Keroro was reading manga when the door opened suddenly. Absorbed in his reading, the green frog failed to hear the quiet footsteps until they stopped in front of him.

That was his first mistake.

The leader looked up to see Kururu, tactical support for the squad and mad scientist. As usual his yellow body was quaking with laughter, his spiral mark moving up and down in an almost hypnotizing manner. His laughter finished after a bit and he edged close to Kero in almost a chummy way. His thick glasses prevented Keroro from seeing his eyes but Kero knew they would be sharp with greed.

"Ku ku ku…So, do you have my payment?"

Kero swallowed dryly, his eyes darting around the room. Kururu's eyes still could not be seen and his posture did not change but somehow he seemed a bit more menacing as he lowered his voice and asked "You do have it….Don't you? Ku ku ku…"

The little green frog's eyes roamed the room ceaselessly, desperate for an excuse. "A-Ah, well you see…"

Keroro stopped, his eyes twirling in his head as his mind grasped for an excuse. Kururu watched silently, one eyebrow crooking. "Yes? Go on…Ku ku ku…"

"I, ah…spent your paycheck on Gunpla models."

The yellow frog drew back, all pretenses of humor dropped. His voice was cold as stone. "Kero, we already discussed this. I will go along with whatever stupid plan you have without question and tolerate all of the idiocies of our squad. And in return I get funds for my experiments."

"But Kuru! Look at this wonderful Gunpla I bought!" Kero held up a gaudy package as if it were the key to the world, his joy was only matched by the yellow frog's anger.

"Kero, you go back and refund that right now, or so help me I'll put my foot down. I don't have time for your childish games and I don't have time for Gunpla."

Keroro waved his hand dismissively as he cooed "Ah, it figures you wouldn't understand the value of this model. Only truly intellectual people like me can grasp the true majesty of these wonderful things. It's non-refundable anyway."

Kururu clenched his fists, an uncharacteristically violent response for him and stomped out. However, at the back door he paused and looked back at Keroro, who was back to reading his manga. For the very first time he lowered his glasses, revealing madly glinting eyes.

"You will regret that descision. Until I am paid I will make your life hell, Sergeant Keroro."

He left, laughing coldly. Somehow they seemed to echo around Gunso's head, giving him the chills. He had never heard Kururu laugh so…malevolently before.

Little did he know that the horrible laugh of Kururu would become all to familiar.



Yes, I know, I should probably be writing something that's actually on schedule, but recently I discovered Keroro Gunso and I just had to write a story about my very favorite character, the concept is liked I will publish more chapters. Just a hint of what's to come~

Mandatory anger management classes for Giroro

Gunpla murder

Tamara's mouth being taped shut

Dororo unmasked

And much much more~

So yeah, if you like it rate it and say so.

All characters belong to whomsoever made this whacked up series. Which is obviously not me or I wouldn't have to write this disclaimer.