A/N: So…I've finally succumbed to writing a fic about Twilight…damn my creativity! Couldn't just let it go…

I felt like Stephenie Meyer missed a couple things Bella should have experienced as a human, like drinking, for example, and apparently the idea of it wouldn't rest until I did something about it.

I've read the few fics out there that involve a good booze fest, but they always include Bella becoming this crazy drunken fiend. My vision of drunk Bella wasn't quite so…hyper, so I buckled down and wrote my own inset.

I figure this would be set somewhere in Eclipse. At a point where Bella's connected with the Cullen's, she's secure in her relationship with Edward and is at a general ease…is there even a point of all that in Eclipse?...It's been awhile since I read it…anyway, you get the point. Enjoy.

Disclaimer: don't own anything Twilight related save my own copies of the books.

"Bella I said no." Edward glared at me, his arms crossed against his exposed and glorious chest.

"You yourself said you didn't want me missing out on any human experiences." I told him, mocking his voice, as if I could even come close to mimicking his perfect melodic sound.

He groaned in frustration, running a hand through his tousled hair and I had to bite back a moan. He was sexy even when he was angry, that wasn't very fair to the rest of us. "I just don't think it's a very good idea."

"You don't know that…and Alice told me a while ago that when people drink they're too indecisive for her to see their future, so you literally don't know that it will be bad." I had my sights set on this and knew my argument well, there was no way he could win against me.

"That's exactly why you shouldn't partake in this particular experience, how can I protect you when I don't know what to expect?" He asked me exasperatedly, reaching out a cool hand to brush my cheek causing me to unconsciously lean into his touch. Damn him.

"You can't always protect me Edward." I sighed, my contentment ending when I heard his low growl. "People drink all the time Edward. It's normal."

"Yes, and then they die in a drunk driving accident." He argued, taking a step back from me.

"Then I promise I won't drive and I'll stay off the roads." I swore tiredly, he could argue all he wanted. I was going to drink.

"You could die from alcohol poisoning."

"I promise to stick to a set limit."

"Liver damage."

"From one night?" I raised an unconvinced eyebrow.

"You'll embarrass yourself." He told me pointedly and I could tell he was running out of excuses.

"When don't I embarrass myself? Next."

"I'm not condoning this Bella." He sighed, though his voice was authoritative and stern.

"Then I'll have to find someone who does…I'm sure someone from school's throwing a party this weekend." I didn't want to make him angry, blackmail him into the idea, but this was getting ridiculous.

With a loud growl he mumbled a "no" before swinging me onto his back and running us back to the Cullen home. Once we were there we were greeted by a beaming Alice.

"Why are you blocking me?" Edward snapped after he lowered me to the ground, I flinched from his tone mixed with trying to stabilize myself and immediately felt bad for the guilt the small movement had caused Edward. "I'm sorry Bella."

"It's fine...system overload is all." I promised with a smile, reaching for his hand and giving it a squeeze when he didn't believe me.

"Ohh, no fun." Alice pouted suddenly and Edward lightened up in front of me…either Alice just pulled off an amazing cover or I unknowingly changed my mind on getting drunk. I didn't think it was the latter but I thought I'd play along with it anyway since being honest about it wasn't getting me anywhere.

"C'mon love, it's late." Edward coaxed as he pulled my hand to lead me to his room. Charlie had already approved of a sleep over with Alice so we didn't have to worry about me being home for the night, that girl really was a life saver.

"So I guess Alice had a vision of me conceding to your demand." I sighed dejectedly, climbing onto the bed and flopping onto my back drastically.

"I don't know why you wanted to experience it in the first place…the next day is always hell for the consumer." Edward thought out loud as he slid onto the bed beside me, pulling me into his arms.

"It's a normal human experience, to drink alcohol at some point, get a buzz. I want…ed to have that feeling, just so I at least tried it." I explained, my argument dwindling as I remembered that I was supposed to let go if the idea, at least according to Alice's 'vision.'

"Alcohol - it can lead to some very negative outcomes, I just don't want anything to happen to you. I couldn't bare it." He told me evenly, fighting with himself, trying to remain composed as I argued with him. I couldn't fault him for caring about me, but he had to lighten up.

"I get it." I murmured as I snuggled into his chest, wanting him to drop the subject completely.

He slipped his hand under my chin, guiding my face to look at him. "Do you really?"

"Of course, I mean if this was reversed, I wouldn't want anything bad to happen to you." Of course I wouldn't go as far as forbidding you to do something so relatively harmless, I continued my thought inside my head.

"Good. I'm pleased you understand." He grinned, pressing his lips to mine gently. "It really is a mundane thing to do, get drunk."

I sighed as he scoffed to himself, never more thankful for his need to hunt then in this moment as I laid my head back down on his chest. That's when I would test out this whole alcohol thing. He would go out hunting, someone would be stuck here with me so I wouldn't have to worry about something completely horrible happening, and life would go on. Edward would be pissed, my stomach knotted at the thought, but this was something I wanted to try, and if he didn't want to partake in the experience then so be it. I fell asleep that night as Edward softly hummed my lullaby; his previous aggression gone as I seemingly gave in to his wishes.