Hey! :)

I got some free time today at College, so I wanted to fix this chapter that I saw that was wrong last night. I'll fix this and I'll post another chapter.

So, enjoy this double charge of 'Stay With Me'

Disclaimer: I don't own NCIS, really.

After the show at the school, Lauren, Angell joined the team and Eric and Andy behind the stage. The boys had flowers for the girls, Andy had red and white roses for Angell, and Eric had orchids and lilies for Lauren. Tony, in the other hand, was jealous, yes, Anthony DiNozzo was jealous of his daughter's boyfriend, so he was glaring Eric everytime he could. Lauren was caring more about her boyfriend than him, her dad, the man that the last 16 years of her life was the only one, or like Lauren could say when she was little Papi or Daddy. He was the only man of her world, or at least the most important one...until Eric came into the picture; he couldn't say one thing against Eric, he was a really good boy and Tony knew that he loved Lauren more than anything (except for his parents) and he didn't wanted to hurt her in anyway. But it hurt Tony that his little girl was growing up pretty fast for his liking, and the fact thaty she was going to college very soon (actually, he still had another year and a half to face that, but it wasn't the money, it was the fact that his daughter was growing up was the one that was bothering him) and she had to make one of the most difficult choices of her life: the life with or without her family, her friends and the love of her life. But for that moment, he could forget that his little girl was growing up and focus in what was important: the fact that she had performed like one of those artists in Broadway.

When the two girls walked out of their dressing room still in their blood red knee lenght sleeveless dresses, the team applauded them while the boys gave their girlfriends their flowers and a sweet peck on the cheek. Lauren blushed and smiled to her boyfriend while Angell and Andy were talking (or most likely, whispering) about how beautiful were the flowers. After that love moment, the team walked closer to them and Abby gave both Lauren and Angell a huge hug (when Abby hugged Angell, she looked over to Lauren and she nooded, like saying 'It's ok, don't worry about that') and squealing "Oh God, you were sooo good! Lauren you have the voice of an angel! I have to send this to LA now!"she said pulling her cellphone out and sending it to Eric in Los Angeles (AN: I put some NCIS:Los Angeles in this story, because...I like it so much and I wanted to make like a crossover)

Tony and Ziva were the last ones to come closer to Lauren, and at the beginning Lauren thought that they were upset with her about something, but when Lauren saw that slight smile on Ziva's face she knew that everything was ok. Tony pulled out his best grin and hugged his only daughter (for now) whispering in her ear, "Well done, kid". He couldn't be prouder than then, his daughter was one of the best artists of her school, and she was the most beautiful girl of the choir, definitely. When Ziva approached, both of them exchanged a smile and Ziva (or like Lauren called her "MimmaMouseMamma") kissed her cheek, stroked her dark brown hair and said "You were wonderful, Lauren". Lauren's eyes filled with tears while she mutted a 'Thank you so much'. Knowing that her dad and Ziva were prouder of her than anyone in the world.

"Well, can we go out now? I really need to eat something, I'm starving!" said Lauren and the team laughed at her comment. They went to a karaoke bar, near Anacostia. "Hey guys, wanna make some noise?" asked Angell, while Lauren, Eric and Andy nooded. The group walked to the stage, the girls came by first. Angell sang Hit me Baby one more time by Britney Spears (AN: I had to put this, I'm a huge fan of Glee and I can't wait for the Britney/Brittany episode) and was Lauren's turn. Sha wanted to sing and old song for her old days, for him. She knew that she couldn't ever forget him, so she wanted to do a small tribute for him. The spotlight was in her, like she always loved, and the song started.

Siento, vibro al recordarte junto a mi
Lloro y rio, es tu locura que corre en mi
He perdido la conciencia la razón por ti
Perniciosa me hace daño tan solo pensar en ti

Pero no puedo olvidarte,
No puedo arrancarte de mi
No puedo olvidarte no
No puedo arrancarte de mi.

Lauren left a tear come out of her green eyes, she didn't cared what people said about her or if Eric was jealous now, she just wanted to say that he was hers once, and that he was going to be forever in her heart.

Te amo, te odio
Son tantas cosas que siento por ti
Vivo y muero al mismo tiempo en ti
Tu veneno me ha cegado
Me va matando lo sé
Y tu cuerpo me ha embrujado me haces daño lo sé.

Pero no puedo olvidarte,
No puedo arrancarte de mi
No puedo olvidarte no
No puedo arrancarte de mi.

Como quisiera perderte con el viento
Y arrancarte de mi y olvidarme de ti
Por un momento!

Pero no puedo olvidarte,
No puedo arrancarte de mi
No puedo olvidarte no
No puedo arrancarte de mi.

Eric just looked at her, understanding her. But he couldn't help feeling a little bit jealous.

After singing a couple of songs more with Angell and Andy; Lauren, Tony and Ziva went home, finally getting some rest and sleep. But first, Tony went to check the messages left in the answering machine. One of them caught his attention, and not only his, his daughter and his girlfriend attention.

Mr. DiNozzo? It's Lorena from Mrs. Anna's home. I'm so sorry...Mrs. Anna died this afternoon in the North General Clinic in Barranquilla. The funeral will be in a couple of days. I'm really sorry , please tell Lauren that please. Good bye.

Lauren was frozen after that. Her grandma was dead, she was dead. But the last thing she saw before everything went black were her father and Ziva's worried glances.

DUN DUN DUN! What will happen?. I leave you with this cliffhanger for next chapter.

It's very short because my time is running out, but I promise I'll update soon the next chapter, ok?

Thanks for reading.

Mini-Ziva :)