My Choices
By: Selim
Summary: JD is offered the job of a lifetime, but there's only one thing in the way from his careers future and his personal future: Perry Cox. Established CoxJD
Rating: M+
Pairings: Perry x JD, various canon
Warnings: Heavy adult themes
Disclaimer: I Do Not Own Scrubs nor am I making any money off this fiction.

Hospitals were breeding grounds for relationships. They sometimes started or possibly ended there. But the greatest thing about any relationship at a hospital was that they were always strengthened. Or broken. JD found it easier to think positively about his relationships that had started inside the hospital. Sure Elliot had been a disaster that he'd wanted to crawl back to, but his new relationship seemed to actually work. It was harder to believe that said relationship was with his own mentor, Dr. Cox. It was a strong relationship, unlikely to break anytime soon.

Unlike with his relationship with Elliot, he didn't feel the need to throw (or be thrown by, rather) his partner against a wall to ravish them. He did his duties like a good resident and still made it in time to snuggle against Perry in the lounge, letting the older man watch his stories in peace while he basked in the attention he'd so wanted. And in silence too! It was a working plus. He'd use his idle chatter amongst his closer friends, would have conversations about medical problems with his lover, and besides the odd question about the characters being portrayed on the Soaps, JD learned that if he wanted to be sexed up that night he'd behave.

Besides, Perry loved how loud he was during sex. So being quiet paid off for when he could make mews and moans, begging for more from the person he found he wanted to be with.

"He's sleeping with Elisabeth's mother, that's why—"

The body under his own tensed, making JD smile. "Maybe he's planning an anniversary dinner like he said," Cox retorted. "And if you don't shut up, Sherri, you're going to be on bed pan duty for a month."

"I'm just saying—" He knew he was messing with fire but that look…right…there. The white in the face, darkening of eyes, and the flexing of muscles that signaled he was about to be thrown off the chair. It wasn't a problem, his break was over two minutes ago and it was only a matter of time before Carla came to find, then beat him, for skipping out on Greg Dothen, a man with a chronic "case" of whatever he'd last seen a medical ad for.

Before he could be thrown, JD turned to lay on his stomach. Crouching over the older doctor, the resident brushed his lips across the tip of the man's nose. Like putty, the muscles under him relaxed. Uncertain hands cupped JD's hips, angling their bodies just right to get some heavy petting going. The sound of Elisabeth wailing that her fiancé was cheating on her (with her own mother, no less!) fell on deaf ears as both men stared into the other's eyes. "I have to go back to work but this," he brought his lips down and onto his lover's in a long, drawn out kiss, "is a promise for later."

"Get lost, Brenda, if I'd wanted more I'd damn well take it." Perry returned his gaze to the show, trying to feign disinterest. Smiling, JD climbed off the couch. The erection that brushed his hip wasn't ignored, but it'd have to wait. They had agreed their careers came first, quick fucking second, and maybe a few sweet nothings if JD did his job right.

Shaking his head, JD left the lounge. It was finally time to handle Mr. Dothen. The walks to that small examination room always felt long, but he made it anyway to see the man going through pamphlets that were left in the waiting room. "How are you feeling today, Mr. Dothen."

"I've been having seizures this time doc." The man shifted nervously. "Long black out moments, and I move during those moments."

Wanting to give Carla the 'why do you keep sending me this guy' look, JD nodded. "Right, I see. Has anyone been with you during this?"

"Are you calling me a liar?"

"No, sir," JD caught himself, "I just need to know during your seizures about your eyes. Do they roll in the back of your head? Do you shake uncontrollably or maybe urinate on yourself? All these can lead to a diagnosis best suited for your problem."

"And I can get the drugs to fix it, right?" Greg leaned forward quickly and JD clicked his pen against the clipboard. And so he'd reached the heart of the matter. Always with the need for drugs. Last time was for Prozac; now for something lithium-based. In the end, he found out through Cox to send him out after playing the doctor-patient charade long enough.

Still smiling, JD nodded. "As long as we find all your aliments. Excuse me for a second while I talk with the nurses about running a few tests." He left the room, Carla on his heels. "He's going through some kind of withdrawal."

"You're the only doctor he's seen here besides Cox. He's probably hospital jumping for medications. We'll keep him for observation."

"Check for lithium in his system." JD made his way to another room. He did notice, as he was passing by, that Kelso was walking the halls with another man talking in hushed tones. It was odd to see the Chief of Medicine out and about like that. But he didn't have much time to think about that, as he got a sharp whistle from over at the Nurse's Station where Dr. Cox stood with a chart. Taking a deep breath, the younger doctor walked over to his mentor. "Yes, Dr. Cox."

"Why are you keeping that basket case here, Wanda? We're not a hotel."

"Dilation of the eyes and constant shakes. He probably got hold of some strong narcotics – Lithium most likely – and needs to be kept for observation if any is found in his system." The metal board hitting his head earned a small noise before it danced across the nurse's table.

"The Sacred Heart Bed and Breakfast, I bet you have a frilly little maid outfit picked out already, don't you Goldilocks?"

Bite your tongue, bite your tongue, "Aw, you spoiled your Valentine's Day present." Well at least Carla had a sense of humor. It looked like he'd be back home in his own apartment cuddling into some heavy blankets. Bah.

With a roll of his eyes, Perry turned heel and left, a faint sarcastic laugh trailing behind him. Once he was out of earshot, Carla leaned over the nursing station. "He's just mad you did the right thing to his least favorite patient. And a maid outfit, me-yow, Bambi."

"Turk gave it to me," The resident smiled brightly. Giving the young man a side smirk, Carla shook her head before giving him a dirty look.

"He doesn't have the tushy for a skirt."

"Who doesn't have a tushy, baby?" Turk popped in, earning a smile from JD who waited to see how Carla would fix her problem. The woman didn't seem frightened in the least as her arms wrapped around her husband's shoulders.

"Yours. You've got a nice butt, but not for a skirt."

"Right! Dresses are JD's forte, not mine. You'll see this tushy in tight jeans but not a skirt." He wiggled his hips, letting the nurse see his bottom shake in his green surgical scrubs. The woman cheered, slapping his bottom once. Not wanting to stay any longer (he wasn't gay, but thinking of his best friend in a maid outfit was making him rethink the whole bisexuality thing as well), JD excused himself before making his way to another patient with a cheerful smile on his face.

Across the hall, the visitor with Robert Kelso looked up from his charts before returning his attention to the information set out in front of him. "Tell me more about your Doctor Jonathan Dorian."

Friday nights were perhaps the best nights ever. He didn't work third shift that night and was promised a full eight hours of sleep unless something really important came up at the hospital. Since Perry was also off that night, it meant the two could just hang out together. Watch the game, read medical journals on the couch, or just do what they were doing that Friday night.

"Ha-ah, no…not there!" JD cried out as his globes were spread open by warm, lube covered fingers. Perry had been in a turned on mood that night, opting to take his little protégé on the leather couch than move to the back rooms and fuck the younger doctor up properly. The couch, however, offered extra support the bed did not. Chest drawn across the back of the seat, knees tucked firmly on the cushions and spread, JD found himself open for whatever Perry had planned that night. Heated kisses had become heavy petting which had left his nude form laying out in such a way that the older man could bend down to kiss the base of the resident's back.

Thick fingers brushed down, playing with the dark haired man's crack. Tortuously, the very tip would push in, proving it could penetrate if Perry wanted before it would move around, circling JD's entrance again. His cheeks were spread and warm breath against tender skin brought a shiver down the younger doctor's body. Then, oh so lightly, the man's tongue brushed against his entrance, leaving a lingering feeling of need. Biting into the couch, JD tried to stifle his moans. He was eager to scream out for the man to stop teasing him. To take him so long, so hard that he forgot everything he'd ever learned. To get on with it before one of their beepers went off to spoil the mood just as it always did.

The tongue returned, pushing into him. At first it left a dirty feeling that no matter how hard he tried he couldn't brush away, but that feeling was soon overcome by such ecstasy that even the couch couldn't block JD's cries. Being with a woman didn't bring pleasure like this. Men knew just how they wanted to be pleased so it made pleasing another man so much easier. Large hands brushed the resident's swollen cock. The hold was just so good; with a cry, JD dropped his head. He needed to come so bad. "A-ah! P, Pe—"

"Sh, don't call out my name, newbie." Perry whispered, his fingers replacing his tongue to penetrate further than he could ever do orally. "Whatever you want, just ask."

"B, bigger— ahh," JD shivered as another finger was pushed into him. It hurt, a small bout of pain that would quickly be replaced by pleasure once they brushed his…oh god. A deep moan escaped his lips as his prostate was brushed repeatedly by the tips of the older man's fingers. Expert fingers that knew just how to touch him. "No…" The dark haired man moaned. Not big enough-!

Perry smiled behind him, his third finger brushing against his protégé's stretched hole. "Another one?" He played, thrusting his two fingers in playfully before adding a third. Back arched, JD threw his head back as that one spot deep inside him was touched again. With access, Perry's lips met his own in a deep kiss. Fingers laced with his mentor's unused hand, JD moved his hips along the couch, trying to relieve the pain that was building.

Driven by lust, the dark brunette pushed his lover back on the couch, straddling the man's hips where, from the older doctor's loose khakis, their swollen cocks met. Without looking down to see where he needed to go, JD used the memorized trek to pull Perry's zipper down and reached inside the man's pants and boxers to slowly slide the older man's swollen dick into open air. "God, newbie your hand…"

Sliding his dick alongside Perry's own (the man was so much longer and thicker, but JD loved to think he was still a growing younger doctor), the young doctor thrust himself along the older man, their mouths reattaching, teeth clicking together as they devoured each other. Saliva mixed, rolling down Perry's own chin. JD was quick to catch it, his tongue sliding down his mentor's jaw line, to the base of the older man's neck. He needed it so bad. Moving his hips just enough, JD shivered as the swollen tip brushed against his entrance where three fingers still pooled inside, in the way of the thickness he really wanted. "Fuck me…"

"Thoroughly. princess." Perry removed his fingers and guided his cock to its warm destination. With precision, the head of his penis pushed in, nestled just enough inside JD to make the young doctor quiver in delight. Eyes on the newbie's face, Perry slammed his hips up, his own hands tightly holding the brunette down on his cock. He gave no time for the younger doctor to adapt to the feeling of being filled before he thrust up repeatedly, slamming into that tight heat so much better than any cunt he'd ever had. So tight and God not even Satan herself had such control over muscle movement, squeezing him, milking him. "Say my name, newbie…" Perry whispered.

"Aah, haah! P-Perry—"

Playfully slapping his protégé's hips, Perry's thrusts became swift and direct, hard enough to make the younger doctor scream towards the ceiling. "H, how do you talk to a superior, n, newbie!" His voice was full of lust. He just had to hear it.

The younger doctor's pleasure filled mind took forever to process the order. Between guiding his own body down on the stiff spire, he wanted to prolong his own pleasure while enjoying the intimacy with Perry. "D, Doctor Cox…ha-ah, doctor…" He tried repeating, but his voice broke into a series of moans and pleasure filled breaths. He couldn't—"A-ah!!" He came. Semen splashed out on his belly, becoming a sticky mess with the sweat that had built up, but his body still moved. The cock in him still plowed into his prostate.

"God…!" Perry threw his head back as he came, filling his young lover. Neither moved, enjoying the post-orgasmic bliss that was sure to follow. "I loved that, newbie."

"Uah? The younger male blinked, trying to figure out just what Perry meant. "Doctor Cox?" He whispered.

"That's right."

A small chuckle escaped JD's lips. "You know sleeping with a resident is against the rules, don't you Doctor Cox?"

The dirty blond smirked. "What? She told me she was a nurse."

"…Whatever you say, Per." JD rested his head along the older man's shoulder, enjoying the hands that rubbed his bottom so lovingly. He could already feel the man stiffen inside him, ready for another round. Only this time, he'd have to think medically. "If you want another round we're going to have to find a condom."

"…Don't want to. Stop being such a girl, princess. It'll take more than two times to make you sick." With a toss down on the couch, Perry spread the young doctor's legs wide and started thrusting again. He was going to enjoy every second of his evening off.

The two were approaching their third orgasm when an annoying beep drew them back down to Earth. It took a few seconds to figure out whose beeper was going off before JD reached for his device, ignoring the heaviness in his loins. "It's Dr. Kelso."

"Gah, let Bobbo be. It won't kill him if you don't come in immediately."

Leaning his head back, JD brushed his lips across Perry's. "Yea, but it's bad for my health to leave him waiting. Let's finish then and I'll head out."

When finished, feeling rather full and dirty, JD cleaned himself off with a wash cloth before dressing in loose trousers that felt good on his sore ass. He gave Perry a kiss as the man watched whatever game was on that night before leaving the apartment. It didn't seem that urgent. Probably wanted to yell at him about the druggie staying the night.

Carla was the nurse on duty that evening, her usual smile stretched. Obviously it'd been a weird night for whoever was on call. "Where's Kelso?" He asked, doing a quick look at all his patients. Seemed fine for tonight, he could sleep easy.

The woman pointed towards the back, indicating the old man's office. "He's been talking with that odd guy all day. Keeps asking questions about the doctors here. Rumor has it they're laying off doctors who aren't doing their jobs properly."

"I don't see mass chaos so it couldn't be that bad." JD smirked as he made his way in back. With a formal knock on the door, he waited for the older man to invite him in before entering the cold office of the Chief of Medicine. The odd man from that day was sitting in front of Kelso's desk, along with a file with the name Jonathan Dorian on it. The first thought that crossed JD's mind was, Oh shit, I've done something bad and yet the air in the room said otherwise.

"Take a seat, Sport. Would you like a drink?" Kelso merrily smiled. Fear crept up further in the young man's gut. He was so getting canned. Kelso had never liked the fact that Perry and he were so open with their odd relationship. Obviously the hospital would keep the doctor with the greater tenure.

"N, no thank you." JD gave the odd man a curious look.

"Doctor Dorian, allow me to introduce Doctor Timothy Washington. He's the Chief of Medicine over at the Hopkins and is here scouting for bright heads in the medical field."

"Um…far from home I see?" JD tried to joke. It earned a glare from Kelso and a forced smile from the Washington fellow.

"-Anyway! He's here scouting for his hospital and is looking for residents that show the most promise. Promise that can be taught to flourish into something great."

Washington nodded. "We always seem to get these residents that graduated from those Ivy League schools with only the best grades but as you may know, Doctor Dorian, that doesn't make them good at what they do. Practice makes perfect. Protégés in the medical field can be anywhere and from what I hear you're showing some of the most promise in this hospital. I saw your interesting bedside manner over this week. How you handle your patients is so different. You're close and yet you're far so you can get your job done. That! That is what we need at our fine institute. We'd like to take your residency over to the John Hopkins Hospital and train you there. We will, of course, pay for your move and new residence over there while you are studying."

Kelso leaned over the table, his eyes staring into JD's soul. "Sport, this could start your career with a bang. You'll have some of the best credentials when you make it to assisting physician. You can work your way there studying under only the best men out there."

"I…" JD froze. He was honored that they'd ask him when there were so many others out there who had a better chance than him.

"You don't have to give us your answer now. I'll be here for another week. But please, try to give me your answer as soon as possible." Nodding, JD stood up on shaky legs. He watched as his file was looked through by sharp, critical eyes and waited for a second for the two men to break into laughter and say how they fooled him, but it never came. He thanked the two for the time to think about the decision before making his way out the door. The minute the wood paneling shut behind him, he fell back against the surface, his wide eyes staring holes into the wall.

"What happened in there Bambi?" Carla peered over from a back hall, trying to look as if she hadn't been waiting desperately for why Kelso had demanded to see JD right away.

"I, I…I gotta go home. I promised D, Dr. Cox we'd…" Red faced and stuttering, JD took off down the hall. If anyone would know what to do, Perry would. The man had more experience in this field than he had.

Driving to the older man's apartment was a hassle when the shakes wouldn't go away. Several times he'd noticed his twitchy self had sped up his scooter, making him nervously wonder if he'd be pulled over. That would ruin his chances to get only the best career he could ever have. He found himself hyperventilating by the time he got to Perry's apartment and, with much effort on his constricted chest, he found a paper bag to cover his mouth with as he breathed deeply, greedily swallowing the carbon dioxide.

"Woah, woah, whoa, Dorothy! Calm down. Slow your breathing." Perry was already at his side. Snide or not, the man was a physician first. A bastard second. Perhaps a lover after, but he was always a physician before any of that. "What did Bobbo say that has your panties in a twist?" He joked when JD finally got his breathing under control.

Looking deep in the older man's eyes, JD couldn't find the words to tell his lover just what he'd been told. "Fuck me."

"What?" Perry's voice was laced with sarcasm.

Grabbing the wife beater Perry had put on after their last encounter earlier that evening, JD slammed their mouths together, pushing the older man towards the back room. His shirt was thrown on the floor, his pants dropped to his ankles before being forgotten in the threshold of the room. "Fuck me."

"Okay, just let me grab a condom first."

"Fuck that, just put your dick so far in me I can't think-!" JD threw himself on the older man.

An hour later the two rested in each other's arms, burrowed under the loose blanket that promised to be a stiff sheet come morning, but neither could find the strength to go start laundry and make the bed with clean sheets. Finally calm, the twitters long gone, JD rested his head on his lover's chest, listening to the rhythm of the beating heart. "I…got a job offer."

"Good, change in departments. The taste of forbidden fruit is gone. Finally! I can return to the dark abyss that was once my life without the damn dead dog in the corner, watching my every move." JD didn't smile, curling deeper into the man. Maybe one more time… no, his dick was killing him and god knew he wouldn't be able to move through his rounds tomorrow.

"No. For John Hopkins…out in Baltimore."

And he had to look up to make sure Perry was still alive because he couldn't hear the older man's heart.