A/N: I do not own anything. Sadly this is the last chapter. Thank you to everyone who followed me through. I'm thinking I might have a sequel. So keep a look out.


James came bounding down the stairs, his unkempt ginger hair hanging in his face. "Daddy!" Harry had just arrived home from work.

"Well hello there Bud." Harry laughed, scooping the little boy up in his arms.

"Aunt Hermione and Uncle Ron are here!" James squealed excitedly as a very pregnant Hermione appeared in the doorway.

"Hey 'Mione!" Harry took her into a careful hug.

"Harry you home?" Ginny called.

Harry walked into the kitchen. Ginny turned and smiled at him, "Hello."

Harry smiled and kissed her on the cheek, "How was the shop today Love?"

"Fine. And your day?" Ginny asked, stirring a pot on the stove.

"Nothing special, I was stuck on desk duty." Harry shrugged, he turned to Ron who was sitting at the table and clapped him on the shoulder. "How you doin mate?"

Ron sighed exhaustedly, "Hermione is driving me up a bloody wall with her hormones."

"I heard that Ronald." Hermione was standing beside Ginny, her hands on her hips.

"James come wash up." Ginny called, giving them both looks that suggested they needed to finish their fight in private.

After dinner Ron and Hermione said goodnight and Harry bathed James and tucked him in. "Daddy… how come I don't look like you?" James asked innocently.

Harry's heart jumped to his throat, "Well… because you look like Mommy, Bud."

"But… Mommy doesn't have blue eyes. Neither do you…. Why do I have blue eyes?"

Harry shifted uncomfortably, "Well… it's genetics. Gammy has blue eyes. Maybe you got them from her." Harry kissed James on the forehead and pulled the covers up to his chin, "No more questions. Time for bed." James yawned and nodded, closing his eyes and turning on his side.

Harry got up and turned off the lights, he joined Ginny in the kitchen and sighed. "What's wrong?" Ginny asked.

"James is getting too smart for his own good…. Eventually we'll have to tell him you know?" Harry rested his head in Ginny's lap.

Ginny sighed too and stroked his hair, "Yes… eventually. I'd really like to put that day off as much as possible."

"When we tell him… are… we going to tell him the whole story?" Harry asked uneasily, gripping Ginny's thigh a little tighter.

"You mean the part where Malfoy raped me? Well… we're going to have to aren't we? How else would we explain it…" Ginny sighed and shifted to lay beside Harry on the couch.

Harry kissed Ginny's forehead and sighed, "I love you Gin."

"I love you too."

A/N: Very short I know but it's only an epilogue. Look out for the sequel. Don't know what it will be called yet but it will probably have "Miracles" in the title so look out for that. Please R/R