A/N: This final chapter alternates between their respective POV's. I hope you've enjoyed the story.

"Jason! What are you doing here?" And how did that phone get into the wall?

I wasn't really on speaking terms with Jason, but I figured I should at least know what he was doing at Fangtasia.

"Hey Sook. I keep wanting to talk to you, but you seem hell bent on avoiding me. I went by the house and Amelia told me you were here. What are you doing here Sook? Haven't you had enough of this vampire crap? What does Eric have you twisted up in?"

I felt my anger rising with each of Jason's words.

"How dare you Jason?! How dare you question what I'm doing here? You lost all right to lecture me about my doings when you forced me to break my friend's hand!"

"Sook, I didn't know it would go down like that . . ."

"Shut up! I don't want to hear your excuses Jason. You set me up. You knew Crystal was with Dove and you wanted me to catch them. You used me." I was in his face now.

"I used you? What about Eric? What are you doing here for him tonight? Are you getting paid? Or, getting something else?" His leer was unmistakable.

"You are questioning Eric's 'intentions?' Eric is one of the few men in my life that hasn't betrayed me, or used me or, hit me! You've done all of those things!" I was screaming now, and Jason shrank from my words, but I had a full head of steam and wasn't about to stop.

"Eric has never been anything but honest with me about his intentions and what he wants. Uncle Bartlett, Bill, Quinn, Alcide, even you, you've all lied to me, betrayed me, assaulted me or put me in danger. Only Eric . . ." And I suddenly sobbed, struck completely by the truth of it all. "Since Dallas, Eric has never lied to me. He has never betrayed me. He has never assaulted me. He has taken bullets for me! He has protected me, made love to me, taken care of my needs, small and large, and tried to give me his heart. And in my pride I shoved it back in his face."

I was sobbing now.

"When it comes to Eric I'm the one who has screwed up at every turn. I'm the one put the knife in and twisted it!" How could I have been so stupid? "He is my match in every way Jason. Dead or alive, Eric is more of a man than you will ever be."

I saw Jason's hand reach back, and prepared myself for his blow, but it never came. A large, white hand shot out and grabbed Jason's. I heard a snap, and couldn't help but wince. Jason went down to his knees howling, cradling his broken wrist. Eric lifted him by the throat, growling deep in his chest.

"Eric don't!" Jason was an asshole, but he was still my brother and I didn't want him dead.

Eric glanced at me, top to bottom as though assessing if I was injured, then looked Jason in the eyes and said, "If you even try to lay a hand on her again Stackhouse, I will kill you."

He pushed Jason away and I saw Pam dart over to cart him off. In one movement Eric was in front of me, pulling me to him, crushing me to his chest. I was sobbing into his shirt, "I'm so sorry, I'm sorry," over and over.

"Shhh, Sookie," his voice soothing, his cool hands caressing my head. He pulled me to the couch and sat there cradling me until I was all cried out.

"Oh Eric, please forgive me! I was such an idiot . . ." He put his finger to my lips, cutting me off.

"It's okay . . ."

"No, it's not. Eric I have to say this." He put his hand down and looked at me as if I should continue. "When I found out that Bill left me for Lorena it broke my heart." I heard him hiss when I mentioned Bill's name, but he didn't say anything else, so I continued.

"He was the first man I ever loved and he gave me this gift, his love, and he took it away. Then one day there you were, running down the road to my house. You offered me the world and then, you were gone too. I don't blame you, and I didn't then. It wasn't your fault, but still, it hurt. When I found out about the Queen's orders, I felt like I had been flayed alive. My brother, then Quinn . . . Eric, I've been betrayed and abandoned at every turn.

I did what I did the other night because I was terrified to talk to you. I was terrified that I might actually have to deal with those feelings. I was terrified that if I admitted that I love you, you would abandon me too. Then you were gone and the thought that I'd lost you, that I'd driven you away, terrified me more than anything else."

I finally stopped. I had nothing left. I had just laid myself bare for him. I closed my eyes and rested my head against his shoulder.

My conversation with Victor was short. I reminded him that I was not the one who left his King exposed to Sigebert's wrath, that I knew he let the blame fall on someone else and, that he would do well to remain respectful while he was in my territory, using my assets.

Curiously, I felt Sookie return to the club.

I found myself glad that she did. Although I'd sent her home and, promised myself that I was through with her, I had to know about her actions that night. She had yielded, deferred, to me. I needed to know if this was another ploy of some kind.

When I stood up, I did not see her, but was in time to see Jason Stackhouse go into the back of the club, toward my office. I saw him say something to the guard who then let him through. I have to remember to fire that one.

I was heading toward my office, when I felt her anger through the bond. She was livid. I hurried to the back and, I could hear her yelling at that fool of a brother.

I heard it all.

I felt it all.

I knew she meant every word.

And she was right.

I am her match in every way. And she is mine.

I saw him prepare to strike her and reacted. He is lucky I only broke his wrist. He is lucky I am old enough to control my blood lust, that I heard her entreaty through the haze of my rage. I looked him in the eyes, "if you even try to lay a hand on her again Stackhouse, I will kill you." And I meant it. She could hate me for it, but I would never allow it again.

Then she was in my arms, and begging my forgiveness. She did not know she already had it. I let her speak. She needed to. She needed to strip herself bare of everything that made her refuse to yield to me. Everything that made her run from me at every turn.

Then she rested her head on my shoulder.

"Say it Sookie. I need to hear it."

She looked up at me, smiled and said, "I love you."

I felt his happiness through the bond. It amplified my own, expanding until I felt like I would float away on it. He brought his face to mine and kissed me. Tenderly, at first, then more urgently. I felt my lips part as his tongue darted into my mouth. My entire body quivered. I heard him whispering, "my Sookie," over and over as he rained kisses along...


..."My Sookie."

I was his, body and soul.


We turned to see Pam at the door, and I felt the blush start at my toes. I think I may have even uttered a startled "eep!"

"Does this mean I can tell the nice man with the tow truck that he can put these back in your car?" She asked as she held up what appeared to be my spark plugs.

Eric threw his head back as he roared with laughter. I looked at Pam and mouthed, "thank you."

"Come my lover," Eric said, his eyes sparkling with happiness and desire. "I am not done making up with you just yet."

He took my hand and led me out into the night. But that is a story for another time.