Player Meets Game

Summary - Sequel to PMGrl. What ever happened to Edward's player days? When Bella transforms into a stay-in-dorm-all-day-studying wallflower and removes Edward from her list of #1 priorities, the old Cullen comes out to play. How long before they realize that games always end and there's always a winner?

Prologue: Another Game


I sat on my bed and mulled over today's events, my eyes blurring with fresh tears. Two years of Dartmouth and I had so completely changed. How? Everything was perfect. I had Edward. I had love. I had life. And now it was gone in the blink of an eye...

(Start Flashback)

My phone buzzed in my pocket. I sighed, opening my cell. 'New Text Message. Click to view,' it read. I opened it and read the message from Edward.

Bella, We need 2 talk. Meet me in 20min by the peer. -Edward

Edward and I were kind of distant lately. I felt bad for blowing him off all the time. School has just been a major part of my life lately. Dartmouth was my priority now. Not love. Not eating. Not showering. Which reminds me, I probably haven't showered in a week or two. I quickly checked myself in the mirror. My fingernails were growing rigid. My hair was matted and untamed and I was wearing a greasy wife beater and sweat pants that I'd worn three days in a row. I couldn't care less. You don't become successful because of your appearance; you become successful by being studious. And that's what I was. Studious. Studious, focused Bella, with a hint of foul odor.

I texted Edward back.

Edward, I'm busy. Another time. -Bella

Another text came immediately.

Bella, This isn't a date. Or a rendezvous. We need to talk. Fuck the peer. I'm coming to your room NOW! -Edward

I sighed, changed my shirt and put on some deodorant before he came upstairs. I splashed freezing water on my face and ran my fingers through my hair, guiding their way through the the tangled locks. Minutes later, Edward was sitting on my bed, a solemn expression on his face.

"Yeah, Edward. You needed to talk to me...What?"

"You don't even say 'hey' anymore." He noted quietly.


"Funny," he said, however sounding anything but amused. "Listen, I'm just gonna get this out in the open, Bella. You changed." He paused. "That's an understatement, actually. You're a completely different person. I don't know who you are anymore."

"It's me, Bella." I murmured, "Always was, always will be."

"You're not my Bella. The Bella I know is beautiful, fun, exotic...and she showers. She doesn't spend every waking minute in her room studying, and she doesn't blow off all her friends and pretty fucking-fantastic boyfriend."

"I shower." I defended, though my voice cracked pathetically.

"Listen, the point is, I loved my Bella, but she disappeared. And the truth of the matter is, I'm not in love with the new Bella. I'm just not."

"Don't be so dramatic, Edward, It's still me." I sighed.

"No, it's not. I think we should take a break...from each other. It's for the best." He looked at the floor.

I sighed, "I don't want a break."

"But I do. I need a break. You need a break."

"But I want to be with you." I mumbled.

"Before you could be with me, you need to be with yourself. And clearly, you lost yourself. When you find Bella, then you can come find me. But as of now... bye." He said, heading for the door.

"Bye." I breathed. I still hadn't comprehended what was going on.

"Oh, and one more thing, Bella. Please, please, take a shower." And with that, his retreating figure walked out of my life, effortlessly. Like it was the easiest decision he had ever made. I sat on my floor, numb, for a moment. Then abruptly, the pain arrived, knocking me breathless. A heavy sob escaped my throat. My heart sped faster. Faster. Faster. And louder. It pulsed blood through my veins with excessive force, removing all its substance. I was empty. I stayed on the floor the entire night, my brain on full alert, analyzing everything that Edward had said before he left.

He left. He doesn't love me. Because I changed. Because I was different.

Because I was all work and no play. No friends. And no Edward.

So I took his advice and showered. That was all I could do at that point...

(End Flashback)

That night, I decided, I was going to end my useless, pathetic tears and study-fest and tomorrow I was going to prove him wrong. I was going to shower. I was going to pamper. I was going dress hot. And I was going to walk into the new word as my new sexy self.

And he was going to pay.

A/N: Don't worry, chapters will be longer! This is just the prologue! Review! Tell me what you think so far! Pointers, suggestions... I even except flames! :)