Hey everyone! You have finally reached the conclusion. The final fight. The last stand. Thanks for sticking with me through it all, it's been a long path hasn't it? Thanks for the reviews, the smiles you've given me. Thanks for reading! I want to let you get on with the LONGEST CHAPTER EVER, 4,317 words, but first I have a special request. The sequel to this story will be coming, but in the meantime could you please check out my profile and the other Warriors stories there? I'm specially recommending Flight From Blood, which is better even than this! Plus it's already done, so, you know, I update when I get enough reviews. No long waits for me to finish writing! It really would make me happy to see reviewers and readers of Alone there! But, without further ado, here is the final chapter of Alone!

Rainstar lifted his head drowsily. Spottedfeather was padding toward him, his eyes the only light in the night gloom. There was a subdued chirping and cricket song, and the tiny sliver of moon hid behind the winking stars.

"Spottedfeather," Rain star whispered, rousing himself from sleep. "Has Starclan spoken to you?"

Spottedfeather nodded. But the sign had only confirmed what he had already believed.

"I was looking into a stream. It was flowing peacefully, reflecting the light of the full moon. But then storm clouds darkened the horizon, covering the moon and drawing the light from the water. And awful, snapping jaws erupted from the stream, blood covering their fangs." Spottedfeather stopped, willing his leader to understand.

"The wolves," Rainstar murmured. "They're not gone, are they?"

"No, Rainstar," Spottedfeather answered. "Their threat is only just beginning."


"Don't you just love leaf-fall?" Willowstorm laughed, twirling and leaping, snagging the dead leaves around her on her claws.

Wildflame smiled and jumped onto her friend's back, bowling her over in a tangle of legs and leaves. "Grr…off!" Willowstorm yowled and threw Wildflame off. The two cats faced each other, growling and trying not to giggle.

"Look at you!" Graystripe meowed, coming up behind them. "You two look like a couple of kits," he purred, eyes twinkling. "You'd think, with a battle coming, that two warriors would be more serious."

"Hey!" Willowstorm laughed and swiped her tail across Graystripe's face.

Graystripe staggered comically, spitting hairs from his mouth. "Blech. Cat hairs in my mouth." His coat gleamed in the sunlight, shiny and smooth. All of the cats were healthy, if not plump. There was just enough to eat as all of the prey animals were out gathering food for the coming leaf-bare.

They had been travelling for about a half moon now, slowly because of the size of their group and the longer, less dangerous route they were taking. But they were very close now, and the tension of the coming battle was rising.

"We're ready, Graystripe," Wildflame meowed determinedly. "We're going to win." She shook her pelt and leaves flew off in all directions.

"Just making sure you two weren't having an age crisis over here." Graystripe padded away, over to the leaders. The three leaders were grouped close together, discussing. Wildflame strained her ears, eager to hear.

"So, where are we going to leave the rest of Thunderclan who's not fighting?" Firestar asked gravely.

"We don't exactly know the territory, Firestar," Rainstar replied. He paused. "Well, actually, I know just the place."

"Where?" Firestar asked.

"Right here," Rainstar meowed confidently. "There's enough prey to last the others for as long as they need, and they'll be far enough away from the other clans that they'll be safe. When the battle's done a group can come and get them. It's perfect!"

"That might just work," Firestar said thoughtfully. "I know Mousefur, at least, would appreciate the rest." He nodded to himself. "I'll tell the clan. Thunderclan!" He yowled. "As you know, the kits and elders and queens need to be somewhere safe when we fight. You will be staying here."

There was a subdued talking running through Thunderclan. "Yeah, I guess it will work," Mousefur croaked. Firestar smiled.

"In the morning the rest of us will continue on, after helping those who are staying get a good fresh-kill pile going and dens and nests for them. Queens, I'm sorry, but you'll have to be the hunters. You're the only ones who can."

"We're not helpless," Tawnypelt purred. "We'll be fine."

Firestar nodded and with a dismissing flick of his tail went back to talking with the other leaders. Here? Wildflame thought. It does seem perfect. "I've got to hunt," she meowed to Willowstorm.

"Are you kidding me, kitty?" Willowstorm laughed. "I'm coming too!" Then the two she-cats bounded off into the undergrowth.


Wildflame trembled. Tension, excitement, fear, it was all there, wound up within her. A cowardly fight. This wasn't cowardly! It was just the best way to defeat the other. three clans. Thunderclan, Fireclan, and Frostclan were all grouped together just outside Riverclan's camp. Their plan was to ambush Riverclan alone, then when they were defeated move onto the others. Some cats called it cowardly, but it was the only way.

Willowstorm hissed quietly beside her. Her paws worked restlessly, eager to fight. Wildflame turned to look at Firestar, who still held the signal to stay. But with a single flick of his tail the three clans launched forward, into the camp.

Screeches of terror rang out, filling Wildflame's ears as she tore the ear of a cat who a moment before had been eating. The cat Wildflame had been fighting fled, yowling, "Thunderclan!"

Wildflame looked around, searching for another fight. The camp was a mass of fighting cats, and Thunderclan's side seemed to be winning. Firestar was facing Mistystar, and the Riverclan leader was furious.

"Why are you doing this?" Mistystar spat. "Attacking us in our own camp!"

"I have no quarrel with you, Mistystar," Firestar yowled over the noise of battle, "but Thunderclan is going to win its territory back!" He leapt away, ginger pelt flaming. But Mistystar snarled and jumped onto his back, surprising him and pulling him down.

"No!" Wildflame hissed and knocked Mistystar away, leaving Firestar free to fight.

Riverclan was easily being overpowered, beaten badly by three clans. "We surrender!" Mistystar eventually called, hanging her head in defeat and exhaustion. Her clan didn't resist and struggled away from their enemies.

Firestar raised his head to look at his clan. No one was very badly injured, thank goodness. "Come!" He yowled and the attacking clans pelted away.

I barely got any of that fight, Wildflame grumbled to herself. This time I will, though. But as her paws carried her nearer and nearer to Windclan, old memories came rushing back. Memories she had wanted to leave buried and never unearth.

She could see herself running with Breezepelt when she had been an apprentice, carefree. Nightcloud and Crowfeather, they had been her parents, even though Nightcloud had not kitted her. Her family had been Windclan. Her clan had been Windclan. As a kit she had dreamed of becoming the best Windclan warrior ever. Could she raise a paw against her brother? Her father? Doubting herself now, she ran on, but with a lag in her step.

"Surround the camp," Firestar commanded when his clan and their assistance arrived at the bustling camp. Silently Wildflame slipped into her spot, hesitation growing in her. Could she really do this? But Firestar gave no time for her to stop, and with a battle cry the clans were ambushing Wildflame's first clan.

Wildflame's claws sprang out and she attacked completely on instinct, her claws tearing through the fur of her former clanmates.Her

Until a pair of familiar amber eyes bore into hers. Her brother, no, half brother, was here.

"Breezepaw!" Wildflame meowed, startled.

"Breezepelt," Breezepelt snarled.

"Breezepelt," Wildflame mewed hollowly.

"You traitor! Half-clan!" Breezepelt hissed and swiped his claws across Wildflame's face. Angry red scratches ran across Wildflame's face, but she didn't move.

"Breezepelt," Wildflame pleaded. "Don't you understand?" Her heart thumped painfully.

"No," Breezepelt snarled coldly. "I don't. Thunderclan is nothing but a clan of kittypets, traitors, and half-clans. And you're not my sister anymore."

"Very well," Wildflame hissed and let the glory of battle rise through her. If Breezepelt no longer recognized their kinship, then fine. It didn't matter.

With a fierce snarl Wildflame threw her half-brother to the ground and ripped his soft belly. Breezepelt, terrified, sprang away, and Wildflame drew herself up taller. Thunderclan was her true family now!

With a growl Wildflame was back in the battle, all notions of connections to Windclan gone. Her fury at this clan's rejection of herself carried straight to her paws, lending her strength and energy.

Windclan wasn't any harder than Riverclan to defeat, for Thunderclan had sheer numbers on their side. Wildflame now had a stinging gash on one side, but it wasn't too serious. Firestar, Rainstar, and Robinstar proudly led their clans away, sure of their final victory in Shadowclan.


"Thunderclan! Thunderclan!" The young warrior panted. Tigerstar couldn't believe his luck. An elated smile spread across his face.

"And other cats, too," the tom gasped out. "They've already defeated Riverclan and Windclan." But Tigerstar barely heard him.

"Ready the guards," Tigerstar meowed; referring to the rogues he had recruited to Shadowclan. "Alert the clan. We will be ready and waiting." The warrior nodded and left Tigerstar's den.

Tigerstar stretched and padded out of his den. He immediately summoned the attention of his clan. "Thunderclan is attacking. But when they come just secure Firestar and group the others elsewhere. Let no cat come near me, or Firestar. I will finally have my revenge."


"Now!" Firestar yowled and Thunderclan, Fireclan, and Frostclan leapt forward. The final battle. Wildflame tore her claws into a Shadowclan warrior angrily, energy flooding her. But the enemy gripped her scruff firmly and pushed her to the ground. Wildflame found herself helpless in the jaws of the enemy.

The tom dragged her across the rough ground, and Wildflame could just see the same thing happening to the rest of her clanmates. They threw her into a tightly guarded circle that stank of rogues—Tigerstar must have been using them!

Soon the rest of the cats were in the circle, prisoners. And there was no escape. The rogues had been ordered to kill if any cat ran for it. Three cats were now dragging Firestar into the center of camp, where Tigerstar stepped from the shadows with a flourish. Firestar spat as they dropped him, but the camp was guarded heavily and there was nowhere to go.

"So, my old clanmate," Tigerstar meowed in a self-satisfied tone, "your struggles have finally brought you here. When I drove your clan out, I knew something was missing. Something I craved like the wolf craves hot, fresh blood. I had won, but something wasn't right. And, finally, I realized. It was your throat in my jaws." Tigerstar still spoke pleasantly, leisurely. Firestar snarled at his words, his emerald eyes glinting with fury.

"But, now, the time has come. We will fight to the death. If you win, your kittypet clan can go back to your own territory. But if I win… you will be killed and your clan tortured and scattered. For wouldn't death just be an easy way out of this? At least you'll be getting off easy."

"Tigerstar," Firestar growled, "you're a murderer. You've killed innocent cats. You deserve to die. And you will." And like that he accepted Tigerstar's fight. Tigerstar laughed coarsely.

"So it is, then," Tigerstar growled. "No one may interfere!" He called. "No matter what!" Wildflame trembled. Her leader! Tigerstar was a murderer. Firestar might even…. No! Wildflame banished such thoughts from her mind. Firestar will never lose.

"Now!" Tigerstar hissed and sprang at Firestar. Firestar dodged nimbly and leapt upon Tigerstar's back, dragging him down. Tigerstar launched upward, throwing Firestar away. "Five lives," Tigerstar taunted. "Can you really kill me five times?"

Firestar snarled and charged again, knocking Tigerstar over. "This is for what you did to Bluestar," he whispered and bit into Tigerstar's throat. The light in the Shadowclan leader's eyes faded and Firestar stepped back. A few moments later Tigerstar was up again, spitting.

"It's not going to be so easy this time," Tigerstar snarled and sprang away, into the shadows. Firestar was wary, looking around himself cautiously. Tigerstar came from nowhere, barreling into him and throwing him a few paces away. "This is for my fifth life," Tigerstar mocked, pressing his paw down on Firestar's windpipe.

But Firestar threw his head to one side, dislodging Tigerstar and rolling away. He stood panting, eyes proud and gleaming. Firestar snarled mightily and sprinted toward his enemy, his paws powerful and wrathful. But Tigerstar didn't move, didn't budge, as Firestar came like an avenging angel toward him.

And as Firestar made his final leap he didn't move, waiting until the great leader was almost on top of him. Then with the power he had been gathering struck the ginger tom furiously, sending Firestar flying and landing with a crash and a sickening crack. The dust rose around his still form, wrapping it in a hopeless barrier.

Tigerstar strutted over to Firestar. The tom was still alive, but his spine had broken, and a deep gash rent his chest. The Thunderclan leader looked proudly up, his eyes glazing. "This is it, noble warrior," Tigerstar spat. "You've lost." And he lowered his head ceremoniously to tear out Firestar's throat.

There was a horrified gasp from the crowd. They waited anxiously for Tigerstar to step back, and for Firestar to recover. But he never moved a step. Then it became clear to Wildflame what he would do. When Firestar was revived Tigerstar would only kill him again, and again, while he was defenseless. The wounds were healing, but Firestar was going to lose. And with him three clans would go.

But with a terrible roar a gray shape flung itself from the crowd, landing bravely on Tigerstar and throwing him aside as Firestar staggered to his paws. Graystripe. Graystripe ripped viciously at Tigerstar, buying his best friend time. But Tigerstar was much too powerful, and with a cry Graystripe was pinned to the ground. Once again Tigerstar killed, leaving Graystripe dead in the dust, and Firestar looking on in horror. "Graystripe," he choked out. And a fury never seen in the eyes of a warrior, a pure hatred and desire to kill, filled Firestar's eyes.

Firestar wasted no time in leaping onto Tigerstar, and with a powerful blow he sent his fangs tearing into the back of his enemy's neck. Tigerstar dropped slowly, almost as if he didn't believe it was happening himself. Blood gushed from the wound, staining the brown earth scarlet. He twitched convulsively, again and again, and every cat looked on in horror. He was losing all four of his remaining lives at once. Then the body of Tigerstar was nothing more than an empty shell, vacant of spirit. Firestar stepped back, the horrible anger fading from his eyes and blood coating his paws and sides.

"It's done," he breathed and slowly his legs folded beneath him and he was stretched on the ground, breathing hard. The Shadowclan cats hesitated, looking caught between terror and disbelief. But all as one the Thunderclan, Fireclan, and Frostclan cats broke from the guarded circle, yowling in shock and fury. The rogues fled, no longer bonded to the clan by Tigerstar, leaving the Shadowclan warriors vulnerable. All except one.

One black tom stayed, watching his compainions go in silence. He shook his head slowly and turned to the bristling Thunderclan cats and the terrified Shadowclan cats. "Peace," he called, his calm, strong voice echoing in the camp. Everyone quieted, curious as to why this rogue was speaking.

"Look around you," he meowed. "A leader slain, another wounded, and a brave warrior dead. Is this what your clan has come to? A pack of scared cats, weak without their rogue defenders? No. I know Shadowclan is more than that. I know that you're not just a clan of killers, violent cowards hiding behind a leader's shield. Tigerstar crushed you, changed you, destroyed your clan. But you can rise from his influence, and take back Shadowclan's former greatness! Forget you quarrels with Thunderclan, let loose your anger. For now is a time for peace, not suffering. Bury this old leader, and with him his reign. Help Thunderclan, give them back their territory which is rightfully theirs. Let the four clans reign in peace again." The tom, Ember, stopped and gazed down. "I will help you," he added more softly.

"Embers rising from the ashes of the tiger!" A tom called, and Wildflame saw that it was Shadowclan's medicine cat. "Our next leader," he meowed softly. "That's you, Ember."

"Leader?" Ember repeated, looking completely taken aback.

"Yes," the medicine cat meowed. "Starclan has decreed it."

"A rogue leading a clan," Ember mused.

"It was prophesized," the medicine cat said simply.

"Then I will go to receive my name and lives at once!" Ember yowled, and all of Shadowclan cheered. His words had roused them from anger to excitement and new hope.

He turned to Robinstar, who had taken control. "If you have beaten the other clans, then you have rightfully won back the territory. Place your scent markers, reorganize camp."

"Firestar will, once he's recovered," Robinstar confirmed. "For now, let's get Thunderclan back to their home." Grieving cats surrounded Graystripe, carrying him home. Firestar got stiffly to his paws, raw grief burning from his eyes.

"He never made it home," he whispered. Sandstorm nuzzled him gently.

"He's going home right now," she whispered back. "To Starclan."

Firestar slumped, but straightened. "You're right," he meowed. "I must be strong for the clan. A new deputy will be named."

"Good," Sandstorm meowed. "I know how hard this is for you. He was my friend, too." The two cats walked behind the clans, Firestar slowly recovering.

The familiar scent of the forest was coming home, truly. When Wildflame felt her paws brush that leafy ground, scattered with the scent of prey and other clan cats, she sighed in relief. She had done it. She had completed her prophecy. Not quite, a voice whispered teasingly in her ear.

Spottedleaf? She thought wonderingly.

There's a bit more. You've led the clan home, at least. But don't forget the storm of fire…

The voice was gone then, and Wildflame was running with the rest of the clan. To camp. To home.


"From now on this apprentice will be known as Flamepaw. Flamepaw, your mentor will be Wildflame. Wildflame, you were trained well, with experience from two clans. Pass down all you know to Flamepaw." Wildflame touched noses with her apprentice, thrilled. It would be an honor to mentor Firestar's son. Mosspaw and Dawnpaw were with their new mentors as well.

It was still the day of Thunderclan's return home, and the moon was beginning its climb into the sky. No deputy had been appointed yet, though. Graystripe's vigil was about to begin and Frostclan and Fireclan were preparing to leave in a quarter moon. But now they all sat, watching the ceremony.

"And now I have one last ceremony, a very important one. The new deputy must be named. We will all grieve for Graystripe, but it is time. I say these words before the body of Graystripe, so that his spirit may hear and approve my choice. Wildflame will be the new deputy of Thunderclan."

Wildflame gasped, completely taken by surprise. She had just been given her first apprentice and now she was deputy? "She is young, but I am sure the senior warriors will help her. Congratulations," he murmured to her privately. "I know it's a big responsibility, but you'll be fine. I can think of no better cat than you to lead my clan after I am gone."

"Firestar, I—"

"Get some rest," he meowed. "In the morning there is going to be an emergency Gathering between the clans and you can show Flamepaw the territory then. You will be a wonderful deputy." Then Wildflame, the new deputy, was left alone with her thoughts as sleep closed in.

Wildflame blinked her eyes open blearily to see Flamepaw bouncing on her excitedly. "Show me the territory!" He yowled happily. "Come on!" He scampered out of the warriors den. Wildflame shook her head and padded out, clearing the sleepy fog from her mind. Deputy! "

"In a minute, Flamepaw," Wildflame meowed. "I've got to organize patrols, and, and—"

"It's ok, Wildflame," Firestar mewed, an amused expression on his face. "Take your apprentice out. I'll organize today. And Flamepaw, when you get, expect some work! The apprentices are going to be loaded today!"

"I don't care!" Flamepaw laughed and dashed away.

"I'll follow him," Wildflame meowed and went after her apprentice, who was tearing out into the forest. Willowstorm caught her at the camp entrance.

"I'll come with you," she volunteered. Wildflame nodded, delighted.

"Come on, then," Wildflame meowed. "We have an apprentice to catch." She ran beside, just enjoying the morning sunshine on her back. But with a pang she realized something. Willowstorm was going back home in a few days. She would never see her again.

"Willowstorm," Wildflame meowed sadly. "You're going home in a few days."

"Come on!" Wildflame heard Flamepaw call, but she stopped anyway.

"Wildflame, I was born in Fireclan. Fireclan is my home. But there is no way, no way, I am going back without you. You're my best friend. If Firestar will take me, I'm staying. I've already talked with Robinstar."

"You're staying?" Wildflame asked, breathless.

"Yes," Willowstorm laughed. Wildflame, relieved, flicked her with her tail.

"Well, let's go!" Wildflame called and the two friends rushed off to catch Flamepaw.


Echopaw settled the moss and stepped back as Goldenstripe sank into the nest. "Thank you, Echopaw," the Riverclan warrior meowed gratefully, wincing as her wound stretched. "Mouse-brained Thunderclanners," she muttered. Echopaw dipped her head and padded down to the riverbank.

So many memories here. She had always come here, even when she was just a kit of two moons old. The moon had been gentle, kind, and she was glad she could come here without sneaking out in the dead of night since she was finally an apprentice. The light sparkled off the water and onto Echopaw's silver pelt and gleaming blue eyes as fire burned fiercely in her heart, just like the many times before…


"I…had…such a good day," Flamepaw mumbled before dropping into his nest, exhausted. Willowstorm and Wildflame exchanged an amused glance. The moon was rising, and the clan was preparing for the impromptu Gathering. Every warrior was going, along with many of the apprentices. Wildflame and Willowstorm joined the crowd as they waited anxiously for the signal to go. Firestar had recovered, so he was leading them. And both Frostclan and Fireclan would be going as well. The group was massive, imposing, and when Firestar gave the signal the cats surged forward, galloping through the forest.

The Gathering Island was like a breath of fresh air, the anchor that centered Wildflame home again. For no matter what clan she was in, it was always there, hers and not hers, everyone's and no one's. The four lake leaders jumped up onto the branches, a trace of hostility tainting the air around them.

"Thunderclan has returned!" Firestar yowled, beginning the Gathering. "The other clans wrongfully attacked us, and though we left for a short while, we have rightfully won back our territory. Any intruders found on our territory will be dealt with with tooth and claw. We have new apprentices, Flamepaw, Dawnpaw, and Mosspaw, and new warriors named on our journey, Wildflame among them. Thunderclan is as strong as ever!" He stepped back, nodding coldly to Ashstar.

"We were wrong," Ashstar began. "We were wrong to think driving out one clan would help us. We were wrong to attack Thunderclan. And for that we are sorry. Firestar, I give my personal apology to you. No Windclan warriors will be found on your territory." Mistystar apologized in a much similar way, although she criticized Thunderclan for attacking her clan in its own camp.

And then a black tom stepped forward, unknown to anyone except for the Thunderclan cats. It was Ember, the cat revealed as the new leader. "Tigerstar has died!" He began. "And Starclan has chosen me, Emberstar, to be Shadowclan's next leader. I wish nothing but peace and happiness for my clan, and the other clans, so under Starclan's will may peace reign for many seasons to come." Emberstar went on to tell of Shadowclan's recovery, gaining the respect of the other leaders through his wise words. Then the Gathering was over, the clans heading home once more. Thunderclan settled back into camp, and finally Wildflame's heart was at peace.

She sat gazing at the stars, Willowstorm beside her. "Tomorrow's going to be busy," she mused. "We have a whole camp and territory to rebuild. But we're home, finally." Willowstorm nodded. "Does this mean it's over? The prophecies, the journey? Am I free of the flames that bound me?" Wildflame wondered aloud. But the flame symbol on her paw flared fiercely, as if reminding her it was still there.

Don't forget the storm of fire, Wildflame, Spottedleaf's voice came again. There's still more to do. The stars burned brightly, flaming terribly in their night realms as the haunting meow faded. The kin of Breeze and Storms had led Thunder from the lake, just as the prophecy had foretold. But there was more to it. Wildflame had led Thunder home.

Wow. I can't believe it's over. Wildflame, good luck, I'll be seeing you in the sequel. You and that mysterious storm of fire… And to all my readers—thanks again!
