Author's Note: I've been writing this story for a while, and was inspired by my friend to finally post it. I'll be updating it once every week from now on. :) This is kind of a test post; please review if you think I should continue it!

Disclaimer: I don't own House, or Thirteen, or Cameron or anyone/thing you recognize. Please don't sue!


Part I


Goodbyes never seemed to faze Gregory House. As most of the time, they weren't actually "goodbye forever'," but really just "goodbye until I need you again."

So when Allison Cameron came to his office, a little over a year after she had stopped working in his department, to ask if he could sign her letter of recommendation, he was just as dispassionate. The blonde stood before him, as he skimmed the letter.

"You have writing my utter nonchalance down to a science." He gazed over the top of the letter at her. Cameron nodded, and smiled weakly.

He scribbled his barely legible signature at the bottom of the letter and handed it back to her. "I don't see why you couldn't have just forged it though…" When she didn't leave his office, he raised an eyebrow.

"It a bit late in the game to suggest office sex, don't you think?" She didn't say a word, just sat down. "Not that I'm saying no, it's just…" He trailed off, waving a hand in the air.

"The hospital I'm applying to, it's in Colorado." Cameron said, folding her hands in her lap.

"Ah, so you want goodbye sex then…" House grinned smugly. Cameron smiled and stood up.

"Goodbye House." She stopped in the doorway. "Don't be too crazy while I'm gone."

"Cam," He shook his head. "Without you here nagging me, it won't be half as fun." He saluted her, and spun around in his chair, signaling the end of their conversation. With his back to her, Cameron couldn't help but smile; coming from House, that was practically a marriage proposal.

Cameron turned around and was suddenly face to face with the woman who had replaced her. Well not really, I had quit…But you can't blame me… She told herself with slight envy. She had stupidly pined after House for almost two years, and it was hard to see his attraction and flirting directed at another woman, no matter how over the whole ordeal she was. Cameron told herself. "Hello Thirteen." She said smiling, poor girl has no idea what she's in for.

"Doctor Cameron," She nodded, her blue eyes locking in on Cameron's chocolate brown ones. Thirteen confidently passed by her, entering House's office as if she owned the place.

"House, you're wrong." Thirteen said from inside the office, not hesitating for a moment. Looking at the confidence of the younger woman, Cameron smiled. "And if you don't stop being so ignorant about it, you're going to kill this girl." She growled. She'll be fine, Cameron decided, and finally left Princeton-Plainsboro