Chapter One…
It was easier back then, right?
The rain was pouring down…
My chilled hands were wrapped neatly around the small glass cup in front of me. The steam drifting up to my nose and warming my core with the taste and smell of it. I often found myself here nowadays.
My reasoning being none other than one of the workers here. But, I don't deserve such freedoms…
He was cleaning the other dishes behind the counter.
I enjoyed the peace of this place, I guessed. He was just some sort of plus. A person that maybe… I wanted for myself. A person I wanted to be.
I glanced at him, knowing my eyes were reflecting my remorse and envy of him. He'd catch me one day but it wouldn't matter. I'd just be happy he knew how much I hated him for being what I couldn't be.
Or… something.
I looked away just when I knew he noticed me.
Maybe I didn't want him to know I envied him. A mere coffee-shop owner. Why would I envy that?
"Because he's everything you wish you were as you stated earlier. You want the simple life."
I closed my eyes.
So the voice in my head was back again for the third time this morning, and umpteenth time this week.
I didn't want to hear him. Not that I could help it or make him stop.
The man's eyes were on me; the eyes of the man I admired.
I took another sip of the drink in my hands, fingerless gloves serving virtually no purpose in this damp weather. I laughed a little at the realization.
Stupid really…
I didn't mind he was watching me now. If I was lucky, maybe he'd be interested enough to talk to me, but this guy… Hopefully he knew better.
I was trouble and a mess. Problems up to my neck and skeletons filling my closet to the brim.
I stiffened. That voice…
I looked up.
My boss.
His eyes were cold as always. I never expected differently though. He was, after all, just my boss when it came to times like these. I looked away.
He should've called first at least.
I pushed myself away from the table without another word. I didn't have much say so anyway.
Itachi, my boss, made his way to the glass double doors and waited there patiently as I made my way to the same spot. I was careful though. I made sure to go a little slower, knowing the other guy, the one I envied, would see my hesitance when it came to following this other man. I wasn't unhappy. Just hesitant.
I dropped the coins on the table and made my way over to Itachi.
I wouldn't be back here for a while…
The voice in my head was laughing at me. I tried my best to ignore him but it was rare that I was successful.
"You go there often, don't you Naruto?" Itachi asked his hands firmly on the steering wheel. I nodded and smiled.
"The coffee there is so simple and delicious. I found it when I found you." I said with the rehearsed smile on my lips and easy grace in my voice.
"The shoot today," I continued. "I heard that I'll be getting a partner."
My voice, I heard it trail off at the end. I didn't want a partner and I couldn't mask that.
"Today's shoot was canceled. Your partner didn't show up."
My eyes widened. I was staring directly at him now.
This was… I smiled suddenly.
"You're happy?" He chuckled and I couldn't help but laugh with him a bit.
"I don't like sharing the spot light, Itachi-sama." I answered truthfully. I hated being compared to others and putting me next to someone who may be better or worse than me wasn't on my to-do list, if on a list at all.
He smiled a small rare smile. "You never seemed the type to like that." He agreed.
His features were soft here and I liked that. It was rare I ever saw him smile hence 'the small rare smile'. I probably treasured these moments.
"So what will we be doing today then? If my shoot's canceled you've got to have something planned for me or you would've just texted me." I pressed, smiling at him now.
I really liked it more when he was my friend and not my boss, but more often than not…he was my boss. So this shared happiness never lasted long.
Itachi fell silent, either trying to figure out how to say something or just not wanting to and trying to get around it.
I sighed a little.
"Naruto…" He began and I hummed softly letting him know he had my attention. "How long have you been bugging me that you want to go back to school?" he asked as we came to halt at a stop light.
I took a few seconds to ponder it thoughtfully. "Probably…" I paused. "about two or three years now." I finished.
Me going back to school somehow seemed like a lost cause after he had ignored my request saying it was impractical.
"Why?" I asked and he looked at me briefly before glancing back at the road when the light turned green again.
"Because," he said. "I enrolled you to a new high school. It's for privileged children. If you wish to attend then you have to keep a low profile and –"
I stopped listening, having just fallen into complete shock.
I was too old for high school wasn't I? I was… I was… I couldn't remember how old I was. I thought I was twenty-two or something… I had to lie in order to keep the job I had for this magazine company thing. It had been too long and Itachi had drilled in the fake age so, naturally I lost sight of it.
A high school… for privileged children.
"I'm privileged, Itachi-sama?" I asked.
He looked at me again with the same unwavering eyes, and nodded once. That was all I was going to get from him if I didn't ask anything further.
"Is it because you take care of me, Itachi-sama?" I asked with a practiced smile.
This was degrading, but I did it to myself… It was me that was acting liked a trained puppy for my master. The one using my face and body to get what I was after. A real whore.
He nodded again and I smiled still. Of course it was because of him. He was paying for everything I owned.
"Now I'm going to take you to school tomorrow."
'I start tomorrow?!' I gasped. "R-really?" I asked, mentally slapping myself for the stutter.
He didn't say anything, and that was fine. It was a stupid question. And, with my luck he had probably told me everything when I was busy trying to figure out my age.
"Itachi…" I started, looking out the window so he wouldn't see how depressed I was actually feeling. "Thank you."
And I laughed…
I woke up excited.
It would've sucked if I hadn't, but I did so it didn't. :)
It was very dreamlike… Being this happy over going to school. Who knew I'd actually find the news to be relieving. It gave me a chance to say, 'I'm normal after all. Because I go to school like any other kid.'
But, before I could walk out the door I paused. I was somewhat scared.
What if they didn't like me?
What if they shunned me?
Would I even truly enjoy this new experience?
What if it sucked?
I shuddered and leaned my back against the door. Leave it to me to have these fears so suddenly right before I could even get started.
"You were always like this. Too afraid to do anything on your own. That's why you're stuck with Itachi."
The voice again… Where they my thoughts or just a voice in general?
…Why would the voice in my head be a thought if it had its own voice?
I frowned. "I'm not afraid." I declared. But maybe I didn't convince it; the voice started laughing a rhythmic laugh that I hated so much.
"So go out the door." It suggested or teased. It was hard to tell now, but like a good little dog, I obeyed.
My knees were a little shaky but I figured I'd make it. I was early anyway.
My path there was pretty much straight forward. With Itachi beside me in the car I noticed different things that probably wouldn't have interested me if I hadn't noticed that my way to this school passed my coffee shop.
I caught myself looking for him, the man I hated, but to my dismay…he wasn't there this morning. Some other woman was tending to everyone, along with a few other people I didn't care to take notice of. They were always there anyway, but I never failed to show up on a day where that man was there.
'How odd.' I thought looking away to glance at Itachi.
It was funny; how I never pictured myself to be fortunate whenever I thought about my life being under Itachi's charge, but, if I really thought about it, he could've very well left me in the gutter he found me in. I could've died on the streets like any other worthless life.
It was here, that my face saved me as well. It's come in handy a couple of times. I was glad for that but only for that.
I was nothing but trouble after all.
"Hey, Itachi-sama." I chirped, hoping I had his attention. "You told me to act normal, so am I supposed to feel nervous?"
Itachi gave me one of those quick side glances before nodding the answer to my question. I settled into my seat and took in a deep breath.
I hoped I'd make friends today.
My first few steps into the school building were slow and careful. It was almost crucial I didn't make an entire fool of myself the first day I entered. I said 'entire fool' because I knew I was already rusty from lack of coming here…so yeah. Entire fool.
(*Normal p.o.v.*)
"Sasuke, there's a new kid at the front desk."
"Why are you telling me?" he asked, glaring at the teacher's pet known as Rock Lee.
"Because! They're going to want one of us to show him around and they keep looking at you." He persisted. Sasuke rolled his eyes and glanced at the front. His eyes widening a fraction.
'T-that boy! From the shop!' Sasuke froze.
He put his back to the door quickly shutting it. 'I can't go out there, can I? I know who he is. I know who he is.'
His face became hot. He shook his head violently. 'No. No. Don't freak out. It's okay that he's in almost every magazine I read…' he looked over his shoulder at the blonde that was smiling like he did for the countless photos he took. 'He shouldn't be anything special.' He decided with one final nod.
"Sasuke." A voice interrupted his thoughts.
He jolted.
"Y-yes?" He answered looking over at them. The blonde's eyes were on him and they were wide with obvious shock.
'He recognizes me, as well?' Sasuke wondered idly.
He walked out the door ignoring Lee's "I told you so." And made his way over to the blonde repeating his inner mantra of, 'It doesn't matter he's my fantasy. It doesn't matter he's my fantasy. It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter. It doesn't…'
"Hey." He said.
The blonde blinked twice before smiling suddenly. "Nice to see you again, Mr." he said softly.
Sasuke felt a little giddy as well as embarrassed.
"Yeah." He managed to get out. "You…need me to show him around, Headmaster Tsunade?" He asked.
She eyed the two quizzically. "You two know each other?" she asked.
The blonde answered before Sasuke could open his mouth.
"I've seen him before at a favorite coffee shop of mine. I go there almost every Sunday and Tuesday and Thursday and Friday. But I only get to stay for a couple of minutes. I have school, you know." He lied easily.
Sasuke's eye twitched, knowing the boy would stay for hours at a time on any day; he never had specific days of coming. And every time he went his phone would buzz just before he left, it wasn't until recently that Itachi, his own brother, started picking up the blonde.
Sasuke looked away from the two, narrowing his eyes a bit. 'I'll have to ask him what he's doing with my brother.' He noted.
"C'mon." he said turning in the direction of the main hall. "I might as well show you where everything you'll need to know is."
The boy nodded and said a polite goodbye to the headmaster before jogging to keep up.
Sasuke could feel his nervousness rise a tiny bit. Soon they'd be alone together. All alone. Just the two of them.
He had already seen this boy naked via magazine, but to imagine touching that body the way he dreamed of- He shuddered to himself.
"So your name's Sasuke." The boy said, leaning forward to see Sasuke's face.
"My name's Naruto." He greeted.
Naruto blinked. 'Itachi does that, too? I wonder if they're related…'
"I didn't know you were a high school student. Not many of them own their own shops, you know. And you make delicious coffee. A true gift to the world or something. Really, it's great!"
"Are you trying to suck up to me or something?" Sasuke asked, veining at him from the corner of his eyes. Naruto, never guessing that Sasuke just wanted to be sucked off by him not sucked up to…
Naruto's smile faded and he stared ahead of him.
"No. Not really. I just…wanted a friend to talk to." He answered with a hidden pout. He came back to look at him in the face. "I haven't exactly been to school in a long time. But, I'm sure you guessed that by now."
"Yeah." He agreed, not looking at the cute little blonde beside him. He just wanted him to be a fantasy. He didn't want to know him. That would ruin everything.
"So why lie to the Headmaster?" he asked however.
Naruto looked thoughtful. "I was told to. It makes things easier. Besides…" he smiled again. "I think that if she thinks I'm smart enough to be in the grade level I'm eligible for then lying's well worth it. Especially since I seem to be in the same grade level as you."
Sasuke glared at him coldly.
He'd definitely ruin everything for him.
"Look you. " he said through gritted teeth. "I'm not looking for any stupid friends here at this school. They'd only prove to be a problem. I hate blondes. I hate annoying people. I hate idiots. And right now you're proving to be all three so don't come looking to me for friendship."
Naruto stopped walking.
In turn, Sasuke also stopped just a few feet ahead of him. "Now c'mon. I need to show you where everything is or I'll get in trouble."
Naruto's eyes were hidden by his bangs, not wanting to show Sasuke how much the words actually hurt.
But, for Naruto he had half expected something like this…
(*Naruto's p.o.v. again*)
I didn't want to look at him anymore. He was exactly as I had thought he'd be. An asshole. Most pretty boys were. I would've known. I was one, too.
I grit my teeth.
What a jerk. And after I was trying to be nice to him.
"Fine." I said. I lifted my head, knowing very well my eyes had lost their shine and their innocence. These eyes were the ones Itachi had taught me to have.
"I don't need you to survive here. I don't need anyone here." I said taking a few steps forward. "So show me around. I'll remember it and I won't forget you either."
Sasuke nodded once, glaring at me for all I was worth, but he seemed a little dejected. Like my words had cut something I didn't want them to touch. A nerve that I accidently pierced. At the same time, though, he smirked….still glaring.
'Can people do that?' I wondered to myself, still kind of mad at him.
It didn't take him too long to show me around.
My phone buzzed once or twice. I guessed it was Itachi checking up on me here and there. Maybe hoping no one was picking on me. If someone attacked my face it was over. A model's face is his life.
I hadn't really met anyone yet. Really, I was still following him.
I still sort of needed to be led to my home room.
We were pretty silent now, so I honestly felt it was awkward… However…my anger still seemed well worth paying attention to so I stuck to that for the most part.
My phone buzzed again.
He glanced at me as I reached into my pocket to shut it off again.
"Just answer it." He snapped.
I glared.
This was getting agitating.
I sighed and pulled it out, still listening like a good dog and we stopped walking.
"Hello?" I answered.
'Naruto,' Itachi's voice rang through softly.
"Yes?" I breathed, leaning my back against the wall, seeing as Sasuke had shifted his weight to his left foot as though knowing we'd be stopped for a while.
'You're not in class yet are you?' he asked.
"I wouldn't have answered if I were." I said sheepishly, giggling a little as if I were talking to a lover and not my boss. "You worried over me, Tachi-san?"
Sasuke stiffened where he stood. Odd.
Itachi chuckled mutely. It was something I became accustomed to; having to be acutely sensitive to it. I smiled as warmly as I could; now noticing that Sasuke looked more and more uncomfortable the more I stayed on the phone with Itachi. I didn't know why but at the same time I didn't care. As long as he knew I hated him and would do anything to make him uncomfortable.
I smirked.
'I'm going to need you to stop by my office after school. Don't waste time there. Remember you still have other duties to fulfill even if your job falls through.' He said. No doubt his face wasn't even hinting any sort of emotion.
"Right." I said, sounding excited. Maybe some sick side of me was. "I'll be right over. " I promised.
And here I made a face. I really disliked that answer of the 'hn'. What did it even mean anyway?
"A number of things." The stupid voice spoke up. It was laughing softly.
"Get off the phone." Sasuke said quietly so the other person on the phone wouldn't hear him. Clearly he's done something like that before.
I looked at him in a little shock and then glared mentally asking, 'Why should I?' This only earned a glare.
"Itachi-sama, " I purred softly, and again Sasuke made a twitching motion of annoyance. "I have to go. There's a teacher coming and they don't allow talking on cell phones. " I said, lying through my teeth as smoothly as silk. I hung up shortly afterward, sending a glare at the boy in front of me.
"Why so upset?" I asked, aggravated.
He kept silent though and turned around and started walking.
"Hey!" So not fair…
"Why did I have to hang up? I want a reason here." I said catching up to him. Again I had to lean forward to see this guy's face.
He was mad for sure and looked really peeved. I almost felt scared…
But I've dealt with worse…
"I'm talking to you, Sasuke!" I snapped.
He let out a growl. "Well I'm not talking to you!"
I backed up. This guy was really… Gah!
He pointed at door about six feet from where we stood. We somehow had stopped again.
"That's our home room, Dobe. Now hurry up and get in there like a good little idiot-I have to go back to the front." He said storming off.
I blinked, looking back and forth between the classroom door and Sasuke's back.
He was a real jerk!
I hated him. I had to hate him! I hate him! I hate him! I hate him! I hate him!
I hated him…
Always hated him…
Everything was easier when my mind only saw one angle. Easier when…we were just that young.
Yeah. Everything was easier back then…wasn't it?
End Chapter One
Sorry. I know it's a little late for hellos but it's nice to meet you. I'm not entirely new but this story is so please treat it well. I've got the plot for this one more or less figured out and chapter two is already in progress so if you'd like to see what happens next please review.
Or you will get nothing.
Bye bye!