Aang and the gang were going to a city called Shin K'hun. Shin K'hun was famous for rebels of the Fire Nation that fought Fire Nation. Aang was going to find a firebending teacher, or a new firebending teacher, he had another, but she was gone. Aang was farely happy that they had found out about Shin K'hun so he could continue to learn how to bend fire. Sokka however wasn't too impressed. A bunch of rebels could never bend like her. He finally gave up. It wasn't the bending that made him mad and depressed it was the fact that they would replace her. The one girl that he could never get over. The one girl he loved. Azula. She had got taken away by soilders. They told her that her dad wanted to see her, to apoligize. She went with them and said she would be back, but that was 5 years ago. She was probably married to some guy, she was 19 after all, if she was still alive. Sokka tried to think about something rather that that, anything else.

"What's wrong Sokka?" Katara asked. He was thankful that she had, he would've gotten more depressed." You've been staring at the sky for almost an hour now."

"Nothing. Just thinking." He said looking over at her.

"About what?" She asked curious. Sokka was never quiet for that long. He sighed. Katara finally realized, "Oh, about Azula."

"Yea." Was his only reply.

"It's been 5 years, Sokka. You're 20 now. Most guys are married or engaged by your age. At leaste get a girlfriend." She had missed her, too. They were close friends after all, but they had to forget about her. " Sokka she probably already forgot about us."

"I know. It's just, Katara, what if she's dead. What if he killed her?" Sokka said as he tried to hold back tears from the thought.

Katara remained silent for a minute, it could be a possibility. She decided to lie for Sokka's sake. "No, Sokka. We both know Azula is a very strong girl, noone can take her down that easily."

"She was pretty stubborn." Sokka chuckled.

Katara giggled. "You bet. Now cheer up, you're going to have to get used to somebody else that can make flames come out of their hands."

Sokka's smile faded. He knew he would have to though. "Yea, you're right."

Katara smiled at her brother's agreement.

About an hour past and the Gang landen in Shin K'hun.

"Ok, I'm pretty sure the guy at the last town said the place was called the Rebels of the Nation, or something along those lines. Let's go find a teacher!" The energetic airbender said with a smile on his face. Katara looked over and noticed Sokka was even more depressed when he heard that.

"Sokka, you cn go look around while we find Aang a teacher." Katara started. "It might help you get through this better."

"Yea. I suppose you're right. I'll just go shopping or something." He said waving goodbye to his friends. He walked around for a while looking at little nic-naks but there was nothing to his interst, then he noticed a little figure of a dragon with blue fire comming out of it's mouth. He looked at it for a minute. He wasn't sure if he wanted it or not. It reminded him of Azula a little bit too much, but was that really that bad? It would be nice to remember her by. No. Yes. No. Ok he decided that if it was cheap then he would get it. In a way he was kind of hoping that it was expensive so he could just move right along. He noticed the owner of the stand cleaning something. "Excuse me sir, but how much is this?" He asked pointing at the little figure.

"Oh, that's only 1 copper peice, you're lucky. It would've been a lot more, but nobody would buy it because they say that fire shouldn't be blue." The man replied with a kind of hurt expression on his face, and from that Sokka could tell that the man must have made it himself.

"I think blue fire is the best kind of fire, it is much more beautiful than any other." Sokka said picking up the little statue. "I'll take it."

The man put it in a little bag and smiled. "Thank you."

Sokka walked through the market with the little bag in hand. He wondered how the others were doing. He didn't really find anything else interesting, he looked at some wepons, but decided his sword and boomerang would do for now. He was starting to get bored and decided to go back to his friends. Even if he didn't want to see the new teacher. Besides Toph could keep him entertained and they could make jokes about the new guy. He hoped it would be a guy, he didn't want another girl on the team, the only girl he would want is Azula. He was walking back, stopping at a couple stands on the way.

"Hey, you! you're comming with us." A strong voice said from behind him. Sokka turned around to see two soilders behind him. They had a strong build, and they were very tall. He went to grab his sword. He suddenly felt something hit the back of his head, hard. 'Damn there must have been someone else.' He thought before everything went black.


Well, here's the first chapter for my rewrite of Reunited. I hope you enjoy. As you can tell I changed how long Azula was gone. a year didn't seem long enough. Also nothing after DOBS happened in this story. Zuko didn't join the gang, he's not fire lord. He is still traveling with his uncle, so I mixed things up a bit. Please reveiw!