Fisher House

Cam's Room

September 6th


Cam, Josh, Derrick, Chris and Kemp were all in Cam's room. Derrick and Josh were on his bed, Chris and Kemp were leaning against the wall and Cam was in his computer chair. "So why are we here exactly?" Josh said waiting to be told why this 'emergency meeting' was called. "Because you guys couldn't come to my house yesterday." Cam said printing five copies of the schedule he overheard last night.

"Alright now yesterday Derrick and I overheard the PC's conversation. They all exchanged glances. " As you all know, the dance is next Friday and the PC is expecting us to ask them." Josh was the only one who didn't look surprised although he did look ashamed about something. " Here is the list of their plan." Cam handed it out to each person in the room. "Now this is our plan. Derrick and I are going to text them on Monday during first period. That's when we'll ask them out. Kemp and Chris will interupt during break and ask them out. Josh you'll ask out Alicia out at lunch."

They all nodded and began to write down the plan except for Josh. Cam ignored it but was still a little curious.......


English Language Arts

September 8th


Josh had stayed up all night planing out how this day really was gonna go. He hadn't said anything to anyone but Josh still secretly had feelings for......Claire! His feelings came back the moment he saw her at the end of summer/before school party.


Josh walked through the doors to Alicia's home. He started searching the room for Alicia but his eyes were glued to a blonde. She had curles in her hair and was perfectly tanned and had the most gorgeous dress on. She leaned her head back laughing and it seemed like time stood still. He had to have her....he just had to. " Looking for me?" He heard Alicia say. He spun around and hugged her. "You look great!" He said. What he really wanted to say was 'but not as good as that girl.' "Come on. Let's go talk to the PC." Alicia tugged his arm towards the girl. That's when he realized it was Claire.

All night he thought of a plan to make Claire say yes to him. He finally figured it out.

He would steel Cam's phone so he couldn't text Claire. Then he'd text her nasty things from Cam's phone so that he'd be out of the picture. Then he'd text Claire to comfort her.

At lunch he'd spill something on Cam so he still couldn't ask Claire out and then he'd get in a fight with Alicia. That afternoon he'd text Claire again but this time ask her out. The next day put the phone out on the lawn after deleting all the texts and will go talk to Claire. It was perfect. So he got up and put the plan into action. One....two...three....

AN: I Can't believe I haven't updated in like 2 whole months! I'm sooooooo sorry! I have a three day week-end so I promise I'll get up to the tenth chapter! P.S. Vote! Who do you like? Massie and Derrick or Dempsey? Claire and Cam or Josh? Dylan and Chris or Matt (new character?)? Kristen and Kemp or Dune? Alicia and Josh or Cam?

Vote by P.M. Or Reviews.:) L8R!