Incompatible, it don't matter though

'Cause someone's bound to hear my cry

Speak out if you do, you're not easy to find

I woke up in the morning, dreading the most horrible day of my life. Sadly, my friends were too busy with summer jobs to help me through the almost unbearable day. Charlie wasn't here, which was weird, so I ate breakfast by myself. I was considering just wasting away on the couch watching TV or just rereading the several classical books I have, but I doubted there was anything good and the books were too romantic. Personally, I didn't want to think about anything romantic right now.

I decided to go into my car and drive to Seattle, but somewhere on the way I changed my mind and decided to go to the one place where I could find solitude and peace, the forest.

It dawned on me that I haven't been here for quite some time, so it would be great to visit the green- filled area. Although, I tried to forget about the ghastly events that happened, they still came at me after each step I took. It didn't hurt as much, but it still hurts.

As I walked through the forest, I heard the wind whipping through the trees, birds singing their chorus, and the wild animals close by…well that's what I call them anyway.


They make me sick, the whole lot of them. I know, I know. Is that really the kind, clumsy, and pure Bella speaking?

Unfortunately, yes, although I'm not as clumsy as I used to be. I would be dead if I was the same clumsy old danger magnet I once was, especially now since I hunt vampires.

Yep, I am no longer a vampire lover like before; I'm not that forgiving and all that nice either. I don't even have mercy on vegetarians. Especially today, the day my life changed forever. The day that always made me despise my own birthday, the day the Cullens left…the day my heart broke into a billion pieces…the day Ed- HE left me. I still hate saying his name, or thinking it. It always leaves a bittersweet taste in my mouth. I feel my blood boil even when I think about his appearance, his stupid bronze hair, his torturous golden eyes, and his crooked grin. I can't believe I fell for such a loser!

I even put my trust and love for everyone else. I felt betrayed, but I'm glad that I won't have to face that ever again. I won't have to face THEM again. I felt weak and alone. I felt like an empty shell, and I'm sure that's what I became until the people who really cared helped me out. It all started out with Charlie, the person who cared for me the most even if I made him feel uncomfortable.

I fell apart after they left. I spent less time with Charlie and my friends. I became more isolated until Charlie forced me out with Angela to go watch a stupid movie. It turned out to be quite an experience. We saw Jacob, Seth, Quil, and Embry there. We watched some comical movie and Jacob and the La Push boys kept laughing loudly at the most funny parts and booing at the less than funny part. They almost got kicked out and we laughed so much we barely paid attention to the movie. We also went out to eat and went to the beach at La Push. I felt so alive when I was with my friends, I was sad when we had to go. Since the coincidental meeting, we spent most of our time together. I even spent time with my father more and learned how to fish!

I contacted Renee again and she even visited me. She hugged me tightly and cried. She said she was so sorry about my "break up" and was worried that I would be miserable forever. Thank God for miracles, huh? I went over to spend time with Renee and Phil for a while and we had fun in Florida. I finally got to feel the sun for more than a day, but I still missed my family and Forks.

It didn't change much when Jacob changed into a werewolf, but it definitely changed when Angela was attacked by Victoria. I was so helpless, but Jacob and the others came just in time to kill Victoria and the small pack of newborns. We had to tell Angela about the whole vampire and werewolf thing. At first she was skeptical, but soon after she accepted it quite well. She even thought it was cool. I still remember me apologizing to Angela and blaming it all on myself. It was my fault, and I made sure that I could be prepared so it would never happen again.

I clenched and unclenched my fist; God knows I need to blow off some steam before I go on a killing rampage.

I silently and swiftly closed in on the wretched animals stalking a little girl. If only they learnt not to hunt here in Forks and Seattle, they wouldn't have had any interruptions and their hunting little girls now? How pitiful.

I sighed in my head, when will they ever learn?

I quickly unsheathed my sword, which was made out of Victoria's bones, given to me by Jake as a Christmas present, and finished off the first vampire without breaking a sweat.

Nice work Bella! I grinned devilishly and retreated back into the shadows. If I take down the last 2 in less than 30 minutes, I won't have a problem with burning them altogether, lovely. I hope this will be at least somewhat of a challenge.

I cut off the female's head and chopped her body into pieces before she tried to get close to the girl. What was that girl doing in the forest anyway? Doesn't she know it's dangerous with all the vamps, wolves, and shape shifters or what not's.

Man, did Forks attract a lot of weirdo's.

I glanced at the girl who was whimpering over the vamp's head. I rolled my eyes, "Stop crying you little brat." She automatically stopped, but she still looked frightened. Seriously, did she get lost or something? What kid goes into the forest alone? She even looks scared. Maybe I should get her out of here first so she doesn't get hurt.

While occupied in my thoughts, the last vampire tried to knock me out from behind. Unfortunately for him, I dodged just before the blow and stabbed him. I smirked, "Nice try, but I would never be killed by such a dumb vampire who can't even attack without being heard by a human." I finished him with a quick slash and sheathed my sword. Man did I love that thing.

After I burned their remains, I rested under a tall tree. The green from the forest was very relaxing, and I was proud that I had protected a little girl from harm.

Too bad that I didn't get a real challenge today; I thought the last vamp was going to give me a run for my money. Oh well, beggars can't be choosers.

Spotting the girl who was still here frightened, I decided to calm her down a little. "Hey kid," I asked, "You ok?"

She nodded slowly.

"What are you doing here anyway?"

She looked like she was unsure if she should talk to me so I smiled sweetly. She seemed to have lighten up to me when I smiled, "I-I was dared by some boys by my school. They said that if I went into the forest, they wouldn't call me a scaredy cat anymore." She blushed and looked down. She reminded me of myself, when I was nice and ignorant to the unpleasant things in life…like love. I smiled a little more.

"Well, you are very brave for staying in here even though the vamps were here. Go on back, okay? You can even tell them how you stood up to three vampires and beat the cra- err crud out of them." She beamed and she nodded vehemently and ran off. She's a good kid. I wonder if I was as much of a handful when I was younger…nope!

I wonder what Charlie's up to now. Fishing with the wolves, albeit? I giggled at the thought of Charlie finding out that Billy's son was a werewolf, shape shifter to be exact. I sucked in the fresh, natural air through my nose and exhaled through my mouth. Maybe this day won't be so bad. Maybe I was being dramatic all those months when I had cursed my birthday and stayed away from the people I loved. Plus, I have the most beautiful sights to see. The green trees, the green bushes, the green mosses, the wild flowers, and the beautiful sky. I even like to see the stars as they dance around the full moon.

I got out my Ipod and put it on shuffle. The song Soul mate by Natasha Bedingfield began to play, and I felt a little connection to this song. I began to sing parts of the song.

Incompatible it don't matter though

'Cause someone's bound to hear my cry

Speak out if you do, you're not easy to find

Is it possible Mr. Loveable is already in my life?

Right in front of me or maybe you're in disguise

Who doesn't long for someone to hold?

Who know how to love you without being told?

Somebody tell me why I'm on my own

If there's soul mate for everyone

Here we go again, circles never ends

How do I find the perfect fit?

There's enough for everyone

But I'm still waiting in line

I stopped and put my Ipod away. Thinking back on all the things that happened this past year, I felt blessed.

I'm just glad that I still have them to comfort me. I even befriended the wolves, and finally Leah. Life was good, right? Then why do I still feel so…. empty?

I shook the question out of my head. I already knew the answer to THAT and if I keep reminding myself I might fall into despair again. I began to walk when suddenly I realized…I was lost…Crap!

How am I lost when I have been in here at least a few dozen times?!

I tried to see if there were any trails that rang a bell in my head, but I just had to go on an unfamiliar path! God, this might be close to the best birthday since last year, right?

And if you think that's the best part, it's basically almost dark outside! How long have I been thinking?

Wait, I didn't even bring my cell phone! I groaned loudly and tried to find my way out, carelessly walking wherever I wanted, which was stupid! I finally looked up to see that I was right in front of THEIR house.

It still looked as elegant as ever, it brought back memories, but it seemed more like a house than a home. It reminded me of the first time I met the Cullen, the baseball game, my worst birthday in my whole entire life. I felt tears well up but I wiped them away as quickly as I could.

I promised Jacob, Angela, and most importantly, myself, that I would not cry anymore. I would be strong and live my life freely till the day I die.

I decided to humor myself. They say without laughter there is no hope. And I was hoping that I could get through this without the tears.

I thought to myself, 'Maybe if I close my eyes and wish as hard as I can, they will come back.' I closed my eyes tightly, while grinning to myself, and wished hard. When I opened my eyes, I felt my face drain of all color, which was not an awful lot.

This is my first fanfic ever, I Hope you liked it, let me know in a review!