here. He had a second chance. A chance that many do not get, he wouldn't take it lightly.

Opening his eyes once more, the sight of his mother running to meet him brought a small smile to his face. His mother here was much younger but other than that she was still the same. She was there even in the hard times. It didn't matter what the situation was, she would always smile for him. That sight alone made him feel like maybe he was coming home.

Later that night, after making Mirai comfortable with the house and surrounding area. She told him of their guest. Her only information was that a friend of hers asked that she left a friend stay for a while. She went on to explain that her friends knew about them being Sayains so it wasn't a worry about trying to keep anything secret or hidden.

It made Mirai apprehensive but Bulma did her best to settle the situation. Finally, after telling him that she wouldn't be around often and be only be visiting a short while, he seemed to accept the idea.

It was late and Bulma knew what day it was. It was the last day that Serena would get before she made her finally decision. It was something that Bulma had seen many of her Z Fighter friends go through. She had witnessed many battles and knew that whatever Serena was going through, it was for something major.

As she lay in bed next to Vegeta, her mind wouldn't let her sleep. Her thoughts were bouncing between Serena and Mirai. Hopefully, Mirai was at an end to his tragic journey but Serena's was just beginning. Her mind was flipping in between flashing scenarios.

It wasn't until her dear husband said, "Woman, still your thoughts. Whatever comes will come. Nothing you say or do will stop the wheels of fate but know that there is nothing that can defeat us, Sayains so calm yourself." Hearing his confidence and feeling his reassurance help her relax into slumber. Even as she drifted off, Vegeta lay contemplating all the events since the arrival of that woman. There were many questions that he didn't have answers to. He would wait and then when the time comes, he would find the answers he seeks.

~*~*~*~*~Next Morning~*~*~*~*~

Bulma saw Serena as she made her way into the house. The solemn expression and absent demeanor told her a lot. Knowing the situation that Serena had placed herself in, Bulma knew that this was the breaking point. She didn't know the specifics but she knew enough to figure out that this was the point of no return. Tomorrow….

Bulma closed her eyes at the pain filled thoughts of what the dawn will bring for her new young friend. Sighing in resignation, she knew that there was nothing that she could say or do to help but hope that her presence would at least provide some comfort.

When Serena didn't come down to dinner, Bulma tried to be her normal self. Vegeta kind of knew something was bothering her but he pretended that he didn't. Goku and the boys were all the same. It was the same routine. That was something that Bulma was thankful for.

Mirai only came down for a short time but seeing Gohan seemed to ease him. After a few words were exchanged between them, he returned back upstairs. She knew that he needed to adjust but allowing him to brood was not going to help anyone. She would give him until tomorrow and then she would send in the little terrors.

~*~*~*~*~Hours Later~*~*~*~*~

As the sun began to rise over the mountains, Serena sat watching the colorful exchange. The hues changed from the dusky dark of night to bright and vibrant of day, a cycle of beginnings and endings. It was symbolic and ironic.

Sighing, Serena stood from her spot at her window. It was time and though she had prepared and was ready, it was also breaking her heart. It was the beginning and it was hopefully the ending.

Waiting for her below in the yard was Trista. Though she wasn't dressed in her scout attire, this was business and neither of them looked forward to it. Trista has had to deal with a lot of unpleasant situations. As Sailor Pluto, she was a protector and as the Gate Keeper, she was the Guardian of Time and Space. Her duties normally left her torn for one reason or another. It was one of the main reasons that she tried to remain neutral.

This situation, Serena…It left her feeling...empty and lost. She did her duties and preformed her obligations. She met all expectations of her responsibilities. And yet had she failed at some point for it to come to this? Is there some duty that she didn't complete or responsibility that she neglected?

Watching her princess approach, the ache in her chest expanded tenfold. What Serena was about to face was on the thing that she wished that she could change. She could see the determination in princesses' sad eyes, her features were set in strong lines unwavering, and she would not fail.

She was ready. Trista knew that this was the only way to gain complete control over the Silver Crystal. Since there wasn't or can't be a ceremony for the transition of power, there was no other way. In order to gain complete control over the crystal and obtain and unlock all knowledge of its power, Serena needs to rise to the throne as Queen. In order to do so, each of the powers that created the Silver Crystals needs to recognize and accept Serena as Queen. The only way for that to happen by force is by submission. Each of the powers Mistress's have to be submit and only when subdued will they accept their roles under the new queen.

Lost in thought, Serena was in front of Trista before she had realized that she was so close. With a small smile, Serena, "Morning, Trista." Trista could only nod in greeting. Her thoughts and feelings were too chaotic.

Being true to her nature, at least she was trying to be, "Well, what cha wait for. Let's get this show on the road." Sunny smiles and light laughter, it was all forced but Trista let it go. She knew that Serena was doing her best to lighten the moment. Soon enough, Serena would face off against her dear friend and ally. Sailor Moon against Sailor Mercury, it was a forced destiny but fate has never been too kind to those of the Silver Millennium.

**Hey guys, sorry for the long wait on updating. Many things have been going on with me lately and I aplogize. I hope that you like this chapter but let me know what you think. I need the input. I keeps me going. ^^