This is a little ficlit that will have nothing to do with the new story that depicts TrisOc, this just a little rabid plot bunny about what would happen if Calcifer ticked off Tris at Discipline. For my other story, Calcifer may seem a little OOC but hey, it's a plot bunny


"CALCIFER UYAGU I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!" Tris's voice thundered through the Discipline Cottage, causing even Rosethorn to look up from her gardening.

"Oh shit." Calcifer mumbled before fleeing to the main room of the cottage that held their dining table and kitchen.

"What did you do now?" Sandry asked, her hands on her hips, a thin eyebrow raised.

"Tris. Sleeping. Clothes." Calcifer muttered before racing to the front door and wrenching it open. He ran outside…only to be hauled back in by an irate Rosethorn.

"What did you do boy?" Rosethorn demanded, grabbing his ear for extra affect.

"Joke." Calcifer said wincing as Rosethorn pulled harder.

"CALCIFER!" Tris came stomping down the stairs, hands clenched, eyes blazing.

"Oh shit." Calcifer whimpered, only to have Lark cuff him from behind. Apparently, she had heard the commotion.

"Language." She admonished.

Briar, who had followed his teacher into the house smirked at Calcifer's predicament. "Bleater." He scoffed, before rummaging in the cold box.

"Please. You can hang me up in the well, cut off my fingers, anything." Calcifer looked almost tearful as he pleaded with Lark and Rosethorn. "Just don't let her get me."

Rosethorn grinned almost predatorily. "Oh, sorry I thought you hated being dumped in the well." She let go of Calcifer's ear. " A lovers spat will do you two good." Calcifer blushed bright crimson as his two protectors walked out of the house, Lark grinning at him like a fool.

"Sandry…" Tris growled, eyes burning into Calcifer. "Can you let me go please? I promise I won't attack him." Cautiously Sandry relaxed. "Now, what did you do?

"Erm…I…ehhh." Calcifer scuffed his sandal on the floor.

"He switched all of my clothes around with some clothes he found in the attic." Tris growled, her hands turning into claws.

"The extra clothes were pretty ugly." Kyuu relented, scratching his head

This seemed to only aggravate Tris further.


Calcifer took drastic action. Despite the fact the both Sandry and Briar were watching in amusement, he kissed Tris full on the mouth, surprising her into silence. It was quiet for it seemed like an eternity.

"Well." Sandry said, her face slightly pink as she smoothed out her cotton summer gown. "I think I have a loom that's waiting for me in Lark's workshop. Briar, didn't Rosethorn say you had to cut plants for the oil lamps?" Taking the hint, Briar discreetly slipped into Rosethorn's workshop, leaving Tris and Calcifer alone.

"You know your still in trouble right Cal?" Tris asked, her eyes slightly glazed.

"Um…yeah?" Calcifer said rather lamely.

"At least I know how to punish you properly." Tris sounded extremely dry.

"How is that?" Calcifergot rather nervous at the look on Tris's face.

"Meet you on the roof." Tris said, smirking. Then she was gone.

"Oh gods." Calcifer breathed. "I am so screwed."