It didn't take much anymore for towns in the Empire to surrender, not just one dragon flew into battle but three and then a horse sized dragon attacked from the ground. Eragon wasn't sure what scared them more, the shear number of Dragons or was it the size of the Green Dragon that approached. What suprised Eragon more was how much sway he had over Tayren on the battle field. Eragon knew that it wasn't Tayren's way of making up for there fight, he was adament that he was right, but the possibility that even though he was much older and more experienced but still letting Eragon assume the position of Leader of the Dragon Riders baffeled him.

As they fought at Bullridge, now with the Elves helping them, he ordered Tayren to the front line, instead of helping to get rid of the fortifications of the small tower that was their keep. He couldn't understand why Tayren obeyed with out hesitation.

When this battle is over I'm going to ask him why he keeps obeying me. Eragon said to Saphira

Isn't it a good thing that he listens? It seems to me that he's just respecting you has the Leader of the Dragon Riders...I've spoken to Araina and she told me he honestly hates being in positions of extreme power..."he perfers the influencial side line role" as Araina but it. Saphira soothed, she had started to become very fustarted with Eragon and his jealousy, She did not need anymore lessons, Araina praised her creativity when it came to flying tactics and was now acting as a kind of teachers assistant. Spahira also could see that Eragon was falling behind, he kept up his own personal training but it was soon obvious as he spared with Murtagh and Arya that his skill were being surpassed, Eragon noticed as well.

Eragon swooped over the tower scattering the soldiers on top. Saphira swung around and breathed fire over the walls as Eragon jumped down and began working his way to a door that led into the tower, but more soldiers were coming from up the stairs and Eragon was being overwhelmed. A sword came right at his head, he knew he was done for, just as he was begining to regret not listening to Tayren a hammer swung up and crushed the soldiers skull.

"What happen to all the skill Riders were supose to have?" Roran mocked.

"Roran! You couldn't have come at a better time." Eragon beamed. Together they fought there way into the tower. They didn't meet with much oppostions and quickly forced the Lord of the city into surrender. Lately, battles were being one far too easy.

"Tayren, I would like to speak with you." Eragon said as he entered the elder Rider's tent.

"Of course Eragon. What is it you'd like to speak to me about?" Tayren asked politely with an air that said he already knew.

"Why do you listen to my orders on the battle field?" Eragon all but demanded.

"Simple, it's because you are the rightful heir to the leading position of the Dragon Riders. I thought you would have learned that I am simply a teacher and dislike having to lead." Tayren replied.

"Well, I guess I should apologize. I realize that I was arogant and pig headed, I would like to learn everything you can teach me. I will listen to what you say in regards to your teaching and I will accept your teachings as knowledge to keep me alive." Eragon recited in the anicent language.

"Alright Eragon, I will teach you. Allow me to say this though." Tayren began, "When I first saw you fight I saw great potential with the sword but after further observations I'd say your skills with magic will surpass your skills with the blade. This, in no way, means that you can slack on your swordsmanship training, but it means that you shouldn't be upset if you still are behind everyone else...other then myself, when it comes to battles of the blade."

A few more weeks had past, Evander had grown to a height that allowed Arya to ride him. Evander was much less stocky then Thorn, he was sleek, almost like a spear. He also was very reserved and kept a very noble demenor.

"Arya, Eragon I have a favor to ask of you two." Tayren shouted as the two practiced Du yusila Abr du sverdar, they quickly rushed over to the elder rider. "I would like you two to travel to Sharktooth island...there is a cave at the center of the island that has something that will help us fight."

"What is it?" Eragon asked, Tayren had said the last part with an almost hushed air.

"I cannot say...not until It's in my possesion again...I swore an oath in the ancient Language to prevent myself from reveling the location under torture, from getting it myself and from saying what it is."

"It must be important if you did all that to protect it." Arya said with a thoughtful tone, though it seemed she was thinking of something else.

"We'll leave at once." Eragon said turning to leave, but Tayren caught his arm, and he wore a fearful expression.

"The are many secrets on that island." He said verbally, he told Eragon more mentally. I am unable to say much of what you will face but know this, you will be tempted with power that even Galbatorix wants his hands on. Be very careful, when the first battle ended we put up many defences up on that island and they will not be friendly to you just because your a Dragon Rider.

"Al...alright, we'll leave right away." Eragon replied.

Sorry this chap is so short, I didn't know how to finish the chapter when I started it...I'll try to get the next chapter up as soon as I can, hopefully it will be much longer