1955—Brown Mansion

Saturday, November 12, Very Early In The Morning

Dear Dr. Brown,

I know I'm not supposed to be telling you this, in writing or any other way, but I can't just sit back and watch when there's something I can DO about it. The future is a very delicate thing, I understand that, but this is not something I can ignore.

The night Marty and I were sent to 1955 something horrible happened. You were shot and killed by terrorists. Please, for my sake, take all precautions necessary to prevent this from happening. Your life is of the upmost importance to Marty and I…especially me. You're all I have in the world. Without you...I'm lost.

I know you'll be angry when you find this, but please listen to what I have to say. You get so mad when people in town blow you off. Please don't do that to me.

Dr. Brown...Daddy…I love you.

Your Daughter

Amelia Madeline Brown

Amelia took a deep breath and set her pen down. The wet ink glistened and she blew on it. When it had dried, Amelia folded the paper in thirds and stuffed it into an envelope. She then tiptoed to the front hall and stuck it deep down in Emmett's coat pocket. She hoped he wouldn't find it until after they had returned to 1985. The chances of him actually reading it were greater if they weren't standing in front of him.

Please, Daddy, she thought as she curled back up on the couch, please listen to me.