(Disclaimer: I don't want to be famous, that proves my point of not owning PJO or FEAR.)

John's POV

The dream started out like this: I was in one of Alma's nightmares that had fire everywhere, except she or Fettel were nowhere in sight. The blurry fire reflected off my goggles. Just then, a figure in black robes faded inwards and walked towards me. He was carrying a scythe about the length of his body, making him look like the Grim Reaper.

When he looked up, his face was unusually pale. A scar rippled from his cheek bone to his chin. I couldn't see his eyes since the hood of his cloak covered them.

"So," Kronos said in the raspy, metallic voice, "you managed to turn my most valuable ally over to the gods, eh?"

"And proud of it," I backfired.

His lips formed a smile, "Alma Wade has chosen the wrong side."

A shimmering cloud of shadow appeared next to me and out came my psychic mother, Alma, in her little red dress and blood splattered feet.

I have not chosen the wrong side, she whispered. All cheaters must be exterminated in my game.

Kronos threw his head back and bellowed halfheartedly, "You psychics! For centuries, your kind has made the most ridiculous decisions known to man. And yet you're still at it!"

Alma balled her fists. Why couldn't she just liquefy him into a skeleton?

"Some day, I'll meet you in battle," Kronos said, "And you will be the first to fall."

Suddenly, my surroundings blurred and morphed into the most gruesome battlefield I have ever set my eyes upon. The camp's forest was on fire with nymphs and satyrs scorched to death. I turned around to see Long Island Sound. The water was like an ocean of blood while killed demigods flooded up and down the coastline.

The only two people that were alive were me and a black-haired boy I immediately recognized as Percy. He was kneeling down at a blond-haired girl with a large gash that oozed blood out of her stomach. I felt like I was going to throw up from the sight, though I pushed it back down and walked towards Percy. With each footstep, it left behind a footprint of blood like Alma's little feet.

Tears streamed down Percy's face as he looked up from an injured Annabeth.

"I-I couldn't s-save her," he stuttered, "a-and I forgot t-to tell her how m-much I c-cared for her."

Those words echoed through my head the rest of the morning.

Breakfast came and went, so did Andrew's concert rehearsal and archery practice. The Replica soldiers had fitted themselves with camouflaged bronze body armor and those celestial bullets that the Hephaestus kids had forged. There were two days left until we had to leave for the meeting of the gods, which made me more nervous. I wondered if Zeus would strike me down once I entered their temple or Athena would turn me into another gorgon.

I didn't tell anyone about my dream. It was too disturbing and depressing to talk about. I kept myself busy by sword fighting with some of the Ares kids. They were tough, but I easily handled them with my bronze knife Beckendorf gave me.

I accidently maimed one of the Ares kids and he yelled, "Your dead!"

My reflexes were fast enough to send his sword skidding across the sand. I held my dagger to his throat.

"I give," he said in a weak voice. I sheathed my dagger and apologized. Then out of nowhere, he threw his fist towards my stomach and time slowed down enough for me to catch the fist with amazing accuracy. The boy's eyes seemed to flicker from blue to gold as if his eyes were light bulbs.

He backed away from me and growled, "I, Lord of the East, will have your soul!"

"What?" I asked him. Suddenly, his entire body burst into a flame silhouette about as tall as me.

He cracked his fiery knuckles, "This shouldn't take long."

Even from where I'm standing, the heat radiating from the used-to-be Ares guy was making the temperature feel like ninety-degrees Fahrenheit. I was too stunned to call for help. The Lord of the East held up two fingers to the side of his mouth and blew a column of flame at me. I rolled out of the way and time slowed down.

I barreled towards the Human Torch and dodged another fire blast by swiftly spinning on my heel and punched him between his fiery eyes. He staggered backwards as I stared at my fist. It wasn't even on fire.

Before I could wonder why, he pulled out a four foot-long scimitar made of pure flame and golden hilt.

"Kronos will have my aid once more," he babbled. Making a slash at me, I sidestepped and quickly head-butted him. That gave me the chance to draw my MP5 submachine gun and load celestial bronze bullets.

I took aim as he cursed in Ancient Greek and I shot three rounds of bullets at his head. After the third shot, he disintegrated into a quick burst of flame. Chiron bounded into the arena to assess the damage.

"What happened here?" he demanded.

"Someone possessed an Ares kid," I explained, holstering my weapon, "he tried to kill me."

"Did he say anything?"

"Yeah, the Lord of the East."

His three-thousand year-old brown eyes widened, "Hyperion is back."

Percy's POV

After two hours of song rehearsal with Annabeth, I decided to head for the beach since the sun was starting to set. The beach always calmed my hyperactive brain.

I spread my towel on the soft sand and watched the pink and orange streaks across the evening sky. Just as soon as the last light of the sun dipped beyond the horizon, a green pillar of light flashed before my eyes. I figured that was nothing until I heard a faint voice in the wind.

Come, my hero.

My eyes widened. The voice was so inviting and calm, I could almost obey. Until I snapped out of the trance and my mind felt like I couldn't remember what happened just now. It was just blank. I shook it off and concentrated on feeling the cool sea breeze.

Then I heard footsteps coming towards me.

"Hey, Percy," a familiar voice said.

"'Sup," I greeted back without turning my head. I didn't want to lose sight of the clouds yet. She sat on the other end of the towel. For some strange reason, my heart started doing back-flips.

"Nice sunset, huh?" Annabeth asked.

"Too bad you missed something totally weird a few minutes ago," I said.

"What was that?"

"The green flash."

Hyperion, titan god of light, is back! Bum, bum, bummmmmmm! Well, he possessed one of the Ares kids (I'd like to call him Michael, but since he's dead, I can't call him that right now -*sigh-*) Also, if none of you know about the phenomenon 'green flash', go watch Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End and pillar of light stuff...whatever. Anyways, I hope you enjoy the twenty-eighth chapter of FEAR in Camp Half-Blood!