Title: Escape
Summary: Tezuka has had enough. And when his Mother came home early he couldn't help but be overcome with unexplainable emotions.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Tezuka POV
I walked away from Eiji, wondering why I told him that. Warmth spread out across my face, his face was so close to mine, why did I do that again? I was jealous, I'll admit that, he could freely show what he was thinking, a lot of the beliefs I was raised on, he was making me question them...

My legs felt really numb, "Why do I have to do this again?" I asked my Grandparents, "No one else has to."

"It is tradition Kunimitsu," my Grandfather sternly answered, "Now try again."

I tried again, but it was very hot in the yukata I was wearing, and I spilled the tea.

Grandfather sighed, "You got careless, we'll try this again, and when we do I don't want you to disappoint me."

Tears pricked at my eyes, I tried my hardest, but every time I disappointed my grandfather, why? I only wanted him to be proud of me, my parents were never home, and it was my grandparents who looked after me. I only wanted them to be proud of me, but I just disappointed them.

I opened my eyes, that memory, was one that happened often. But when I got it correct my Grandfather tried to get me into Kendo, but I refused, and my grandmother took my side. But from that point he never smiled at me...that must be where I picked it up. "I don't want to be like that," I said. I was outside my house.

When I walked in I was instantly surrounded by warmth. "We're back Kunimitsu," I heard my mother whisper into my ear.

"Mum," I said, hugging her back.

She pulled away, "I got a break from work, so I thought I'd come see you,"

I smiled; it felt strange to smile again. But I could barely remember the last time my mum had come home, she and my father always came for my birthday, but only to drop my presents over and then leave. "Mum, it's been so long," I smiled.

"Hey, what about me?" I heard my father ask.

I smiled at him too.

"It's good that you're both back," my Grandmother smiled, "Kunimitsu's a teenager now, and he needs his parents,"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, I quit my job, and your Father's been promoted. So we'll be home a lot more often," My mum smiled.

"I'm gonna go to my room," I said.

Normal POV
"That's a surprising reaction," Ayana Tezuka smiled, "I can't remember the last time I've seen my son smile like that."

"Actually, remember when he told us about that boy, Eiji, right?" Kuniharu pointed out.

"Yes, and then he moved and he became like he is, until now,"

"Well, let's hope this side of him stays,"

Tezuka POV
I lay on my bed staring at the ceiling, my Mother was going to be at home a lot more now. But, Grandfather doesn't know about that yet. I wonder how he'll react. I didn't want to think about it anymore.


"Come in," I called out.

"It's me, your Grandmother," I heard. She walked in, "Can I talk to you?"

I nodded.

"I just wanted to say that I know your Grandfather may have forced things on you, but I want you to know that he meant well,"

"I know that. It's just; I want to do things that I want to do,"

"Yes, but we're proud of you anyway. And good luck in the tournament,"

"Thank you,"

When she walked out of the room I smiled softly to myself. Things were going to be different from now on.

A/N: Okay, I had a chapter written up, and then I got this idea, and it seemed better, even though it's spur of the moment. Yeah, that's my excuse for any OOCness. And yeah, pleeeeassse review.