It was a dark and stormy night. Harry raised his head as lightning flashed in the distance. Eight seconds later the boom of thunder reached his ears. He sniffed the air and frowned. The storm would be here soon, and Draco was still talking to the store clerk!

Why did he have to be out? Couldn't he see that the storm was dangerous? Harry fidgeted from his perch on top of the delivery truck. This was not a night for mortals to be out and about. He scanned the empty street for any sign of movement, listening for the bell that would ring when the door to the shop opened. Despite his hunger, Harry was determined to watch over Draco until he was safely behind a threshold.

The bell rang and Draco stepped out of the shop. He was walking a little faster than usual, probably sensing the danger around him. Harry jumped down from the truck and followed Draco in the shadows. If Draco saw him he would call him over and Harry didn't think he could stand the temptation. He was already having enough problems with Draco as close and venerable as he was.

The rain was already starting to fall when Draco finally got home. After some fumbling with his keys, he unlocked the door and stepped inside, turning on the lights and relaxing. From a neighbor's roof, Harry relaxed as well. Now that Draco was safe he could leave to hunt. Yet still he lingered, edging closer until he stood under the eave of the house, peering into Draco's living room window.

Draco had turned on the TV and was just out of sight in the kitchen. Harry smiled sadly as he looked in at the warm glow. He had been protecting Draco for almost two years now. He knew, without a doubt, that Draco was his intended mate. He had been so happy when he found out. At last he would have an end to his wandering. Harry had looked forward to a warm home, a new family, and the sweet taste of his mate's blood. But all that changed with Draco's confession.

Draco had been open about it. They had only been together for two weeks when Draco had confessed, and Harry had found out why the Malfoy family was so pale. Draco's blood was too thin, and Harry would never be able to taste it without killing him.

At first they had tried to make it work, but it soon became clear that Draco was not safe with Harry. He wanted it too much. It was a constant struggle for Harry not to bite. It was finally decided that Harry should keep away from Draco, except when he was full from a successful hunt. Harry protected Draco from other nightwalkers that might want to harm him. Draco, for his part, spent as much time as possible behind the threshold of his home, where he had protection from all nightwalkers, even Harry.

On occasion, when Harry felt it was safe, he would come and visit Draco.

Harry watched as Draco walked into sight, carrying a tray. When he saw Harry looking in at the window a smile brightened his face. He put down the tray and started towards the window.

Harry quickly shook his head, gesturing to his fangs. It was not safe for Draco to be near him. Draco stopped, the smile slipping from his face, his whole frame seeming to fall as his hope was lost. Harry couldn't stand it. He quickly motioned to his fangs, then to the sky, then to the window again. 'I'll be back,' he mouthed.

The smile returned to Draco's face. 'Hurry,' he mimed.

Harry pushed off from the window and took flight, the heavy black clouds covering his trail. He turned toward the park, hoping to find someone and feed quickly. His mate was waiting.