Disclaimer: I own Lacey. WWE is owned by Vince McMahon, and everyone else owns themselves.
Chapter Fourteen: Goodbye Apathy
Jeff was behind the wheel as they drove in silence. Trish, in the passenger seat drumming her two fingers onto the dashboard while bobbing her head up and down. To say Jeff was annoyed would be the understatement of the year. "Do you think you could stop that?" he questioned, glancing at the former WWE women's champion.
"I could. But I won't." if she was going to go on this car ride with him, she sure as hell wasn't going to do what he wanted her to do. He wasn't going to win.
"Open the glove box."
Trish raised a perfectly arched eyebrow. "Why?"
"Don't question it. Just do it."
She scoffed. "What did I tell you about telling me what to do?"
"I'm not trying to tell you what to do."
"You're demanding it." She pointed out. "Which is the same as telling."
Jeff didn't say anything but he did let a small sigh escape from his lips. Trish stopped drumming her fingers on the dashboard and opened the glove box, she was too curious for her liking. She reached into it and pulled out the only thing that was in there. A CD.
Jeff stopped at the red light and curiously looked at the Trish. The CD was one of her favorites. X&Y by Coldplay, he had found out by Amy that Trish loved to workout to the English band, and that CD was her favorite. Jeff had listened to the CD himself – and he didn't care for it much. Some (okay, okay… most) of the lyrics were a little boring to him, but a few songs were beautiful.
"Jeff!" Trish gushed, a smile formed on her face as she opened the CD. "This is my favorite Coldplay CD!"
"I know." She looked at him, his eyes were still on her. Trish lips came together upward into a smile. A car honking behind them broke the moment, but Jeff still let his eyes linger on the blonde.
"Green light," she informed him.
"Right." his green eyes went back to the road and his foot hit the petal and once again they were on their way.
The blonde ejected the Pearl Jam CD while rolling her eyes, before taking out the Coldplay CD and popping it in. She put the Pearl Jam CD in the Coldplay CD case, not knowing where else to put it before stuffing the case into the glove box.
You're in control, is there anywhere you wanna go?
The sounds of Coldplay floated through the car. Trish closed her eyes and leaned back into her seat relaxing. She let out a soft content sigh which caused Jeff to glance at her. He smiled while noticing how peaceful she looked.
"So…" he spoke, his smile turning into a smirk as he broke her out of her relaxed mood.
"Hm?" she asked, trying to hide how annoyed she was.
"We have a lot to talk about. Shall we start?" he cut right to the chase.
"No, we shall not start."
"Okay then, I guess I will." He nodded and looked thoughtful for a moment. "Trish, there comes a point in every person's life whe--."
Trish shot him a glare. "Did you rehearse this?"
"That obvious?"
She nodded. "Yeah, it is."
"Alright then I guess I should speak from the heart."
"Cheesy Jeff, this isn't a bad chick flick. Let's just skip the talking, okay?"
"No, it's not okay."
Jeff sighed and the music in the car stopped. Trish turned her attention to Jeff. "Why did you do that?" He said nothing instead pulled over to the side of the road. "Why did you stop the car?"
Jeff took the keys out of the ignition, and turned to the blonde woman. "I want to know what your problem is."
The woman rolled her eyes. "My problem is I," she paused. "I don't want to be here with you."
"Why not?" He questioned, he took Trish's hand in his. "Your palms are sweaty, you're nervous. Why?"
"I-I-I'm n-n-not." She yanked back her hand away from him, her eyes were now narrowed.
Jeff sighed and rolled his eyes. "You're stuttering, you don't stutter often. Why are you nervous?"
Trish looked away, the truth was, she was nervous being here with him. She was nervous about what he wanted to talk about, and how she was going to keep her feelings at bay. But then again, part of her was wandering if maybe this was just what they both needed. A heart to heart? Maybe some sort of closure or truce, at least for Lacey's sake.
"Trish." She was brought out of her thoughts by Jeff.
"I'm just nervous because…" the former diva trailed off as he turned a corner. "You know."
The rainbow haired man shook his head, "No, I don't know."
It was silent again, Jeff looking at Trish expectantly, the woman in question looking out the window. "Can you just continue to drive?" she broke the silence. "Where are we going anyway?"
Jeff looked back to the road and placed his hands on the steering wheel. He started the car again. "Sometimes it's better to focus on the journey not the destination."
The blonde raised an eyebrow. "Since when did you get all wise?"
"Some quote I read online. I thought it fit." he shrugged.
Trish rolled her eyes, but the corners of her lips tugged upwards. Don't smile, don't smile, she mentally coached herself. "So, what did you want to talk about?"
Jeff almost stopped the car abruptly; he glanced over at Trish out of the corner of his eye. "Why the sudden mood change?" her voice soft, unlike the harsh tone she had adapted since the car ride, when she had spoken and it had caught him off guard.
"PMS." she smirked. "But, I just, wanted to know what you were going to tell me."
Jeff accepted the answer; he knew she was a curious cat. "I wanted to have a heart to heart."
"Oh. Well … um, err… okay?" She wasn't sure what Jeff wanted to talk about, but he must've been something big if he had to take her out on a drive just so they could talk. What was wrong with just talking at Matt's house?
"Just not yet. So you're safe for a few more minutes." he chuckled.
"Ha. Ha." she didn't find that funny. "I guess we do need to have a heart to heart, to talk about Lacey and whatnot. I was thinking you could have every other Holiday, besides Christmas, of course."
Jeff continued to drive and didn't even respond to Trish, but his mind was reeling. Every other Holiday? That wasn't even good enough for him. He wanted to spend all his time with his daughter that he had just met and couldn't even fathom living without. He wanted to know everything about her and make up for lost time. He wanted to be the best dad possible, her hero. Every other Holiday didn't, and would never, cut it for him. It wasn't enough.
"Is every other Holiday good? I've been meaning to speak to you about this since yesterday." Trish pressed, much to the annoyance of Jeff.
"No, Trish, it's not good." he answered her. "I want more time with my daughter."
"Well that sucks Jeff because we live in two different countries. You can come visit whenever you want." Trish knew she was being unfair, but she was also being realistic.
"Right," he spoke, getting annoyed with the blonde. How could he possibly come visit his daughter when he had too much going on? Between the WWE shows, his band, and The Hardy Show, he wouldn't have the time to travel to Canada. "When are you going to tell her I'm her dad?"
Trish had thought about telling Lacey, and she would, but when? She didn't know how to tell the little girl, but it had to be done. "Soon."
"Does that mean you're going to keep putting it off?" he asked, usually when people said soon they would just keep putting it off.
"No I wont Jeff, I just don't know how to tell my daughter that you're her father."
"That she has a father or that I am her father?"
Trish knew that she had hurt Jeff with her statement, she frowned. "I didn't mean it like that," she told him, placing her hand on his arm that laid on the armrest. "It'll be a lot for her to take in, knowing she has a dad. I just want to do it at a time that is best, and I need to figure out how to tell her to where she doesn't feel lied to. I want her to be okay with this and to adjust well."
"I think she will, she's very understanding, like you."
Trish laughed. "Please tell me that was sarcasm? Understanding? I hid your daughter from you."
"You did." he nodded. "But I want to move past that. What's important to me now is Lacey, and you."
The woman looked over at Jeff, she wanted to say something. To ask him why, but she couldn't find the words. Luckily for her, she didn't have to say anything as Jeff pulled over the car to the side of the road.
"We're here." he told her, taking the keys out of the ignition. Silence filled the car, and Trish looked out of the window. "Um…Jeff…"
A smirk formed on Jeff's face as he took off his seatbelt and turned to her. "Yes?"
"Where exactly are we? There's just… woods." Jeff had pulled up to a deserted road; no cars were driving pass and it was just them. Aligning the roads on both sides were trees leading to what Trish thought to be, a heavily wooded area.
"I know." Jeff opened his car door and got out, shutting the door behind him. Trish didn't move, she stayed in her seat, her seatbelt still on. She didn't understand why they were out here.
Jeff tapped on the car window, causing Trish to look at him. "You coming?" she heard his voice faintly from inside the car. She shook her head no, and he shrugged before walking into the woods. She watched him until she couldn't see him anymore. She pulled out her cell phone from her purse and dialed Amy's number.
"Amy here." Amy answered.
"Ames, where's Lacey?" she asked, missing her daughter all ready.
"She's on this ride with Matt." she answered.
Trish's eyebrows came together in confusion. "Ride?"
Amy laughed. "Yeah, we took her to the fair. Matt, Gil and I. Jeff said he had something planned for you."
"He took me to the middle of a road and then went into the woods…I'm kind of scared. Who knows what could be in there."
"Don't worry, I'm sure Jeff will protect you. He loves you way too much to let the lions get you."
Trish snorted, "I doubt it. He doesn't love me."
"More then you know, and you just keep throwing it in his face. I mean, it's obvious. Even Lacey knows, I think she's just not saying anything."
"I doubt Lacey knows, Ames."
"Patricia, just...." Amy sighed. "You love him, he loves you. So just shut up and jump into his arms."
"It's not that simple."
"Yes it is, you just make everything so complicated. You and your thinking. Just, for once, stop thinking before you act and just go for it."
Trish took a breath and nodded. "Alright, fine. I'll go for it…I'll put my heart on the line, but if he it cuts it down then that's it."
"You give up too easily, Patricia. But he won't. Now go." Trish hung up her phone without a goodbye to her best friend. Taking off her seat belt, she opened the car door and exited the vehicle. "You better not leave my heart out in the rain." she thought, throwing her cell phone gently on the car seat and shutting the door. Here goes nothing…
A/n: Emotions running high in this chap. Lots of flip flopped emotions in here. So, what's going to happen in the woods? Is Trish ever going to tell Lacey? How will Lacey take the news? Is Jeff and Trish gonna get together? Until next time…
A/n 2: I am so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so… so so so so SORRY! I know, I haven't updated in what…six months? I am sorry, but I've been on a hiatus due to writer's block. I wish I could say that my writer's block is gone, but it's still here. I'm going to try to get out the next chapter soon, but no promises. Once again, I'm really sorry for the wait. Review?
P.S; I'm going to be eighteen in exactly one week!!