It was bound to happen sooner or later...I've finally written a poetry piece for Detective Conan. (And here I assumed my poetry muse had an exclusive obsession with Labyrinth.) I just wrote this piece in under an hour when I couldn't fall asleep, so hopefully it's okay. If not? Oh well. I'll blame it on the fact that it's nearly one in the morning over here.

And happily for Mitsuhiko's sake, I do not own Detective Conan. My muse has been having way too much fun plotting how to screw the poor boy over. But that will hopefully be another fic. I just have to get Haibara to cooperate.


He's standing outside across the lane

clothing still dripping from the pouring rain

In the sheltered light of a telephone stall

he drops in coins to make a call.

His eyes glow glassy, his voice changes pitch

with merely the spin of a bowtie switch

There's no one to hear this voice from the past

except for one girl whom his heart holds fast.

They exchange few words before the connection is cut,

ceasing her crying that pierces his gut.

The dead dial ring tone rents through the air

as the boy resolutely sets his heart to repair.

It always hurts him to hear her cry

as she asks in a whisper to tell him why.

(why he's going, why he can't come back,

why he can only tell her jack)

But the truth is forbidden to leave his tongue,

he can only lie and leave his soul numb.

There's too much at stake, too much to lose

as he hunts these minefields looking for clues,

hoping and praying each step is okay,

not a bomb waiting to blow him away.

What he wouldn't give to make it all disappear:

the lying, the age gap, the encroaching fear.

But life is no nice fairytale scene,

he's just a man in the aisles dying to scream.

Yet dying would end this fake facade

so he has no choice but to proceed on.

But now it's time to return, cover the eyes,

hide ten years in an optic disguise.

Mask the sorrows with bright happy smiles,

dumb down his remarkable intelligent wiles,

climb down the rabbit hole, go through the glass,

run through the door to his crying lass.

Pretend not to know what makes her eyes red,

ask what he can do to help her instead.

And when she tells him she wants only one boy by her side,

just smile and hug her and keep the tears inside.

(and try to forget for how long he's tried)

So, this okay for a midnight rambling?

And could someone explain to me why I can't put spaces between my stanzas? It's driving me nuts!