"Are you happy?"

The First time he asked me that was on a sunny morning, in July. I just woke up in his arms and he was looking at me with his ocean blue eyes.

And I just smiled.

The second time he asked me that was the moment after he proposed to me on top of the Hokage tower. The golden ring with a shinning diamond felt heavy at my finger. With a look at it, I just smiled and pushed my lips on his.

The third time he asked me that question was on our honeymoon. The moon shone trough the curtains and lit his face beautifully. I giggled and pushed him on the bed.

And smirked.

The fourth time we weren't with two anymore. This time there were three beating hearts.

One of him and two of me.

Of our baby.

While he carefully laid his hands on my belly he smiled at me and asked:" Are you happy?"

And I rested my head against his shoulders.

The fifth time was the most special. We we're standing around the little bed of our daughter Takara. I saw how he proud on the little bundle of joy in that bed.

And then he looked up with tears in his eyes.

"Thank you"

And we both looked again at the little angelic face.

And he asked me again: "Are you happy?"

And I smiled at him with tears in my eyes and answered: "How couldn't I?"

And Takara opened her Shinning blue eyes.

- - -

A drabble.

Narusaku , of course.

Thanks to Devillikee.

R & R