Disclaimer: I do not own the iCarly show, nor am I affiliated with Nickelodeon in any way.

Author's Note: Rated M for mature themes. The story is pretty self explanatory. Just a short story between Freddie Benson and Shane.

2/ A Gentle Touch

The next morning, Freddie woke up late. He was lucky it was Saturday or else he'd have been two hours late for school. He stretched and gazed across the room at the clock; 10:04am. He laid back down and his arm fell across the other side of the bed. He wrinkled his forehead when he realized it was an empty space where Shane should have been laying. Was all that a dream? Freddie climbed out of bed and fixed his pajamas and his hair before going to the lounge. He looked around and noticed the house was empty. His mom was at work like she should be, but Shane was nowhere to be found.

"So it was a dream," Freddie confirmed.

Sighing, he turned around and started back toward his bedroom. Suddenly, the bathroom door opened, and Shane emerged in his clothes from the night before. "Morning, Freddie," he smiled. Freddie blinked and returned the smile, relieved he hadn't dreamt last night's events. "I'm going to run home to change and come back. Your mom washed and dried these for me," he said, gesturing to his clothes. "But I don't feel comfortable wearing the same outfit."

Freddie laughed and nodded. "Okay."

Shane stepped forward and kissed him, one hand on his waist. "All right, I'll be back soon."

Lucky for Shane, he lived right down the street. As much as he would have preferred going home last night to get his own proper sleepwear, Freddie wouldn't have allowed him to walk in the pouring rain. Shane winked at Freddie before closing the door behind him. Freddie went to the kitchen to get cereal and noticed a note on the counter from his mother.

"Freddie," he read aloud. "I'm getting out of work a couple of hours early, and then I'm going grocery shopping. See you when I return. Love, Mom."


Shane opened the door to his house, closing and locking it behind him. Throwing the keys on the dining room table, he went to his bedroom and changed. Pulling on a pair of black slim fit jeans, he grabbed a red shirt out of the closet and a white studded belt and put them on. He adjusted the slim fitting shirt so it revealed the belt buckle on the front of his jeans. He pulled on a pair of black and white high top Vans and grabbed a black and white hoodie before unplugging his now charged cell phone from the wall charger.

Leaving his bedroom, he noticed his parents' bedroom door was closed. He knew his father was at work and assumed his mother was still sleeping. Leaving her a note, he grabbed the house keys off the table and headed back to Freddie's house. On his way back, he passed by Groovy Smoothies and noticed Carly and Sam sitting at a table by the window. He caught their glace and quickly looked away, picking up pace.

Arriving at Freddie's apartment, he knocked on the door quickly. Freddie opened it and jumped back when Shane pushed his way in, closing the door behind him and leaning against it. "What's up with you?"

"I just saw Carly and Sam."

Freddie raised an eyebrow. "So?"

"So," he replied, "Those are the last two people I want to run into right now."

The younger boy smiled. "Well, it's just you and me here."

Shane smiled and kissed Freddie. "And that's what I like."

Suddenly, there was pounding at Freddie's door. He looked in the peephole and saw Carly and Sam. Widening his eyes, he thought quickly and looked at Shane. "Hide behind the door."

Shane laughed and did as he was told. Freddie opened the door and jumped back. "Did you see Shane?!" Carly asked excitedly.

"Uh, I--no, I haven't, why?"

Carly's excitement decreased. "Oh," she replied, "Sam and I thought we saw him walking past Groovy Smoothies."

"Well maybe you did, he is out of the hospital."

"He is? Oh that's great!" Sam exclaimed.

"Yeah, but he doesn't want to talk to either one of you. He said that you guys acted way too crazy over him and he doesn't want that to happen again."

The two girls frowned. "All right," Carly said, "When you talk to him, tell him we're sorry and it won't happen again."

Freddie nodded. "See you at rehearsal."

Closing the door, he looked at Shane who smiled. "You're the best, babe."

"Yeah," Freddie agreed, "I know."


"It's raining again," Shane announced, moving away from one of the two windows in the lounge. He sat on the couch next to Freddie and sighed. "I heard it was supposed to rain again tomorrow, then be cloudy for the rest of the week."

"I know," Freddie nodded, "It's ridiculous, isn't it? I hate the rain."

"You want to go stand in it with me?"

"You know it," Freddie answered quickly.

The two headed downstairs, surprised to see that the lobby was empty. Standing outside, the gentle rain came fast, but not hard. Standing off to the side of the front door, the rain slowly dampened the boys' clothes. Shane looked up, the raindrops hitting his face and rolling down his cheeks.

'He looks so beautiful,' Freddie thought.

Looking back at Freddie, Shane's hair was now drenched, sticking to his face and dripping. Giving him a seductive look, Shane whipped his head quickly, flipping his hair, sending water in all directions. 'Breathe, Freddie, breathe.' Stepping forward, Shane put his arms around Freddie's waist and kissed him under the falling rain.

It was a gentle touch of love and beautiful nature simultaneously, sending shivers throughout them both. Letting go, Shane smiled, moving his head so their foreheads and noses touched. "Do you want to go back inside?"

"Yeah," he whispered, nodding.

Shane followed Freddie back upstairs and to his bedroom where they undressed to their boxers before throwing their clothes in the dryer. "They'll be done in a few minutes," Freddie announced, "And my mom won't get out of work until 5:30pm, so we'll be safe."

The older boy laughed, "You're so precautious." Checking the time, Shane noticed it was only noontime. "Especially since it's only noon."

"So what are we going to do?"

Shane thought about something and smiled. "Sit on the edge of the bed."

Freddie raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

"Just do it," he laughed.

Doing as instructed, Freddie still had suspicions. Shane moved behind him and sat behind his boyfriend, his chest touching his back. Freddie shivered at his boyfriend's touch, but relaxed. His arms went around his midsection, rubbing his chest ever so gently. His soft, smooth hands slowly traveled south. His warm breath on Freddie's neck made him smile, until he realized what Shane was doing, which made him smile even wider.

Shane pulled Freddie's boxers down, revealing his six inch manhood, his erection growing. Shane kissed his neck before taking it in his right hand, his left around Freddie's waist. The gentle touch to his sensitive area made him shiver a little, but he breathed out and watched his boyfriend's hand. Gripping it, Shane started moving his arm slowly up and down, casually gaining speed. The younger boy moaned quietly, but loud enough for his boyfriend to hear him. Smiling, he went faster and faster, grinding against Freddie in rhythm.

Both boys were moaning, Freddie's right hand on his boyfriend's, his left rubbing Shane's left thigh. Freddie jerked his head back, leaning it against Shane's shoulder. "Shane, I--"

"Hang on, Freddie."


Going faster, Shane realized Freddie's status and aimed his cock at his chest. Freddie moaned his boyfriend's name one last time before shooting the warm liquid on his chest, the rest covering Shane's hand. The two breathed heavy, Shane planting a kiss on Freddie's cheek. "That was amazing."

He smiled, "You're welcome, babe."


The two got dressed when the clothes finished drying, not twenty minutes after their moment together. They sat on the couch, Freddie's head in Shane's lap, and watched television. "Do you want to come with me to the iCarly rehearsal, or would you rather stay here?"

Shane made a sound of thinking and shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know. I mean, it isn't right of me to avoid Carly and Sam, but then again--"

"Yeah, I know what you mean. Look, just come with me, and if they start freaking out, just come back here."

The older boy nodded. "All right. When's rehearsal?"

Freddie looked up at the clock, "In two hours. Do you want to watch a movie to pass the time?"

"Yeah, sure," he smiled.

Freddie got up and came back with a certain movie that involved a British secret agent with bad teeth but good jokes that doubled as a parody of another British secret agent working for MI6.

When the time came for rehearsals, the two went across the hall to Carly's apartment. Going inside, Freddie stood in front of Shane in a somewhat protective stance when Carly and Sam jumped off the couch and looked at them. "Shane! You're all right," Sam smiled.

"We're sorry for acting all competitive over you," Carly apologized, "So we understand if you don't like us the way you used to."

"Good," Shane replied.

"Wait," Sam raised her eyebrows, "So you don't like either one of us like that anymore?"

"No," he replied, shaking his head.

"Then, who do you like?"

Freddie gave him a look, making sure he understood the message. "No one."

The four of them went up to the studio, Shane standing behind Freddie's laptop, watching them rehearse. Freddie counted down and the two girls started.

"Hello People of the Internet!", Carly exclaimed, "I'm Carly!"

"And I'm Sam, and if you didn't know that, now you do!"


After rehearsal, the two boys went back to Freddie's apartment and laid on the younger boy's bed. Staring at the ceiling, they lay side by side holding hands, their fingers entwined. Freddie was about to say something when Shane announced he wanted to take a shower. "Why?" Freddie asked.

"I don't know," Shane replied, "I just feel like taking one."

"Well no one's stopping you." Freddie smiled and let him go, rolling onto his side, watching his boyfriend leave the room. Listening, he heard the water run and the shower door close a few minutes later, and decided he'd surprise him.

Entering the bathroom, he closed the door and leaned against it, watching the silhouette of the older boy wash his hair under the hot, relaxing water. When Shane finally finished, he opened the shower door a bit and stuck his hand out. "While you're standing there," Shane said, "Can you hand me a towel?"

Freddie's eyes widened. "How did you know I was here?"

His boyfriend laughed, "You aren't nearly as stealthy as you think you are."

The younger boy rolled his eyes and handed Shane a towel. Opening the door to leave, he stopped when he heard Shane's voice speaking a word of protest. Waiting, he turned and saw him emerge from the shower, the towel wrapped lowly around his waist. Freddie exhaled at the sight of him and lost balance a little.

Shane smiled and closed the shower door. Holding his hand out, Freddie suspiciously took it and followed him back to the bedroom. "What are you doing?"

"You'll see," the older boy laughed. Closing the door behind him, Shane pushed Freddie on the bed and grinned. If one were to stand outside the bedroom, precisely four minutes after the door closing, they would have heard Freddie moan, "Oh, Shane!"

Well, this is completed! But expect a full iCarly story featuring Freddie and Shane really soon!