This story is based on the manga. So Anju's blood preference is loneliness and Boogie-kun is still very much alive (yay)

Chapter One – Loneliness and Ambition

It is 2007, spring time. It is a year to the day since Ren erased Karin's memory. Anju is standing on top of Kenta's roof. She has been standing on there for quite a long time, her bats blocking any human from seeing her standing up there. She is 15 years old right now. Normally hormones would skyrocket at this age. But she was a prodigy. A vampire prodigy. Tonight, she decided, she will stay on this roof all night long, for the 1st anniversary of her sister's new life with Usui Kenta and his mother. Ren left soon after he erased Karin's memory in order to deal with Bridget and his son. She felt lonely.

How ironic…To think that my blood preference is loneliness
She smiled at that thought.

She is the only female vampire left who is single (and a pretty one too). She is just 15 and yet all these older vampires (often 80 and above) ask for her hand in marriage. None of them appealed to her. Too old. She would prefer somebody her age.

Boogie would say: "Sex appeal has nothing to do with age" every time some old vampire proposed to Anju (a meeting which her parents helped set up). It is no wonder that her parents are a little desperate. There is a lot of pressure on both Anju and Ren. Bridget is the only vampire to get pregnant in a hundred years. Now all the eyes are on Anju, and her parents are hoping that she will decide on a partner soon, because the vampire population is still decreasing. She knows that there is no vampire her age in this world, she is the youngest vampire in the world. She has become quite a celebrity in the vampire world: Anju Maaka, the last single female vampire.

She stood there on the roof, gazing at the city. She looks up to the moon.
"Maybe I will never find love like onnee-chan did" she mumbled to herself
She sighed. Onii-cha and onnee- chan found love…when will it be my turn? Or maybe I will never find love, considering that I am last female vampire and all the other male vampires are so…old.

Her eyes scanned the city, wondering if her love is out there somewhere. And I don't want to disappoint Mother and Father and the other vampires by falling for a human either. Not that I care much about the other vampires though…
She is right. The vampire community would freak out if the last female vampire available would fall in love with a human.


We will leave Anju with her (rather depressing, but interesting) thoughts for now and go west. To Fukuoka.
A teenage boy is running up the hills. Dark spiky hair, basketball shoes and a smile that is almost always morel like a smirk. His name is Katsu Takahashi.
Damn, he thought to himself, why does that old man call me up to his place so suddenly. And I just finished dinner.

He reaches his grandfather's house. He knocks on the door and his uncle opens it.
"What are you doing here?" Katsu asks him.
"Me and your gramps are doing our research" his Uncle replied.

Katsu's grandfather and uncle are obsessed with one thing and one thing only: a longer life. They don't have anything else in common; grandpa likes sprite, uncle likes Coke, grandpa likes short cute girls, uncle likes tall mature babe. They can't even agree on the fact that Belgian chocolate is the best. Their newest theory to a longer life is… (you guessed it) vampire blood. They are theorizing that if a human gets injected with vampire blood, he will either gain a longer life or just die. This could easily be tested; the only problem is finding a vampire in the first place.

Katsu sighed. They are really never gonna give up on that dumb and pointless research are they.

Katsu stepped into his grandfather's lab.

"Ah Katsu, come over here" the old man said when he heard Katsu entering.
"What did you call for gramps?" Katsu asked right away. His basketball team is going to have a game in one hour and he didn't want to waste any time.
"I have an important task you young man" the old man replied with a smile.
Katsu simply looked at his grandpa. That smile can't mean anything good.

"Tomorrow you will go to Tokyo" Katsu's grandfather continued. "In that city, you will track down a vampire called 'Maaka'"

If only he knew that Maaka was the name of a vampire family, not just a single vampire.

Katsu groaned. I knew it, I knew it…
"Why me? Can't uncle do it? He is older than I am, hence a higher chance of success." Katsu tried to argue.
"I'm getting married in two weeks, I have to stay with my bride" Uncle replied with a sheepish smile. "Also, your other uncle is a vampire hunter. You should have learned something from him about vampires' right? You can probably find the vampire faster than I can."
"Can't you do it after the weeding?" Katsu really didn't want leave Fukuoka now. He just became friends with the girl he lusts after, and he got accepted onto the school's basketball team. From all the times he has to leave town, why now.
"Sorry kiddo, got a honeymoon coming"
Katsu grunted. Bastard.

Gramps coughed to get Katsu's attention.
"Once you arrive in Tokyo, we will send you more information via email." he explained.
"Why when I'm in Tokyo? It's easier to give it to me now." Katsu replied.
"Because the instructions are 50 pages long, and we don't have a printer here. Print them in an Internet Café in Tokyo." his uncle said

Katsu sighed. Since his father died, his grandfather has been taking care of him. He can't object to him. But what a pain in the ass.
"Can I go now?" Katsu asked his grandfather.
"One second"
Gramps handed him the tickets for the flight.
Katsu left without another word.


2 days later in Tokyo

It was 10 pm. Katsu left the Motel that he stayed in. Apparently, his family didn't have the money to make him stay in a 5 star hotel with room service. He updated his laptop at a nearby Internet Café. He read the first 3 pages of the 50 page pdf his uncle has send him. First he should start off by looking for deserted and dark sites. Next he should call the number on page 3 in the pdf.
I'll call that person tomorrow. What a pain in the ass.

Katsu was even more pissed off than before. His team lost 40:51, and the girl he lusts after accepted another guy. It's a wonder how so much can happen to a single person in just a day. He strolled around the city. Looking for anything exiting. According to his grandpa, who did a lot of 'research' on vampires, vampires come out at night only. They rarely appear during the day. Katsu figured that the fastest way to get back home was to find a vampire fairly quickly, and to do that, he should stay up all night strolling through the city. He started looking for odd, old and abandoned sites.

He strolled around until he is half asleep. Hang in there Katsu, vampires come out at night. So you better sleep by day and eat by night. Humph, how inconvenient.

At around midnight, he found a old abandoned mansion on the top of hill. The house was black, looked old and ready to be demolished. Surrounding it were a whole bunch of dead trees.

"This is just like in the old vampire stories" Katsu said to himself with a smirk. He couldn't help but smirk. If it was going to be that easy, he could be home by the end of the week.

He started to go around the hill, hoping to find some kind of pathway that would lead to the house. No way in hell he is going to fight himself through all those trees. His balls would be cut off before he reaches the mansion. Instead of finding a path to the mansion he found a small apartment house, and on the roof of that house was Anju. Instinctively Katsu hid behind a tree.
What the crap is she doing on top of the roof? How did she get up there anyway?

Katsu continued to observe her. She was quite beautiful. The moonlight shone upon her and Katsu could make out that she had long, grey, silvery hair and wore a black dress. She could be a hardcore cosplayer. There were some bats flying around her head.

Katsu stood still and observed her. Damn, she is really cute. Even though I can't see her face clearly from 100 meters away. Maybe she is 14 or 15. My type of girl.

Katsu smiled with at that thought. He continued to watch her. By 2 am he was half asleep. By 2.30 am Anju went off for a meal and Katsu used his last strength to get himself a taxi. He fell asleep on the taxi, which was quite troublesome for the driver. And Katsu forgot his wallet in the motel.

This is my first fanfic, and the first time I ever posted a story online. And English isn't even my first language (lol). I'm working on the second chapter which should be out very soon!
Thanks for reading!