Storming through crowd of peer students, Jacob felt blood boiling as he ignore the many stares. Being shorter than most boys his age at this particular moment trying to look for someone makes him more the angrier.

As a loud bang of a slammed door shocked everyone in the cafeteria, all eyes were on Jacob. It truly wasn't his intension to push the door so hard. It just happened. A slightly embarrassed Jacob lowers his head as he makes his way to the Cullen's table.

"Jacob, I thought you were..."

"Jasper, Shush!" Alice stood up and put her arm on Jacob "What happened? He left you up there, didn't he? Jerk"

"He did," Jacob said "And when you see him, tell him don't ever come looking and-" then Jacob realized something he should've thought of earlier. "oh.."

Alice took a quick look around "So he told you ." Alice didn't know how she feels about Jacob knowing they are Vampires, in her vision, she only saw that Edward ran away from him. Alice took her hands of Jacob's shoulder. She turn to the group, and said "This is Jacob, and Jacob, this is Emmett and Rosalie,our older brother and sister" across the table, Emmett and Rosalie gave a wave "they are back from their…trip, and like Edward, they are you know, too."

"So this is the famous heart throb, soft clothes, long hair, a beanie, very boy next door." Rosalie said with a coy smile "Edward likes them natural, don't you think Emmett"

Emmett rolled his eyes " I think you are missing the point darling, he knows."

"And so what, what's he gonna to do?" Rosalie gave Jacob a wink, it isn't everyday she is decent to a human being. Actually Rosalie took a liking of Jacob quite immediately, mostly for the door slamming, it was very her style.

Jacob could feel eyes on him from behind. Students were looking and whispering.

"I got to go." This is the last place he wanted to be. He turned to leave.

"Jacob…" said Alice "You have to understand, if you couldn't accept, who he is"

Jacob turned to say "He couldn't accept whom he is" and once again he was angry. He left, leaving the Cullens sitting in confusion.

"Got style that one, hasn't he?" said Rosalie finally.

Alice rolled her eyes. She looked at Jasper, both wondering what the heck happened that morning.

"Jacob," Billy woke the sleeping boy "Tea's ready, "

"Oh, I..."

"Relax, I ordered Chinese food" Billy said "Your favorite"

"I felt asleep," Jacob rubbed his eyes and sigh.

"Come on now, dinner's getting cold." Billy said as he wheel himself out "by the way, your friend Edward called."

"What? When, why didn't you wake me?"

"He said not to, and said he'd call later."


Jacob waited after dinner, and he waited after homework and waited some more after shower. Eventually he fell asleep waiting on the bed, but the phone never rang that night.

Next day was a foggy morning at Folks. The mountain was cold, but not as cold as Edward.

Edward Cullen stood on top of a tree and his mind thought of the million solutions to his current situation.

There was none, and whoever said love conquers all was a complete shithead.

Edward is angry, but not quite sure what at: the fact that Jacob could be a werewolf? Or that he himself is a vampire? Or Jacob would still be is human after all if not a werewolf, and what would that lead them? There will come a day when Jacob would die, the thought alone made Edward sick in the stomach. Of course, He could turn Jacob into a vampire. But it isn't fair to Jacob, the boy shouldn't suffer endlessly the hunger for blood and all that difficulties Edward suffers everyday. And if Jacob is a werewolf, biting him will be killing him… Finally, he's decided - there is only one way to resolve this.

Jacob hadn't slept very well that night.

As he lay awake in bed he slowly comes to understand something: The Cullens are vampires, they drink blood, as in for food. Moreover, he had kissed one of them, as well as hugged, and laughed, and cried in that vampire's arm and his heart felt painfully stabbed when this particular vampire left him in the cold yesterday – Jacob rose up abruptly "Is this… love!?"

Jacob's mind was elsewhere during morning classes. The thought that he had fallen for a boy who is a vampire was, shocking, to say the least.

And he thought "Is this what it fells like when one is in love?"

If so then he is seriously at shock what all the fuss is about.

First of all, he feels sick. Like there is a sickening feeling that won't quit in his tummy, also he feels like he isn't himself, like part of him is missing and the fact that Edward didn't show up this morning in his front yard like he has for the past month makes Jacob want to throw up, literally.

'What is the matter with me?' he thought.

Jacob had been proud that he's been looking after himself and his dad for as long as he could remember, and the thought of depending on someone is more frightening than anything else, because, there is always the risk that someone could fail you, and unfortunately seem like someone already has.

Slowly Jacob comes to term with the unexplainable rage he felt yesterday.

The bell rang – biology. Jacob sighs; he wishes his lab partner weren't there. Yet when he found that Edward really wasn't there, Jacob was disappointed.

"Hi," Mike invites himself to Jacob's table "I see that you need a partner – "

"No," said Edward behind him "his partner's here."

"oh …I see ...." Mike walked away awkwardly.

"Hi." said Edward.

Jacob said hi back, he isn't sure what was expected of him.

"Jacob," Edward whispered as the teacher starts to explain the experiment, "I've been thinking……can we still be friends?"

A chill went through Jacob's spine.


"I said - "

"I heard…you want to be - "said Jacob still in shock "friends."

Edward looked away at first, but he replies finally "It's the only way… that I can always be there. As your friend, I can always be in your life without ever, ever hurting you"

Jacob could feel emotion bulging up. He hated himself as his vision fogged up. "Don't you think we're pass that, being friends?" He manage to say

"We can still make it, I promise that - "

"Don't..." Jacob looked in the microscope, but a drop of tear fell in it as he looked "Negative - the result. Don't need to promise, let's be friends then. "

He passed the microscope to Edward, but Jacob looked the other way as the tears quietly trail off his face.

Edward looked in the microscope but tears blurred the vision.

"Yeah… it's negative" murmured Edward.

And it felt like someone has slapped him across the face when Jacob turned away for the second time secretly trying to wipe away tears of his face.


"How could you!?"

"Ouch!!" Edward rubbed his left cheek and ignored small laughers from the next table. "How - "

"I saw him in the hallway, you jerk." Alice yelled at him in the cafeteria.

"Did he – "

"No, but red puppy eyes tells everything, that, and my vision of course" Alice shook her head " How could you!?"

"Leave him alone" said Emmett.

"You're on his side? Guys just stick up for each other don't they?"

"But wouldn't he be in pain too? At least from that slap?" said Emmett.

"He deserves that. This jerk's been around for a good while now, but Jacob is 16, as in, like a baby 16, How could you break a baby's heart, and at biology class? What are you sick?- "

"Yes" and Edward walked away.

Alice's mouth was still open as she watches Edward walked out of the cafeteria.

"Um Hi, crazy," said Rosalie, "Ever occur to you that this may be his first too?"

"Oh you guys all…" Alice thought for a moment, "Oh…"




As things has already blown way out of hands, it only got worse over the next few days.

Jacob isn't showing much emotion. on the surface he is functioning just normal.

For instance, Jacob's attending school, then he's going home, and doing the whole thing at home with the cleaning cooking etc. the only emotion he seem to ever gets is confusion when Edward tries to be 'friendly', making small nonsense comment here and there whenever the chance occurs, may it be in class, in the hall way,

Jasper has been busy. Trying to cheer Jacob, following him

around school, He was attentive, nice, caring and it makes people what to vomit. By people, it means Alice.

Edward has been trying to be friends with Jacob. No one's quite sure what that means.

At lunches. Alice now forced Jacob to eat at the Cullen's table (like that isn't awkward at all). Jacob usually sits quietly next the Jasper and Emmett, with Edward looking directly opposite him.

Since no one eats at the Cullen's table anyway, it didn't seem weird that Jacob doesn't have a plate at lunch. Hence nearly a week passed by, yet it wasn't too noticeable that the seemingly normal boy isn't eating, but at all.

Finally, Friday, a pale Jacob fainted after a 500 meter run at P.E class. It was a funny image when Jacob nearly hit the floor, three boys ran in unbelievable speed trying to catch him all at once. Edward, Jasper, and unexpectedly Emmett who isn't in their class coming out of no where.

A minute later Mike catch up from behind to see if Jacob was ok.

" I'm fine, really" Jacob pushes Edward's hand away, as he held on to Emmett's.

"whoa…" Emmett caught Jacob just in time as the boy falls again. "Easy there … I got him. And now comes the teacher, tell him I'll take him to the nurse.."

With that, Emmett lift up the boy and carried him.

Edward watched as Emmett carried Jacob away, he pushed Jasper to the side and walked away angrily.

"You're angry!? You? You who pushed him away." said Jasper. "You had him right there and you left him. You should be– "

Edward turned back and launch himself at Jasper, but he was prepared this time. He dogged Edward and hit him hard on the back, it took Edward by surprise as he hit the ground.

Mike watched in awe.

Edward picked himself up from the ground, and he walked away.

"Yeah, walk away. And What!" He shout at Mike who had his mouth open, " Shut it, he had that coming."