Magic's Heart

Disclaimer; If I owned anything, I wouldn't be here.

Warnings; This story will be M-rated, due to sexual content, swearing, blood and gore. There will be slash in this story and the bashing of certain characters.

Summary; Magic is such a strange thing, some saw her as a power source, but he knew better.

Harry James Potter would be the first to tell you that Magic was not a power source, that Magic has no boundaries then the Human imagination. He knew that Magic lived, it breathed, it was a sentient being without limits. Harry James Potter also knew the dangers of using too much Magic or using it in a foolish way, Magic wasn't just something that wizard and witches had, it was a privilege. That was also the reason that he had decided at the age of 17, to teach at his old school and install that ideal into the minds of the younger students.

But Magic had a different idea, Magic decided that Harry James Potter would be better off using her, where she was needed. It was Magic that ripped through the layers of time and space, to pull her most favorite child into a completely different world. A world that needed his help more than anything else.

Author note; Hello my lovely, lovely readers (yes I am aware I just wrote lovely twice). First of all I want to thank all of you for the support you've given me. As do the rest of my family. My mother especially wants me to thank all of you, as this is a trying time for her as well and having so many well wishes always does her good. I have however no news about my grandfather and my aunt recently started Chemo-therapy and is feeling way to crappy to say anything. I decided to write this chapter to try and take my mind of the shit going on in my life, hopefully it's long enough for all of you. Soooooo enjoy~!




Chapter 12


Entering the tomb


And a Stony Encounter.



Harry was annoyed. No he was beyond annoyed. That damned Galbadian soldier had just send them away, to go and fetch a code some SeeD Cadet had lost in a tomb. They had more important things to worry about and do then go on a silly quest! While the others agreed, Squall had softly reminded them it would be a good practice and warm-up for fighting the Sorceress Edea. And then there was that Guardian Force…

"Well I suppose it won't hurt if we went and got that one… but you do know it's only going to cause me an even bigger headache right?" He mumbled quietly.

"I know Harry." Squall lightly squeezed his shoulder. "But it will help all of us in the long run."

"I still say it ain't fair." Zell glared at the bright city lights and crossed his arms.

"I have to agree with him on that one. My father always does this, always. And if it isn't this and it's making them wait while something important is going on. It's the reason he and I had many fights after my mother died." Rinoa stared at the bright city and sighed, before nodding and straightening herself. "We best go towards the Car rental. Walking towards the tomb will take us a while and we don't have that time."

Squall nodded and leaned back slightly. "Where exactly is that tomb?"

Rinoa fished a map from her small bag at her side and opened it up for them. She placed it on their hotel room table and pulled out a marker. "This is the Tomb of the Unknown King. It's on the north of Deling City. If we follow to road here and go onto the dirt-patch here, we will cut of quite a piece instead of following the entire road."

Nodding to himself, he noted any remarkable landmarks and straightened. "Alright if we all are ready?" Squall glanced at his team.

"Wait! There is one more thing you need to know. The Tomb is a virtual maze and getting lost is very easy." Rinoa looked anxiously at them.

"Then we need a compass and some pen and a good marker for on stone, so we can write out where we went and what path we took. To prevent getting lost." Harry advised.

She grinned brightly and pulled out some paper, pens and more markers. "I figured we would need something like that, so I took the liberty of doing some shopping and stock up on a few things."

Zell watched in amazement and plucked at her bag to see what else she carried. "I knew women with their purses could stock anything in it, but damn… how much do you have in there?"

Rinoa lightly hit his hand and stored the map and anything else she pulled out, back inside. "I have supplies needed to make a small bomb, potions, ethers, elixers, antidotes, awakenings, bandages, eyedrops and anything else we might need inside the tomb."

The journey to the tomb was greatly reduced by following Rinoa's direction and the girl became an excellent guide to their location. When they arrived at the tomb and prepared to enter it, a small group of cadets came running out, pale as a sheet and trembling in fear.

"I told you we should have stocked up on float!" One of the students shouted.

"It doesn't matter anymore, I'm not going back in there again!"

Selphie blinked in confusion, before looking at her friends. "Sooooo… stock up on float?"

Glancing to the side, Squall nodded. "There is a draw point right there, most likely filled with float magic. Float… it means we are dealing with an Earth based monsters. I want all of you to equip yourself accordingly with magic."

Harry shifted slightly, his head tilted and his mind miles away. "Squall, what are we going to do with the General's plan and our orders? Edea isn't really to blame."

Squall glanced at him. "We will need to enter the mansion and have Rinoa retrieve Odine's Bangle. From there we will listen to the General's plan and see if we can use it to our own end." He offered him a tiny smile and a assuring nod.

Harry hummed softly and nodded as well. "Alright, but what about Rinoa? We aren't going to leave her are we? I have a feeling we are going to need her in the future."

"We have a contract with her, until Timber is liberated. So until then she will stay with us, for her own safety… and our own."




Entering the tomb, Squall took the lead with Rinoa next to him, marking the walls they went through with an arrow aimed to the exit. Finding the lost code was easy enough, it was in the hallways they entered and after writing it down on a piece of paper, they continued on their way. They had a Guardian Force to see and gain.

But finding the Guardian Force proved a little bit more difficult than any of them anticipated. It wasn't just the maze they had to worry about. There were monster like the Armadodo, which resembled the Armadillo and was easy to knock over with physical attacks, but loved using earth-based attacks and was a hard nut to crack when it curled up to protect itself. Or the Forbidden, which reminded Harry of the Inferi, only these were a lot easier to kill then the walking dead of his old home world, you only had to douse the Forbidden with Phoenix Down and they crumbled to dust like they never were there in the first place.

But the most hated of monsters was the Blobra. It was a creature that looked like gelatin, but was impervious to physical attacks and you had to used magic to even injure them. And sure that sounded easy, but it was Russian Roulette to figure out what element would harm them, or heal them.

It was a good thing they had stocked up as much as they could, if they hadn't they would have been in serious trouble. As it was, when they finally came to the center of the maze they were exhausted.

"Let's take a brief break, before we tackle the Guardian Force." Squall quietly said, he himself was feeling the effects of fighting they had done. And if they could have, he would have had the others set up a camp inside the maze. But it was too dangerous, with the place crawling with monsters. If they set up camp now, they could be attacked at a moment's notice. No, a brief break to catch their breaths was the only thing they could afford for the moment.

It was Harry who carefully approached the tomb of the Unknown King. And it was to him that the Guardian Force reacted. But it wasn't just one, they had expected, but two. One a small minotaur like creature and the other a bigger version of the small minotaur.

With the size difference you expected them to be related and the bigger one to be the older, but it was not so.




"Look Big Brother, there are intruders in the Tomb." The big one said.
"I can see that Sacred, I'm not blind." The smaller of the two yelled at the one called Sacred. He turned his attention on the intruders and looked them up and down. "I am Minotaur and this is my little brother Sacred." His gaze went to Harry and there it stopped. "Ah, and you are the one huh? You look tiny and unimpressive. I'm surprised they would even pick you, I would have gone for someone bigger and more sturdy looking. You look like you could snap in two with a little bit of wind."

Harry felt an eyebrow twitch. Oh her knew he was effeminate and he knew he didn't look all that impressive next to Zell, Irvine and Squall, but damn it, he deserved some respect. "That doesn't mean a lot, coming from a pipsqueak like you." The Sorcerer glared at the Guardian Force.

Minotaur returned the glare and puffed himself up. "You have a lot of nerve you little brat! Do you know who I am?!"

"A mouthy Guardian Force, with an attitude the size of the stick up his ass?"Harry crossed his arms. The cloud of malice coming from Minotaur had the entire group on edge and reaching for their weapons.

"Maybe it's not a smart idea to anger the Guardian Force, Harry?" Selphie stammered out.

"Brother, maybe you shouldn't you know…" Sacred brought out, only to be brushed aside by his big brother.

"You wanna do this, Princess? Then bring it on. I can take you out without any fuss. Come on then, or are you a pussy?" Minotaur leered and smirked.

Harry was not the type to jump into a fight, or he hadn't been ever since her arrived in Balamb, but first this little pipsqueak judged him, without even knowing him, then he insulted him and now the no good Guardian Force was taunting him?! No chance in hell was he going to walk away from this fight. "You want it, then come on and get it."

"Harry," Squall interrupted, "I don't think you should do this."

"No, I need to do this. I know you don't agree with me, but if I don't do this… I need to become stronger Squall, for what is to come." He turned his emerald green eyes on the man he had been falling for, silently begging him to understand and to not get too angry with him.

Squall stared at him, before sighing slightly and rubbing the bridge of his nose. "I am pulling you out of there the moment it goes wrong. I don't care what you think."

"Thank you, Squall." The sunny smiled aimed at him, eased Squalls heart slightly, but he was still tense and ready to interfere.




"You needed your boy-toy's approval, Princess?" Minotaur taunted.
Harry however took a deep breath and slid into a battle-ready stance, his twin swords spinning in his grip as he waited and watched. His green eyes analyzing his opponent and focusing on only him.

When Minotaur didn't get a response from the Sorcerer, he rushed at him, his giant hammer swinging for a strike. Harry however jumped to the side and dove underneath Minotaur's guard and slashed at his side, sending the GF stumbling for a moment. The GF quickly recovered and tried another swing, this time Harry wasn't as quick to jumps away and the swing glanced off him. While it didn't actually do any devastating damage, it did send him stumbling. He barely had enough time to roll away, when the hammer came down on his previous position and cracked the stone floor with a resounding crash.

"You gonna regret ever coming here, Princess." Minotaur sneered and swung his hammer again. Harry however was prepared and jumped on top of the hammer the moment it landed on the floor and used it as a trampoline, spinning into the air and tossing one of his swords at the GF. The sharp sword buried itself in the GF's shoulder and when Harry came down, he used his momentum and the gravity to tear the GF's back open, from shoulder to ass.

It brought Minotaur down and he groaned lowly, down for the count. Sacred watched and knelt down in front of the Sorcerer. Before it moved to his older brother and quickly fixed him up.

To the side Squall walked to his Sorcerer and checked him for any injuries.

Minotaur got to his feet and looked at the young Sorcerer and grunted. "Alright Princess, you're worthy of wielding us and we will be proud to call you ours. We are the Brothers, call us when you need us, or when you feel like burying someone under a mountain of dirt." He walked to Harry and scratched the Sorcerer's cheek, with Sacred doing the same. Their power seeped into Harry and the influx of it, brought him to his knees, while the brothers vanished without a sound.

Harry could feel something tear at his back and on instinct he knew it were his wings, while logic told him that it never had hurt before, his wings used to materialize from the magic inside him, not trying to actually escape from his back. But that wasn't the worst pain, no the worst came from his head. On both sides something was trying to carve its way out and the only thing he could do, was scream out in agony. While the others watched helplessly, unable to do anything.
Squall knelt down next to Harry and grabbed his shoulders. "Harry!"
"H-Hurts, it hurts!" The pain filled scream tore at his heart and without any other option he kissed the smaller male to take his mind of the pain and trying to give him any reprieve.

The kiss shocked the Sorcerer so badly, he couldn't decide on how to react. But the moment was enough to block out the pain and in an arch of blood his two pairs of wings burst free from his back. The white feathers covered in the sticky red of his blood and from the sides of his head horns forced themselves through, curving backward in an elegant curl and looking like they belonged there all along.

It however was all too much for him to continue processing and he blissfully blacked out, leaving his Knights to stare in stunned surprise.

Squall had kissed Harry and their Sorcerer was mutating.






Hope you guys liked this Chapter~

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