My life could not get any worse. He was dead. Charlie was dead. I knew the risks of him being a police chief, but I never thought it would get this bad. He lived in small town for god sake! How could this happen?

I stared at the wall for hours. No one had bothered me, but only because I blocked the door with my desk chair. I wasn't ready to talk to anyone. Not yet at least.

"Bella?" my mom's voice came through the door sounding worried about me, "Are you alright sweetie?"

When I finally found my voice, I told her I was fine and that I'd be out in a few minutes. We both knew that was a lie, but she needed to think I was okay. Nothing. Nothing would make this better. I would never be the same ever again.

My mom planned on us flying separately to his funeral. Why I didn't know but I was in such a bad state I didn't want to ask why.

"Call me when you land, sweetie. I'll come pick you up. I love you, Bella." She looked like she was just about to burst into tears. But I did instead.

"I'll be fine mom. I love you too, mom."

We hugged and she got on her plane. I didn't even want to think how long of a flight it was from Phoenix, Arizona to Forks, Washington. I didn't want to think about the fact that I was flying alone and didn't have anyone to comfort me on the way. I didn't want to think period. It was too painful because it somehow always got back to Charlie. So I just shut down. I didn't even realize that I was in Forks until I got off the plane.

Time to call mom, I thought, let's hope she remembered to charge her phone. I dialed her number and waited one… two… three…then an unknown someone had picked up the phone.


"Who is this?" I asked.

"This is the police. Do you know whose phone this is?" He sounded worried. I couldn't understand why though.

"Yea this is my mom's phone where is she?"

"I'm sorry to tell you this, but… Your mother was in a terrible car accident this morning. She was dead by the time we got here."

This could not be happening to me. NO! I just lost Charlie! How could Renee leave me especially now!

I heard someone trying to communicate with me but I couldn't understand what they were saying. Then everything went black.