Be Mine

The words still echoed in his mind even hours after they had been screamed by her. Why did she want them? Those who couldn't even protect her. What could they offer her? Not the power he could, not the protection, not the passion, not the love. Yes he would admit he cared for her. Yet with each second as he pondered over the recent events he grew angrier.

She should love him! Not that thing that tried to rescue her! Not that creature, that worthless fool who couldn't even stop him, Sion, from taking her. Yet it troubled him even more that in the fool he saw what he hated most in himself. Given time if the fool continued there was no doubt the man she called Atton would end up so very much like him.

Did it really matter though? It was the boy or him! Why did she scream out his name when she was scared? Why did she want to be with them?

He stood then anger rolling off him as he stormed off to where he had left her locked in the captain's quarters. They had a deal after all. Collecting himself he let his anger simmer under the surface as he opened the door stepping inside to see the Exile turn from where she sat at the bed lunging at him in anger swinging her fists wildly at him despite the force having left her.

He caught her fist easily throwing her back onto the bed as he stalked towards her, the little female backing off to the other edge as he growled. "We have a deal. I didn't kill your fool now you heal me!" He snarled, as she looked up at him warily hate tingeing her eyes. For all that she was a jedi her emotions ran rampant yet…he knew beneath it all there was a calm so still and perfect not even he could cause a ripple.

She seemed to think it over letting that calm wash over her then. "Fine lay down on the bed." She motioned backing up slightly as he complied. "I'll need to be able to use the force." Lyn spoke as Sion looked up at her.

Suddenly she felt it wash over her the power the strength making her feel almost giddy with it till she noticed something. "This isn't near enough to do the entire job!" She growled out inching towards him on the bed sitting cross-legged next to where the sith lord leaned lazily against the headboard.

"I am not going to just hand you back your greatest weapon Exile. We will do this in….sessions." He spoke his one good eye examining her carefully as she narrowed her eyes back at him in anger then shrugged.

"Suit yourself." She said laying the palms of her hands against his cracked and battered chest the sith lord having to concentrate to keep from jumping at the sudden contact.

Her palms where smooth and warm with the slight calloused edges that came from wielding a weapon and wielding it well.

He tried to relax as he felt her aura seem to sink into him as Sion watched the Exiles eyes slide shut in concentration only to open every so often to glance at him as if realizing something.

But what was best was the slow feeling of the constant pain draining away making the sith lord bite back a moan of relief. He was lord of pain yet now as it drained away from him it was startling the things that came back. The feeling of taking a breath with out the hitch each one caused by the damage to his lungs letting him concentrate instead on the scents that assaulted him.

Like the fact the Exile smelled like rain.

He locked down on the thought quickly as he overrode it with anger. He could not let his mind slip while she had free range over him as she attempted to fix the billions of injures he must have endured.

Finally at last she slumped over having to lean against the headboard to keep from falling her energy spent. "That's all I can do for now. So keep good on your promise and leave Atton alone." She growled at him as suddenly his anger from before came back in full force as he sat up slamming her back against the head board pinning her there.

"Why is the fool so important to you Exile!? One who would have killed you! Who is a coward! A murderer! What does he hold in your heart!?" He yelled out his cracked lips pulled back in a snarl face inches from hers.

In a flash of nails her hand shot out slapping him across the face as he let go for a split second startled as Lyn lurched back from his grip rolling of the bed crouching as her back hit the wall of the small room. Sion stood wasting no time in circling the bed and sending a punch towards the little fighter his fist connecting with durasteel as he missed the Exile dodging towards the side only to let out a muffled gasp as he brought his other hand up catching her around the throat and slamming her against the wall.

"Why him Lyn?" He whispered his voice so soft it barely reached her ears making her pause her eyes locking with his. He'd said her name, not jedi, not exile, her name. Why?

"Because he loves me." She choked out as Sion loosened his grip closing the distance between them his mouth just inches from the shell of her ear.

"I could love you too."

With that he dropped her spinning on his heal as he exited the cabin the door sliding to a close with a hiss leaving a tired and confused Exile crumpled on the floor wondering if she'd heard right. Wondering if it had all really happened.


I apologize to my beta and I promise to improve the next chapter on the things we talked about because sadly this one was taking far far too long to correct and getting in the way of some err problamatic real world situations. ^_^; All in all I'll try to do better and so on.

As to my loyal readers I am sorry for the wait rl has been kicking my butt and I'm in a small peaceful spell though who knows for how long and I'll try to update and maybe even crank out a new story soon. PLEASE REVIEW!!! Oh and a personal thanks to darth chunky. If you hadn't have sent that little review I may have walked away from writing. I really needed that and this chapter is dedicated to you.

Oh yeah we're getting a little fluff action here between Sion and the Exile. I apologize for the shortness and the next one will be longer.


Rang Tracyn