Sorry for keeping you all for so long!!
I'm back at school, which mean write essays and stories. So I've had hardly any time for this.
I hope you enjoy this though!
She woke up early that morning, which was good. I smiled and she smiled back.
"We should get ready," I said, but she already was.
So I waited as she ate her breakfast, slowly. It was like she was intentionally eating it slow to annoy us.
It was about 8:00 am when she was finally ready, so we packed our money and quickly walked out of the hotel.
The shops were pretty close to where we were situated, so we didn't have to walk far at all to find a decent car shop.
We split up with from Alice and the others so that they could find their shopping mall which was located conveniently quite close to where we were then. So they ran off there.
So we quickly walked with the other over to the car sales. I was quite happy when I saw the Volvo/ Jeep store, and so was Emmett. Even though he wouldn't really be able to use his car off road, he could still drive it around.
Rosalie then walked off to the BMW shop and looked for a glossy red convertible, and Carlisle searched off for a Black Mercedes. We had liked our cars back in Forks, so why get different ones?
I had been hoping to find an Aston Martin shop around here somewhere, but I was out of luck. When I saw a Volvo that looked exactly like mine I walked over there and pulled the cash out and said "That one please." The others did the same thing, and we got the cars easily.
I quickly glanced over at the Audi store, seeing if any cars would be good for Alice and Jasper. They had always commented on how they wanted a nice Audi.
So with our new cars, we drove straight back to the hotel. We would have to go house searching soon, and that wasn't going to be easy to find a house that would suit our needs. So we decided to make our own. Every thing was so different down here in sunny Australia.
Which reminded me….
I looked up into the sky and saw that the cloud was about to dissolve in a matter of seconds.
"Quick, look," I said, and pointed to the sky.
"Crap," said Emmett.
"Quickly, let's go," said Carlisle.
"Why?" Bella asked.
"You'll see if we don't hurry up."
"What, do you dissolve into dust or something?"
I Carlisle, Emmett and I laughed. Rosalie snorted loudly.
"No. Nothing like that at all," I said, holding back the laughter.
She shook her head in frustration as we ran at a frustrating human pace to the nearest shelter. We made it with only seconds to spare. Bella was panting though. Was it really that long a run?
Any way, she sat down to recover. "Show me," she said when she had calmed down a little.
I sighed and looked around for witnesses. When I was sure that no one was watching, I stuck my hand out into the sun. Bella gasped when she saw my sparkling skin.
"Wow… you're beautiful," she said, and Rosalie snorted again. I glared at her.
I rolled my eyes. "Only to humans am I beautiful," I scoffed. She was silent from then on and it really frustrated me that I couldn't read her mind at all.
We waited until the sun was gone again. "Whoa, that was close," said Emmett.
I nodded. "It was," I said. But Bella remained quiet.
We stepped out again. We ran to our recently purchased cars and drove back to the shopping mall. Next we had to go inside and find Alice. It was almost impossible to get around this place without her.
As we parked our cars, we walked briskly into the mall. Alice's thoughts were easy to find, so I led everyone there.
Rosalie got a bit annoyed with the humans around us. The kept whistling as we walked past, most of them directed at her, and she knew that.
When we saw Alice though, we all groaned. Esme, Alice and Jasper were all carrying mounds of shopping bags. More than one human could hold, so a few people were looking at them.
"Inconspicuous much?" said Rosalie,
Bella groaned.
"Yes, half of this is for you Bella," she said and then smiled. "Well not exactly half. More like a quarter. Half is for me, and the others share the rest." She said, and then laughed. I groaned. This was so Alice.
So we all were given bags to hold and we walked back to the new cars. Alice smiled.
"Ooh! They look… new," she said.
"Duh," I said, hopping into my new Volvo and Bella followed after me.
Carlisle and Esme took the Mercedes, Rosalie and Emmett took their cars and Jasper and Alice went with Carlisle. So this gave me some alone time with Bella.
"So, where are we going to live," she asked, "I mean, we can't stay in a hotel forever." She said.
"So you're not scared of me?" I asked.
"Um… no I guess not."
"Well you should be even though my family are different from other vampires." I said, and she raised her eyebrow.
"Well," I continued, "We don't kill humans; we feed off of animal blood. We don't like harming humans, and that's one of the reasons why I saved you."
"One of?" she asked.
"Yes, there are many others."
"Like what?"
"You're different. The scent of your blood appeals so much to me. I don't know why I just… loved you as soon as I saw you. I'm sorry if I'm scaring you."
"No… you're not," she whispered, and I could tell that she was lying. I decided to answer her earlier question.
"No, we won't be staying at the hotel for the whole time," I said, "We're going to build a house," I said.
"Build one? How long will that take?"
"Not too long. My family, they like to… make stuff. They think that it's fun," I said.
She nodded, "What about school?" she asked.
"When it's cloudy we will go to school, which is good. Luckily it rains more than the other parts of Australia here in Tasmania. It's supposed to be cooler too," I said. She nodded.
"This should be good," she said. But was it going to be good? I thought that she was wrong. If something happened I could so easily give in and just kill her, but I didn't want that. She seemed nice. She wasn't like all of the other girls that I had experience before. They had all gathered around me and had treated me like a god until I told them that I wanted nothing to do with them and told them politely to go away.
I smiled, trying to keep my thoughts from showing on my face which I was luckily good at. She was a pretty one too.
As we got off at the hotel, we grabbed our share of the bags and headed up to our rooms. Once we got to our rooms we placed a very small amount of our stuff into the small cupboard they had given us. The rest Alice had thrown in bags all over the floor, placing them in piles of whose was whose. Of course, her's and Bella's piles had to be the biggest. It was inevitable and Alice had planned this whole thing.
She stole Bella away and gave her some clothes to try on out of the massive pile that Bella just groaned at. Bella walked into the bedroom sighing. I felt sorry for her; Alice was going to kept doing this until all of the clothes had been tried on. Poor Bella.
The first outfit that Alice had picked for Bella was a simple black dress. It was strapless. I thought that it looked kind of sexy, but apparently Bella didn't think so as she groaned again.
And then the outfits kept on coming out. Bella had obviously had enough when half of the pile was done. In Alice's mind I could see her trying to fake faint just to get out of it. She looked tired too, even though she had been sleeping lots lately.
Alice had made me try on clothes too, but I was used to it. Luckily I had a pretty small pile and got dressed pretty quickly. I had tried all of the large for me, small for Alice pile of clothes. They weren't anything special, just shirts and jeans.
Carlisle and Esme had left, searching for a place that we could build our home and hopefully a place covered with lots of trees so no one could easily find us, and it had to be near a school because the others were so desperate to go to a school here. All but Jasper.
He still felt terribly guilty about the other day, and he was extremely glad that we weren't there anymore.
But as I thought about it, I realised that it was good that we had gone there. If I hadn't, this girl who was constantly trying clothes on would be dead, and I would have never known about here and we wouldn't be stuck in Australia.
Finally, the sun came down and Bella walked off to the bedroom with clothes strewn every where and slept the night away. I laughed as I saw all of the clothes on the floor. She really didn't care.
The next morning, I told her, "You know, some of those clothes were pretty expensive."
"Yeah, I saw the price tags," she said, yawning and rubbing her eyes. "And I don't deserve them."
Why was she saying this? "Yes you do. You've been through a lot," I said.
She smiled and nodded. "Can I get something to eat?" she asked.
"Sure," I said, and we walked off to the kitchen.