Dear lord, Arthur couldn't even imagine what he must have drunk to have a hang over this bad. Everything hurt and one thing in particular was especially painful. God what had he done! If Merlin found out that was it. How could have been so stupid? He was married for god's sake!
What if he'd got something, shit he would have to get himself tested, just in case Merlin didn't find out and he ever was with him again he didn't want to give him AIDs. The room smelt weir and some one was gripping his hand so hard it hurt even more. He slowly cracked open his eyes. It was a hospital room. SHIT! He really needed to know what had happened. E could remember going out to Jakes club, there ad been some girls and he though he might just flirt a bit, then Jake could tell Merlin and he would feel better.
He lifted his head with amazing effort and looked around the room was private and empty except for Merlin sat asleep in the char next to the bed with his death grip on Arthur's hand. He would already know…it was over…really over. Except that he was here and the way he was holding his hand didn't seem like a man who abhorred him. Then he remembered in the bedroom that morning, prying open Merlin's fingers that had sought him out in sleep. This was probably the same thing he pulled away with his hand and watched as Merlin awoke cringing at what was to come.
"Morning." Came his first drowsy words. Arthur said nothing. "You okay?"
"Hmmm, good you deserve it." The words were said with far less malice than Arthur expected.
"Why are you here?"
"To save you, you twat. Someone slipped you something at the club. Luckily Jake called me in and I punched them for you before you got date rapped." His voice tensed and cracked at the end. Arthur nuzzled the hand he still had in thanks; he knew how Merlin felt about that sort of thing.
"Thank you, my knight in shining armour." A small smile swirled on to Merlin's face. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have gone to the club."
"Don't worry, you needed comfort and I was being useless or you."
"Your still my partner. You didn't deserve that."
"No, but you didn't deserve my moving out the bedroom so lets just say we're even." They both smiled. Arthur kissed the hand he had.
"Are you feeling more…" He queried hesitantly.
"Yeah, well, I've decided I want to jump your bones just to prove there's really no point in you looking for anyone else, that way you might not get any more drinks spiked by slags." A doctor entered the room.
"Good to see you up. How are you feeling?"
The flat was quite as Benny was spending the night with Dave. He had been passed around a lot the last week but he didn't mind. He would be back tomorrow but for that night they needed some time to them selves. They sat on the sofa and turned on the T, huddled up in each other's warmth smiles glued to their faces. Merlin turned to Arthur feeling safe at last in his arms and kissed him. His husband kissed back and they both grinned even wider as their hands began to explore each other's body in longer than ever could remember. They took it slowly, leisurely. Shirts disappeared as they slowly became more adventurous. Still gently kissing, no hurry, just a celebration of reminding each other of their love. Arthur caught Merlin's hand and brought it to his face.
"Do you remember the day I put that ring on your finger?"
"Uh huh, I adored you that day and you said 'I never thought I'd end up a monogamist but here we are.'"
"Do you remember what else I said?" Merlin shook his head and Arthur kissed his palm before carrying on. "Thank you Merlin, you made me more than I was, my salvation." Merlin just smiled.
"My savour." They kissed gently at first before it became more passionate and Arthur wrapped the smaller man in his arms and carried his back to their bedroom.
Merlin yelped as something hit the bed jerking him out of his slumber. Behind him Arthur also woke pulling Merlin tight against him protectively. Feeling of him there instantly distracted Merlin. Home at last. When he refocused on their wake up call he saw Benny giggling in front of him.
"I made daddy jump." Arthur kissed Merlin's shoulder loosening his arms a little but not letting go.
"You did didn't you?" said Merlin smiling at his son. Benny looked at them both.
"Do you love each other again?" Merlin pulled him too him in a tight hug.
"We never stopped loving each other, Benny?"
"We just forgot how to tell each other for a while." Arthur added.
"Well that's silly." Arthur laughed.
"Yes it is rather."
"I hope I'm not intruding, but he was in here before I could stop him." Dave was stood in the doorway.
"It's fine Dave thanks for having him for the night."
"He's easier to baby-sit than Arthur ever was." Arthur blush bright red and Merlin chuckled. "I see you two have got your act together at last."
"You want me to take Benny to the park for a bit?"
"That would be great!" Arthur replied before Merlin could refuse. "Benny, you want to go to the park with uncle Dave this morning?"
"YEAH!" He squealed and shot out the room.
They lay there comfortably until they heard the door close behind them.
"Why did you want to get rid of Benny?" Merlin asked suspiciously.
"Oh, you don't think I'm done with you yet do you?" His hand crept down from his waist to grasp his member. Merlin groaned loudly.
"Benny will enjoy the park we can see him later." Merlin mumbled.
"I thought you might come around to my side of things." Arthur murmured in his ear as he began to draw swear words from his lover.
Kajos: That's all folks, the end happy for now and probably ever. Hope you enjoyed, I have enjoyed writing it but now I must move on to a new project.