1. Chapter One

Disclaimer: I own neither Buffy, nor Stargate SG-1... they belong to their respective creators, and I am but a lowly worshiper.

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He found her by following the chaos.

The mystical backlash of the closing Sunnydale hellmouth had brought the supernatural to their knees. Even the extra terrestrial supernatural. It reached across time and space and solar systems to bring the "gods" to their knees in a show of humanity few Jaffa were allowed to witness and survive. He, him self had killed every Jaffa in his chamber rather than give the Rebellion further fodder for it's cause.

Unknown to any but a few of the oldest and most knowledgeable of the Gou'ald the reason why such an event had taken place became apparent to the formidable System Lord with blinding speed. Quickly, he ordered his mother ship to Earth, in defiance of the Asgard treaty, he would investigate this himself.

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He had beamed down to Earth confused. The scans of this planet displayed more than six hundred women whom he should fear. The Slayer had been the one to lead the uprising against the Gou'ald millenia ago, and he had personally seen one tear a symbiont that had tried to take her as a host from her own body and survive. Not only survive, but kill the host of Isis in her escape from the scientist Queen. Her actions had led to the banishment of herself and her mate Osiris for daring to anger the mystic warrior whom all Gou'ald had been sworn to avoid.

Using a cloaking device stolen from Nirti in his conquests, he watched silent, invisible from a window outside the highest concentration of Slayer life signs, in what his information had called a "hotel" in the village of "Lost Angels."

It was during this midnight, only a week since he had been driven to his knees, that he saw her.

Graced with an ethereal beauty, she trained her children, much like his First Prime trained his solider. But unlike the Jaffa, she moved as if born in combat. With awe he watched her fluid movements, her nearly erotic and sensual movements driving him mad with longing.

Ba'al needed to posses her.

With determination, and a plan already forming in his mind, Ba'al pressed a button on his had device and was gone in a flash of light with a whisper on his lips.

"Soon my lovely. Soon."