One Night

AN: okay, after doing an RP with Dgm-yaoi-lover, this plot bunny would NOT leave me alone. So, I said screw it and have decided to write it.

Fem!Allen alert!

No owning of DGM here


"L-Lavi, please, you c-can't tell anyone!" the redhead blinked tilting his head to the side in confusion as he took in the towel-clad boy before him.

"Huh? Tell anyone what?" Allen eyed Lavi worriedly, pulling the towel more firmly around himself, leaving Lavi wondering why he was covering his chest.

"Uh... nothing..." Allen bit his lip, fighting the blush that was creeping into his cheeks as he stared at the redhead who had just walked into Allen's small shower room that was attached to the regular baths, without knocking. It had been one of the few requests Allen had put in when becoming an exorcist; private bathroom facilities, most had put it down to being shy about his akuma arm, but there was another reason, one that Allen wasn't about to admit willingly. The point of the matter was, Koumi had given Allen the rights to a small bathroom attached to the main men's bathhouse with its own shower and sink. "Wh-what is it you wanted?"

"Ah, I was just coming to see if you were coming to the new years eve party..." an innocent enough reason.

"Y-yes I am, c-could you please leave so I can change?" he had just walked out of the curtained off shower area, and he was thanking every God he could think of at the moment. Normally he would just walk out of there naked and grab his towel off the counter. Lavi had already been in the room, and to say Allen had been startled would have been a bit of an understatement.

Allen had been shocked out of his mind.

"Oh, yeah, sure thing Allen..." the white haired boy, who had been closer to the door than Lavi, moved over and held it, ready to open for the older redhead, blushing hotly as he smiled.

"Sorry about walking in on you," Lavi began crossing the small room, "I figured it wouldn't be too big of a deal- whoa!" one of Lavi's boots caught on the bath mat and he stumbled forward, landing face first in Allen's chest before they both lost their footing and toppled to the ground.

"L-Lavi!" the British teen gasped, eyes wide as he stared at the top of Lavi's brightly coloured head, which was resting on his chest.

'oh, this is not going to end well...'

"Ah, s-sorry my bad-" Lavi stopped, blinking as he felt something that really shouldn't have been on Allen's chest, "Um... Allen... what is this?" a calloused finger came up and poked the softness tentatively and Allen stiffened, too shocked to speak. Slowly, Lavi lifted his head, meeting Allen's fear-filled silver eyes with a dumbfounded expression on his face.

"A-Allen... are... are you a... girl?" the white haired teen swallowed thickly, staring at Lavi before smiling nervously.

"Of... course I'm not?"

"N-no! you are a girl! I... I can see cleavage!"

Allen pulled the towel higher, blushing madly, "N-no you can't! Because there's no cleavage to see!" Lavi stood and crossed his arms, staring at Allen with a raised eyebrow and a frown on his face.

"I'm not leaving this bathroom until you tell me the truth Allen." The younger of the two teenager's terrified eyes stared at Lavi hopelessly for a second before the slow nod came.

"I... alright.. just... turn around so I can change please..." Lavi sighed and did as asked, his mind going in a thousand different directions as he listened to the soft rustle of fabric.

"Allen... Why... lie to everyone?" his voice was soft, more confused than angry and for that Allen was grateful as she paused in buttoning up her shirt while looking for the proper words to answer him.

"W-well..." she swallowed nervously, wetting her dry lips before continuing, "While I was on the streets... before my father found me... Well boys just last longer. So I dressed and acted as a boy for survival... then after Mana took me in... it was easier for both of us for me to keep pretending to be a boy... it looked bad for a man and a very young girl to be travelling around like we did. Then, when I was travelling with master Cross... well... that is pretty self explanatory..." Lavi glanced back at Allen as she sighed heavily, finishing the buttons on her shirt. The redhead turned fully to face the younger girl with a serious expression on his normally smiling face.

"Why keep it secret after coming here? No one would think any differently of you Allen..."

"That's not true Lavi! Look at how you treat Lenalee and Miranda! I don't need that cradling! I can handle myself! I don't need anyone looking after me! I'm just as strong as you or Kanda!" Lavi blinked at the determined look in Allen's eyes as his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Well then why not tell us that you're a girl after proving that you're strong?"

"Well... at first... I didn't intend on hiding the fact at all after coming to the order... but... well to be honest, acting this way has just become my nature... I... didn't realise that I was thought of as being male for the first couple of months... then... thinking about it... I realized that even the Earl thinks I'm a boy... if I ever needed to go into hiding, all I would need was a dress, some make up and a wig. Then when it was safe I could go back to fighting the Earl." The girl smiled ruefully as her shoulder slumped in defeat.

"Sort of a selfish reason... isn't it?"

Lavi's keen eye took in the sight before him and he sighed heavily, carding his fingers through his already wild hair, "Yeah, it is."

A silence settled upon the room as Lavi stared thoughtfully at Allen, and Allen stared thoughtfully right back.

"Please... would you keep this to yourself? I just... I know its wrong for me to have lied, but... I've been lying for so long Lavi... I hate it but... I don't want to lose the trust that the order has placed in me. don't treat me any differently than before you found this out... okay?" there was another long silence before Lavi nodded, a grin slowly stretching across his face.

"Alright, but you can't get mad at me for making fun or your height anymore."

"What!? That's blackmail Lavi!" Allen's lips set themselves into a pout, "Besides, I have a reputation to keep up!" Lavi laughed, deep in his chest as he reached forward and ruffled Allen's hair affectionately.

"Right, right, sure Allen, whatever you say~ Lets go down to the party now yeah? Lenalee wants to dance with you~"

"Oh joy... A girl wants to dance with me... a girl with a homicidal brother... fun..." Lavi laughed again as they exited the bathroom, and the two friends walked down the hall together, acting as if nothing had changed.


The moment Allen's back hit the wood of her door and Lavi's lips crashed down against hers could not truly be described in words. It was pure bliss, pure passion, pure joy. The boy that she, Allen Walker had secretly liked for so long was holding her close, kissing her, accepting her like he would his next breath. His hand slipped long the wood, groping for the door knob without looking as he focused most of his attention on his lips. They stumbled into the room, their arms around each other and their hands touching whatever part of the other they could reach. Lavi's booted foot kicked the door shut and they staggered backwards, landing on Allen's bed with a creak of the springs.

Neither of them thought of what would happen when they woke up the next morning, after the alcohol they both consumed wore off.


AN: Okay, there it is. Chapter one. :D hoorah for implied sex!