My first Rune Factory fanfic

Rosalind and Jack's (Kyle) daughter, Clara (Aria) is fifteen years old learning about the demands of becoming a lady to take over the De Sainte-Coquille family business along with her cousin, Leann. She must learn the rewards and responsibilities, not to mention the consequences of her actions.

I've played both games, I've beaten the first one, and I've beaten the second one…wow…uh…anyway enjoy…this might kinda…suck? IDK…just tell me what u think ^^'

"Are you sure this water is sanitary, Clara?" I looked up from my rippled legs up to my cousin's fearful face; I laughed and cleared my throat.

"I'm sure it's safe, you may feel a few fish swim around your legs and nibble your toes."

My cousin stood there for a moment before lifting the skirts of her dress, slipping her foot out of her pink Stuart Weitzman Cinderella slipper and pulling off her white, silky stockings, dipping her big toe in the cool water.

"You promise this water's safe." I sighed again.

"It's fine, Leann! Don't make me push you in!"

"That's usually Roy who does that." She frowned as I sighed, I looked down at my reflection in the cool water, my mother's voice boomed out.

"Clara! Where are you?!?" I sighed, my mother worried about me WAY too much; I pulled my legs out of the water and slipped my boots on, Leann pulled her stockings back on and strapped her heels back on her feet. I always wondered how she could walk in those things, but none the less I trailed my way home as she trailed her way to the manor.

I walked in the front door as my father looked away from Barrett and towards me.

"Your mother is looking for you." He said as I sighed.

"I know, I know. She doesn't need to worry about me. I'm fifteen years old and I can take care of myself…mostly."

My mother stepped in the front door and made a huge sigh of relief.

"Thank the stars you're alright." Her long cyan hair seemed to become grayer from all the worry over me, honestly though, she needn't worry over me so much; sure it was fine to worry over me when I was a child, but right now…it's just…not right…

"I was just with cousin Leann." I insured her; she sighed in relief and smiled.

"That's good to hear." Honestly it was quite annoying that my mother worried about me way too much. It's not like I was going into the dungeons anymore; there was really no need to…but secretly I did go into the dungeons to get a little workout, nothing major, the monsters are pretty weak in the dungeons.


The morning ray of sunshine splashed my face with warmth and agony as I opened my eyes. It was a Monday of all days and that meant…you guessed it…school.

Fortunately every time I woke up, it was six in the morning which gave me time to do a few things, like tend to the crops, fight monsters, talk to my friends, the usual. So with languidly steps I hoisted myself to my drawers and pulled out an outfit. A crop top and a pair of shorts. The same thing I wore almost EVERY day.

The only difference between then and now is that I have some breasts, which was a good and bad thing…good because I looked mature, bad because all of the guys had a staring contest; they also stared at Leann, Sera, Serena, and Cammy; honestly though, I'm not sure what's with men and a woman's chest…it's just…so damn rude!

I bid my parents farewell and skipped out the door and into the field, greeting my strawberries, pink turnips, and pink melons…what do you expect? I'm a girl! I loved those sorts of things!

After tending to my crops I sped towards the academy, meeting up with my best friend, Leonel.

He was ALWAYS at school first, mostly because his father was a teacher here and he liked to help him out with his lessons, which I think is very sweet. He's strong minded like his father, but yet he's as shy as his mother.

You may be wondering why Leonel, of all the kids in my class, is my best friend. Simple! His father and my father are both very close friends; always have been, even when my dad left!

I watched Leonel prepare some iron, speckled skin, the works; I cleared my throat and he jumped slightly turning his body towards me.

"H-hey Clara!" He began, his face turning a light pink, "I uh…didn't hear you come in…" He looked down slightly as I slapped him across the face.

"My FACE is up here!" I pointed to my eyes as he blushed a bloody red color.

"S-sorry…uh…Cl-Clara…" he looked down again, thankfully at the floor; I just sighed and pat his back.

"Just…don't worry about it…I'll see you again at nine…'kay?" Leonel just smiled at me and nodded his head, watching me run out the front doors of the school; I squinted my eyes and looked left and right before heading off to Trieste Forest to fight some monsters.

Yeah…uh…this fanfics probably gonna be pointless…none the less…it will get into the plot…uh…yeah…I'll uh…I'll shut up now…