
Chapter 1: Express Fears

"Take all of your wasted honor

Every little past frustration

Take all of your so-called problems

Better put them in quotations"

A soft knock on her door causes Stella to look up from the case file. "Hello."

"I was wondering if you wanted to grab a drink or dinner or something," Mac comes in and moves close enough to her desk to see what she is looking at.

She hesitates; since they had fought a week ago about her continuing with the Sebastian Diakos case, they hadn't really been speaking. "Is there a particular reason you're asking me to join you?"

"We need to talk."

"Mac, I gave it up. The Major Case guys can find him."

He sighs, realizing he used the wrong words. "I want to talk with you. It's been a while since we went out and talked about something other than work."

"Okay," she closes the folder and stands.


"What's bothering you?" he rests a hand on hers.

"Nothing," her green eyes refuse to meet his blue ones.

Mac frowns, "Stel…"

"It's Diakos. I'm… afraid he'll come after… me again," she gives in.

Sighing, he squeezes her hand, unsure of what he should say. She was always so strong and composed and supported him when he needed it, yet he has no idea how to comfort her. "I'm here for you, Stella," he whispers. "He'll be caught soon."

She shakes her head, "You don't need to be involved. He'll just hurt you too."

"You know you can always stay with me until you feel safe," he says before his brain can stop him.

"No… no, I'm okay," she gives him a weak smile. "But thanks for the offer."

"I want you to know that I'm sorry I yelled at you. I guess I thought that you'd be safe if you weren't working the case, but… he can still get you if he wants you. I just don't want you to be lying on Sid's table."

"I understand," she pulls her hand from his as their meal arrives. They eat in a comfortable silence.

"Detective Taylor," Ella approaches their table as Mac is pulling out his wallet to pay the bill.

"Ella, it's nice to see you again. How are you doing?"

"Much better. I need to thank you for saving my life. I was just… feeling sorry for myself. I guess and made a stupid mistake. They put me on medication to help," she turns to Stella. "You must be Mac's girlfriend."

"Actually she's my partner," Mac corrects. "Stella, this is Ella. Her father… passed away. You know, the case with the house on the river?"

The two women shake hands. "Nice to meet you. I'm sorry about your father."

"I'm learning to move on. Well, it was nice to see you. I need to be going," Ella says.

"Don't hesitate to call if you need anything," Mac reminds her.

"Bye," she heads out the door.

"I think she likes you," Stella looks amused.

"She's just lonely. Maybe I remind her of her father or something…"

"When did you save her?"

"Oh, she cut her wrists last week. I took her to the hospital."

"How many times have you seen her since her dad died?"

"A few. At the grocery, when she cut her wrists, here, outside the lab during lunch break a few times…"

"She has a crush on you," Stella smiles. "And I think she's following you too."

"It's just coincidence. Besides, I've got to be at least fifteen years older than her."

"So? You're a handsome man."

Mac blushes and stands, "Let me drive you home."

"No, I'll take a cab. You live across town."

They walk out of the restaurant together, and he frowns at her. "You don't need to do that. I insist on taking you."

"You're still uneasy about cabs, aren't you?" Reluctantly she follows him to his truck.

"You can never be too careful."

A/N: What can I say about this... there's seven more chapters. I'll try to update every few days. The song is by John Mayer. I guess you need to know that Stella listened to Mac and really has given up on finding Diakos, or at least she's not trying anymore. Unlike on the show. And it'll get more interesting in the next two or three chapters. Including some injuries. I think in just about every one of my stories someone is injured. For once I did not have five hours of homework. But part of that is because we're reading Paradise Lost in English and we've lost some time going over what he had us read already because of scheduling and vocab. And we have to read the other section in class so... hopefully we won't have homework this week and part of next. I can't wait until next week... NY is new. Oh, I found out that Stella's fireman is coming back. She's going on a date at some fundraiser thing I think and there's a murder there. Sound familiar? She and Frankie went somewhere and there was a crime scene there. And Bones is new tomorrow... and Booth might die. I don't think he will, but it's still exciting. Anyway... I will try to post the next chapter Friday or Saturday. Please review.