A/N: hey guys. This is my new story called Skyway Avenue. I LOVE We the Kings and there will be a lot of references to them and their songs in this story just to tell you. Just to clear things up, this story is ALL HUMAN! Okay so I will shut up now and let you read, ENJOY!

Bella Pov:

Beep Beep Beep. Stupid alarm clock! I rolled over in my bed that I share with me, myself and I , and got out of bed. As I was walking to the kitchen to make breakfast I first peeked in Juliet's room to make sure she was asleep. Juliet is my daughter that I had when I was just out of high school. The guy wasn't even my boyfriend, it was just one time, but I guess that's all it took.

Well he left after I told him I was pregnant and I haven't seen him since. But, Juliet is my everything, and I don't regret having her. She's 3 and talks non-stop, but she's adorable. She looks a lot like me, which I am thankful for because if she looked like James, then I would just be reminded of him every time I looked at her.

I'm not saying I would love her any less, it would just be harder.

I was in the kitchen making her favorite pancakes when I heard her calling my name from upstairs. I have tried to get her to use a "big girl bed" but she won't do it, so I just let her sleep in her crib. She is petite, so she still fits.

"Morning baby" I said as I walked in the room. Her room walls were painted pink (of course) and she had stuffed animals everywhere.

"Mommy!" her sweet voice rang as I picked her up.

"Did you have good dreams last night?" I asked her.

She nodded her head vigorously and told me all about her dream, which mostly consisted of her riding on a pony.

I had my back turned her to start the pancakes, and then I heard a big crash.

I turned around and she started crying in pain.

"Baby! What happened?" I frantically asked as I picked her up.

"I was –sob- trying to –sob- get into the –sob- chair and I fell!" she squealed.

"What hurt's honey?" I asked in a attempt to stay calm, but failing miserably.

"My arms hurts really bad." I looked at her arm, and decided it would be better to make sure she didn't break it and go to the hospital. I turned off the stove, grabbed my purse and rushed out of the house.

I strapped her in the car seat and speed off toward the hospital. I called my brother Jasper who I co own a bakery with and told him everything that happened. I told him not to worry and I would call him later.

I rushed into the emergency room with a crying Juliet in my arms and checked in.

After about an hour or so they called us back.

"Mommy, am I going to die?" Juliet asked

I laughed slightly and said "Of course not sweetie. You probably just have a broken arm." I said and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

The door opened and in walked in, the most gorgeous man I have ever seen. No bella, all men are the same, they date you , then the whole child thing freaks them out and you never hear from them again.

"Hello Ms. Swan, I'm Doctor Cullen, but you can call me Edward." he said with a shy smile. Could he actually be interested in me? Ha not likely.

"Please call me Bella." I told him

"Ok Bella, can you tell me what happened to Juliet today?" he asked and smiled widely at Juliet.

"Well I had my back to her, and she said she was trying to sit in the chair, but fell and landed on her arm."

He got on his knee's so he would be at Juliet's level and gently took her arm.

"Tell me if this hurts, okay sweetie?" he said in a sweet voice. He softly applied pressure to her arm and she yelped.

"Ok will you two come with me for x-ray's please?"

We followed him into the x-ray room and I held her hand as they did the x-rays.

"Well, it's not a break, but almost. I think that she was just mostly shocked by the situation. I will but her arm in a splint to prevent farther damages." He explained to me and smiled that beautiful crooked smile. NO! Stop Bella.

She stopped crying about 30 minutes ago so that was good. "Mommy, I'm hungry." She said in that sweet voice of hers.

"I was just planning on going to Chuckee Cheese to eat" Edward winked at me "Would you and your Mom like to come?" he asked.

"Please mommy can we?!" she begged. Normally I would be kinda creeped if a stranger asked us out to lunch, but there was something about Edward. It's like a strange pull to him.

"We wouldn't want to impose." I told him. I can't let my guard down, I'll just get hurt.

"Please, I insist." He told us. I looked over at Juliet and she gave me her famous puppy dog yes.

"Alright fine!" I said acting like I didn't want to, but I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face. Apparently he noticed to because he smiled gratefully at me.

I had a feeling, this was going to be a very interesting meal.

A/N: ok so do you love it? Hate it? I need to know so I know if I should continue! Please please tell me! also if you like We The King's first of all you are my new best friend lol and second on their myspace they asked if you could call your local radio station and put in a good word for Secret Valentine since it's starting to be on the radio!!!! WTK3 lol so yea tell me if you liked this chapter