Disclaimer: I no own you no sue.

Warnings: Lemons later on, language, gore

Siri: I hate my life.

Dark: What a coincidence I hate your life too!

Destiny: *slaps Dark upside the head* Why do you hate your life?

Siri: Nobody loves me. T_T Waaaaaa!

Destiny: Why do you think that?

Dark: Because it's true.

Destiny:*Hits him with bat this time*

Siri: I can't get a job. *Crying anime river if tears*

Chapter 5

The Z-gang stared in shock at the irate blonde who had just slapped Chi-Chi across the face.

"How dare you, you fucking bitch!" he snarled very much like the fearsome creature he was nicknamed after. "If you had two brain cells to rub together in that empty little head of yours you would be able to see that Harry has a far brighter soul then either you or I could ever hope to have. He is a person who will help a person just because they need help no matter the danger to his self. And that is despite…"

"Draco that's enough." Harry's light tenor voice called out.

"But she…"

"No, she has a right to voice her own opinions if she wishes." He smiled slightly, his emerald eyes softening as he stared at his pouting friend. "It is up to me if I allow what others think of me to affect me."

Draco frowned at the raven and crossed his arms over his chest. "Fine." He spat "But that does not mean I have to like it.

Harry just rolled his eyes in exasperation. "Just let it be, Draco"

"Speaking of parents, won't your parent's be worried about you?" Krillan asked.

Harry shook his head, raven locks falling over his eyes, but it was Draco who answered them verbally. "Harry's parent's died protecting him when he was one. My parent's died as well for defying the Dark Lord. They would not hand me over to be his consort." The blonde gave a full body shudder at the revolting thought.

"How old was this guy?" Yamcha asked making a disgusted face.

"Old enough to be my father." Was the deadpanned answer making everyone either gag or shudder in horror.

Unnoticed by every one Piccolo had become angry at the thought of Draco being this Dark Lord's consort. What am I so angry for? I hardly know him. Unless….no preposterous. There is no way in Kami that he could be my mate. Piccolo shook his head to get rid of the thought causing Goku to look over at him.

"Something wrong?" the saiyan asked.

"No, just thinking." The namek decided to put it out of his mind for now. The thought, try as he might, still lingered in the back of his mind the whole party. That was until they got a few uninvited guests.

Swirling vortex of colors as we switch to Harry Potter's Dimension.

One Remus J. Lupin was not a happy werewolf; in fact you could say he was pissed. You could but that would be a lie he was way beyond being pissed off. His wolf was howling in anger wanting to get out and find his missing mate and cubs because it seemed nobody but he, himself wanted to find out what happened to them.

It was taking all of poor Remus's willpower to keep Mooney in check even though he agreed with his wolf that they should find their pack. If that pack was harmed they would hunt the perpetrators to the ends of the earth and bathe in their blood. Remus held back a snarl as Dumbledore stood up from his place at the head of the table.

"I bring this order meeting to session." The old goat began. "It has come to my attention that no one has received any correspondence from either Draco Malfoy or Harry Potter. So it is to my deep regret that I proclaim both of the young men dark under suspicions of becoming the next dark lords."

Dumbledore had adopted a sorrowful expression as he said this. Everyone gasped in surprise and tried to talk over each the most vocal of the group were of course were Ginny, Hermione, and Ron.

"I always knew that slimy snake couldn't be trusted!" Ron roared in anger his face as flaming red as his hair.

"WHAT?! Harry can't be dark he was supposed to marry me and let me live the life of luxury I always deserved!" Ginny screeched making those close to flinch at the banshee like quality of her voice.

"I told you! I told you he would go dark. But no, no one listened to me! No one ever listens to me! I mean I am just the brightest witch of the age possibly seen years!" Hermione started to rant.

Remus's chest rumbled as he growled as he stood up his lightly muscled body shaking in anger and his honey colored eyes flashing amber. Before he could slam his fists into the wooden table the front door opened and the smell of blood assaulted his sensitive nose, very familiar blood.

Panicked Remus whirled around and leapt into the hallway just in time to see one Severus Snape collapse in the entrance hall. Mooney whimpered from the back of his mind.

"SEV" he yelled in shock as he knelt at his mate's side. Severus was littered with lacerations and bruises, his black robes hung off him in rags. A large gash that was bleeding profusely was on his head another was bleeding heavily on his abdomen, and it looked like his wand arm was broken and its hand shattered.

He paid no heed to the sound of stampeding feet that came into the hall as he carefully brought his injured beta onto his lap and into his arms. He vaguely heard the others say something about fire calling Madame Pumphry. Remus just sat cradling Severus, whimpering and rocking back and forth.

His panic fogged mind only cleared when the gentle, coaxing voice of one Poppy Pomphry pierced it. "Remus you need to let Severus go. You need to let him go so I can heal him before he dies. Do you want him to die, Remus?" Remus whined louder at the thought and slowly relinquished his grip. "That's it. Give me Severus."

Poppy quickly did some scans, which had caused her to pale slightly before grabbing her potions bag and shoving a quite a few down his throat before requesting a few of the other order members to take him upstairs to an unused room. Remus stayed with his mate the whole time despite the attempts made by Poppy to get him to leave

Sometime later

One Severus Snape returned to consciousness slowly, his body sluggish and in pain. Belatedly he realized that there seemed to be a on the left side of the soft bed he was in and on his hand. The dark man struggled to open his eyes as he flopped his head to the left. Finally he opened his eyes and his obsidian orbs fell on the sandy haired head of his mate.

"Re…" but he could not finish the name as he fell into a coughing fit startling his mate awake.

"Severus!" he looked wide eyed at the dark man before quickly grabbing the glass of water from the bedside table and helping him drink it.

"Oh Severus. I was so worried about you." He nuzzled the crook of his mate's neck and kept his head there. "I was so scared that I was going to lose you."

Severus gently put his hand in the others sandy hair affectionately running his fingers through it. "I'm sorry." He croaked gently. "But we have no time for this we have to get out of here now, my Remy."

"What? Why? Absolutely not! You still need to finish healing!" Remus said franticly.

"Remus things are not what they seem." Severus said. "They will kill us both. They nearly succeeded with me. They want to kill any one that is considered a dark creature and their mates."

"What but why?! It makes no sense." Remus asked.

"You just hit the nail on the head, Remus Lupin. It seems that most of my children have lost all common sense." A gentle female voice spoke.

Remus whirled around only to stare in wonder at the being before him. It was a glowing, delicate looking female about 4'5 with soft light pink hair down to her ass framing a soft heart shaped face. She had sparkling amethyst almond shaped eyes, a button nose, and pouty looking lips. Her skin was a flawless lily white looking even whiter thanks to the Greek style black dress she was wearing. She was smiling softly at them as she raised a delicate arm toward Severus.

The raven male glew the same swirling multi-colors she was for a few moments before it stopped. The man looked in wonder at his bandaged hand and flexed it with no pain. In fact his whole body felt better it was if he was completely healed. "You are, Severus. I healed you."

Severus looked at the unknown women in confusion. "But why? Who are you?"

She laughed softly "You know who I am. Every one of my gifted knows who I am. Even though I have never revealed myself until now."

Both men's eyes widened in surprise. "Mother Magic" "The Great Mother" they said at the same time.

She smiled brightly. "That's right. Now as for why I'm her, well I am here to help you."

"How?" Remus asked not meaning to question her but wanting to protect his mate.

"By sending you to your cubs of course." She clapped happily.

"You know where they are?" Severus asked with hope.

"Know where they are? Of course I do. I saved my favored and sent them to their soul mates" She giggled before turning hardened eyes toward the door. "There is no more time to talk. I have to send you now before that old goat fucker gets here."

With that Mother Magic lifted both her arms and a fountain of pure magic enveloped the pair. The sound of tinkling broken glass filled the room before a great flash of light bathed the room. When it was gone the room was empty of all life only an ominous message was left hanging in the air where the Great Mother once stood. Prepare yourself, old man. You and yours have greatly angered Mother Magic and now you shall pay for your crimes.

This was the scene that Dumbledore walked in on, the floating message troubling him only a little. After all there was no such thing as Mother Magic. Yet somehow the next day the Daily Prophet came out with the article


By: Rita Skeeter

This reporter has the privilege to find out that sometime yesterday afternoon one Severus Snape and his werewolf mate, one Remus Lupin has both mysteriously disappeared from The-Boy-Who-Lived-To-Turn-Dark home. The only way out was through the bedroom door which source's say they never left through. Another source says they could not have left any other way as the home was warded by Dumbledore himself to prevent apparition and portkey. The only thing left in that room was the floating message as pictured to the left.

If readers are yet unaware Harry Potter has been declared dark, making this one wonder if he somehow found a way to circumvent Albus Dombledore's wards and has taken his pseudo-godfather and his mate in order to help plan the overtaking of the Wizarding World. Leaving the disturbing message to instill fear into his ex-allies.

This reporter can only guess that this has to in response to the Ministry of Magic having seized control of the Potter and Black accounts, despite the protests of the goblins, and having awarded half the vaults to the Weasly family for having to deal with the "horribly disturbed boy". This has caused outrage among the higher eclion of the Wizarding World in not just England but in France and Bulgaria as well which has quickly spread to the other countries.

Siri: You guys must hate me I haven't updated in so long

Dark: Good. They might just top reading this drivel.

Destiny: (Slaps Dark upside the head) Stop being mean.

Siri: (Snickers at Dark's plight) I really wanted Draco's tyrade to be really good but I couldn't think what to write.

Dark: And for those of you who hate people creating higher beings that personify something.

Destiny: There is a really good reason for Siri in creating Mother Magic.

Siri: We're just not going to tell you why though. (Smiles evilly)

Dark: After all we don't want any spoilers.