A/N I did some wewriting, because a few things seemed a bit choppy. It needed botox...Hope you enjoy.


I sat in the doctor's office, waiting for him to return with my results. I looked at a cellphone picture of my beautiful girl, Elizabeth, and prayed that I would be there to see her grow up and live her life. But when Dr. Phelps returned with my folder, and I saw the grim look on his face, I knew that I may not get that chance. "So,doc, how long do I have?" I cut right to the chase. "How long do I have with my girl?" Dr. Phelps sat down behind his desk, and figetted nervously. "Miss Swan... the tumor is fused to the base of your brain as you know,and... it's roughly the size of a golf ... we have determined that it is inoperable. You've got about 6 months; 8 at the most. I am sorry, Miss Swan. If you have any questions, please feel free to call." I nodded and headed out to my car in silence. I crawled into the driver's seat and closed the door. I was going to die, and my little girl would have noone. A scream slipped through my lips as I broke down in my car.

Chapter 1

It has been 5 years since I last saw Edward. He left just days after my disasterous birthday party, and only a week after he made love the one and only time we were together.I was lost after he left. A few days after they left, I recieved a letter in the mail from Alice. Tears spilled down my cheeks as I ripped it open. It read:

My dear, Sweet Bella,

I am sorry that I did not get to tell you goodbye. I want you to know that I'm not supposed to look for your future anymore, but if you need me, then write me at the address on the envolope. We will ALL always love you (exept Rosale, but you've got me so we don't need her). Please take care of yourself, Bella. I hope we get to play Bella Barbie again,someday.

P.S. You know as many times as he's told you, it's funny he'd think you believe his lies. Don't worry, he'll be back.

Love always,


I cried. I cried not only tears of sadness, because I felt like I was completely alone, but I cried tears of relief. Alice's letter told me 2 things: 1) Edward did still love me, otherwise Alice wouldn't have said what she did, and 2) if I had noone else to turn to, I knew she would be there. I realized that Edward had left because he was afraid of what may happen if he stayed. I don't think he realized what would happen once he left.

Little did we know, that when he left, he left something with me. Three weeks after he left, I found out I was pregnant. After the initial shock wore off, I realized that I had to get over it and focus, or atleast try very hard not to think about it. Charlie was upset, but he stood by me. Grandma Marie had left me her house when she died, and I wasn't supposed to get it until I graduated, but Charlie gave it to me early, since I had a baby on the way. There's no way his house would have been big enough for 3. I stayed in school, and worked at the grocery store after school to save money for when I had the baby. Charlie tried to get me to contact the Cullens, saying that Edward ought to know what he left me with, but I refused. If he wanted to know how I was doing, he knew where to find me. Elizabeth was born on June 21st, after 26 hours of labor, and had to be removed via c-section. I knew that she would be different, and she was. She was born with a full head of bronze curls, and chocolate brown eyes with little flecks of topaz. She blushed like me, and could cry, but she had her father's complexion. I fell in love with her the moment I saw her. They say when a little baby smiles that they don't realize they are doing it. But when Elizabeth smiled at me, I knew that she knew she was smiling. She looked right at me, and smiled. I have always wished that Edward could have been there to welcome her into the world. I was glad I had Angela video tape everything from the moment after she was born, so that someday, he might get to see it.

The next 4 years flew by. Elizabeth and I were almost had waffles every Sunday for breakfast, and Friday night we watched movies and ate ice cream. She was incredibly smart, and never let me forget it. She was reading at a 3rd grade level at the age of 4. She could play piano like her father, and was graced had with incredible speed, grace, and strength. And, like her father, she had to have blood. At first I was able to get her blood from the butcher's shop in the grocery store. As she got older and started walking I knew that soon she would have to learn to hunt. Luckily, Jacob had no problem being her Uncle Jake, even though she's Edward's. When I found out about the whole "wolfing out" thing, I wasn't as shocked as he thought I'd be. He took her out and taught her to hunt when she was a little over 2. She started with small animals like rabbits, foxes, and other small fuzzies. By the time her 4th birthday came around, she had upgraded to larger animals. Mountain lion seemed to be her favorite, oddly enough. It always made me nervous, knowing she might get hurt. Thankfully, Jake was with her, and he seemed genuinely concerned more for the wildlife than Lizzie. He said she could take down a bear if she tried. I, however, forbade her from bears till she was much older. I couldn't see me trying to explain to a nurse or doctor why my daughter was hunting a bear.

A few months before her 4th birthday, I began having headaches. These weren't migranes, or the headaches that a rambuncious, half vampire child could give you. These were unlike anything I had ever experienced. I would be out of it all day. My eyes watered, whether I was crying from the pain or not. Sometimes the pain would be so immense, that I would throw up. I tried everything that I could to relieve the headaches. In August, 2 months after Lizzie turned 4, things took a sharp turn for the worse. I was dropping Lizzie off at Jacob's house. His girlfriend, Skyler, was watching her for me while while I went to work at the grocery store. After 5 years, I was now Assistant Store Manager. I leaned over to kiss my girl goodbye, and something wet began dripping from my nose. She backed away, her eyes darkening. "Mommy, your nose is bleeding! Auntie Skye! Quick!" With that, everything went dark.