Ripple Effect

Urahara's Store

"Ichigo stop it," Rukia whispered in hushed tones.

"I don't know what you're talking about I'm sleeping." Ichigo whispered back.

"You're supposed to be resting." Rukia said with her back to Ichigo.

"I am resting." Ichigo said as his lips touched the back of Rukia's neck sending chills down her spine.

"Then what is your hand doing." Rukia said in a stern voice trying to hide her mounting excitement.

"I don't know, like I said I'm sleeping." PACK, a slap across Ichigo's face caused his hand from moving any further down Rukia's stomach. "What the HELL," Ichigo yelled in a whisper, "I'm fricken injured over here."

"Just thought I'd wake you up," Rukia said with a giggle, her face now facing Ichigo's face her lavender eyes staring into his light brown ones, "Wouldn't want you molesting me in your sleep after all."

"I was just trying to get comfortable," Ichigo said in mocking defense.

"WE ARE IN A STORE, THAT IS FILLED WITH STUPID EAVESDROPPERS," Rukia said in a very hushed tone, "I will not have our firs…" Rukia stopped as she saw the silhouette of a black cat dart across the window. "See," Rukia pointed at the window, "Yoruichi was right outside."

"You know there are cats in the world." Ichigo said his frustration building.

"Ya, and they all can use flash step too."

Ichigo pulled Rukia closer to him and buried his face in her hair as his hand slowly traced her neck and down her shoulders gently pushing down her oversized shirt she wore.

"Ichigo!" Rukia said with a smile.

"What, I'm a sleep again," He said his lips inches from her own. His hand moved from her shoulder and Rukia couldn't help but let out a small sigh of protest, but Ichigo was a quick thinker (even in his supposed sleep), his hand immediately moved to her stomach and slowly resumed its upward path up Rukia's stomach.

"If Byakuya finds out," Rukia said her lips moving gently over Ichigo's.

"Fine, fine," Ichigo said in a defeated voice, "well how about a kiss good-night then."

Rukia moved closer to kiss Ichigo, when a reiatsu that had become all too familiar entered the room. Rukia immediately jumped out of the bed and Ichigo turned instinctively reaching for his zanpaktou, "Ichigo," Isshin said in a commanding voice.

"Dad, what are you doing here?" Ichigo said somewhat irritated at the interruption.

Isshin was not his usual jolly self. He had a stern look on his face that made Ichigo immediately sit up in his bed. Ichigo grimaced in pain at the sudden movements, his wounds not fully healed. "Ichigo, I just wanted to say, you won't be seeing me for awhile." The look on Isshin's face made Ichigo worry just a bit.

"I know, we discussed this before.." Ichigo trailed off, "Before, everything happened."

"No," Isshin said, "Many things have changed since we spoke of your decision to leave the human world behind."

"I know."

"No, you don't. Now shut up for once and let me…" Isshin trailed off, "Look Ichigo there are a lot of things I know you want to ask me, a lot of explanations I owe you, but.."

"Dad what's wrong."

"Something happened to your sisters."

"What!!" Ichigo said jumping out of the bed ignoring the pain that shot through his body, "Is it because.."

"No, it," Isshin said as he put a hand an Ichigo's shoulder and looked him in the eye, "It's because of me son, I tried to hide, tried to…. But I couldn't, should have known."

"Dad, what the hell is going on?" Ichigo said as he grabbed Isshin.

"They have…" Isshin paused and moved away from Ichigo, "They have awakened."

Ichigo's eyes widened, he didn't even notice that blood was now pouring out of the many wounds he had on his body. "Where are…."

"Enough!" Isshin shouted, "Enough son. They for now are resting. You will have a very difficult path ahead of you, and I can't be there for you." Isshin said his tears now falling from his eyes.

"Dad, please tell me…"

"You're almost as powerful as me, and you're still so young," Isshin said with a weak smile. Ichigo tried to interrupt but Isshin waved him quite, "I want to be there for you, but well you're strong enough to handle yourself, I have to take care of your sister now."

"Dad what are you talking about," Ichigo asked a cold chill sweeping over his body.

Isshin handed Ichigo a small charm, "If you ever need me, REALLY need me, break it." Isshin said his face stern, "Karin," Isshin called.

Kurosaki Karin timidly walked into the room. Ichigo dropped to his knees tears falling from his face as he starred at Karin in a pure black kimono, a large zanpaktou strapped to her back, "No," Ichigo whispered.

"Ichigo," Isshin said in a strong voice, "The Kurosaki family has fallen, only clan Shiba remains. Take care of Karin."

"What, what about Yuzu," Ichigo said through sobs.

"Yuzu, takes after her mother, there are things that must be done." Isshin said as he knelt down and wrapped his arm around Ichigo and beckoned Karin to come as well. Karin quickly ran into his father's embrace. "I love you two so much." Isshin said his tears choking his words, "I'm sorry I won't be around for awhile, but Yuzu needs, special, special care." Isshin stood up and looked at two of his children, "Karin don't be like your idiot brother over here, trying to run before he can crawl. Learn from your zanpaktou, learn its name, its strengths, trust it, and it will trust you."

"Yes, dad." Karin said through tears.

"Ichigo, very shortly you will be forced to make another decision. Remember, the command your mother gave you, never give up, never surrender, and LIVE, my son Live."

"Will we ever se…"

"If all goes according to plan, then yes, but we now walk on two separate paths. Take care of each other, grow strong, I'll see you." Isshin turned to leave.

"Dad," Karin yelled as she hugged him, "Sorry, for always, for always.."

"I love you, never forget that, and never forget how to laugh." Isshin looked over to Ichigo who still clung to Isshin's sleeve, "Remember you two, only break those charms when absolutely necessary," Isshin smiled and said, "There expensive as hell, and I don't work anymore." With that Isshin was gone.

Karri turned and looked at Ichigo, her eyes filled with tears and then she noticed the blood, "Ichi, your bleeding."

"It's nothing." Ichigo said standing up, "So, you know its name yet?"

Karin put her head down, "I think, I think she called herself Kai Ewa."

(Authors note: Kai Ewa Hawaiian for water of life. Eh I can make up whatever name I want to for a zanpaktou, Japan and Hawaii our really tight.)

"You're faster than me, took me months to here Zangetsu speaking to me." Ichigo said. Suddenly Ichigo fell his eyes rolling in the back of his head. The shock of seeing his sister as a shinigami coupled with the fact that most of his wounds reopened caused Ichigo to pass out.

"Ichi!" Karin yelled.

Rukia was instantly beside Ichigo, "Quick Karin help me get him into the bed."

"Is he going to be alright?"

"He'll be just fine," Rukia said smiling, "He's just tired and his wounds still haven't fully healed. He just needs rest."

Karin starred at her prone brother as Rukia began to administer healing kidou on Ichigo. Slowly his wounds began to close and his breathing became regular. Karin's hugged Rukia, "Thank you." She whispered.

"It's a small thing; your brother is very strong those wounds would have closed on their own." Rukia said returning the hug.

"Rukia can I, can I sleep with you guys tonight." Karin asked her eyes still focused on her brother who let out a snore.

"I'll leave you two alone.."

"No," Karin said in a sudden loud voice, "I mean no, I want to be around both of you, just for, you know just for tonight." Karin eyes open with fright, "Rukia, what's happening." She said pointing at a faint blue light emanating from Ichigo's body.

Rukia turned and looked at Ichigo and smiled, "He's healing himself, that's his reiatsu."

"Does everyone's, re, reiatsu glow from their bodies?" Karin said her eyes mesmerized by the display of power.

"No," Rukia said smiling at Karin, "But your brother is very powerful and," she hugged Karin, "Probably you too."

Karin felt Kai Ewa stir in response to her brother's reiatsu, "Let's go to bed," Rukia said smiling at Karin.

"Ya." As they walked to the bed Rukia stopped, "What's wrong?" Karin asked.

"The bed, its, its bigger." Rukia said in confusion, and then realizing that the night held to much surprises and questions, she decided not to think on it, "Come on Karin let's get some sleep."

Karin smiled as she slid in-between Ichigo and Rukia. Slowly Ichigo's reiatsu moved to Karin and then to Rukia covering them, embracing them in his strength and soon the two women were fast asleep.

Urahara stood outside of the door leading into the room Ichigo, Rukia, and Karin slept in. "That's a pretty neat trick you did with that bed." Yoruichi said whispering into Urahara's ear, "Now how about you give me the box that's under your bed." Yoruichi said slowly walking away.

"Wait," Urahara said, pulling Yoruichi into him. Her eyes flew open with sock.


Urahara smiled, Yoruichi closed her eyes….

Grimm Jow stood on the roof and starred down on the sleeping Ichigo, "Man, can't believe I lost to such a bitch." PACK, a slipper hit Grimm Jow across the face, "Why, you little.."

Hiyori smiled, "And what does that make you?" Hiyori smiled a mask forming over her face, her black kimono gliding on the night's breeze.

"Ah, when are you going to take that crap off?" Shinji said as another of Hiyori's slippers smacked him across the face.

"When I feel like it." Hiyori said.

"Shall we go?" Halibel said as she slowly put her hand into Grimm Jow's.

"Ya, we're done here." Shinji said as he floated into the sky.

Grimm Jow took one last look at Ichigo and turned to Halibel, "I'll kill him later." She smiled and they followed the rest of the Vizored into the night's sky.

Hiyori watched as the group went off, and then jumped off the roof. Urahara sat on the steps leading into the store Yoruichi lying on his lap. "Oi, I'll be taking off then." Hiyori said.

Urahara tossed her a small cell phone, "In case I need you, or you just want to…"

Hiyori caught the phone and smiled, "You're stupid," she said as she turned to fly off into the sky she turned and whispered, "Dickhead."

Urahara smiled watching his onetime vice-captain disappeared into the star lit sky. He slowly pulled a large silver box from behind his back and placed it on Yoruichi's stomach. She turned to look at him and then the box. She slowly opened it, she let out a small gasp, inside the box was a pure black zanpaktou with a small black box sitting on it. With trembling hands Yoruichi opened the smaller box………

Well that begins the paths of my new stories. To find out about Yuzu and Isshin look for my story Family Ties, for Grimm Jow and all those crazy Vizoreds well look Vizoreds, and for more on everyone's favorite bad ass Ichigo, stay right here for further updates.