Chapter 1

I had to redo this story because I made some mistakes that ruined how the rest of the story was suppose to go. So here it is over again. Disclaimers at the bottom.

Dib arrived at skool that morning, as happy as ever. He had finally got some good evidence that Zim was an alien that he sent to mysterious mysteries. He walks into the classroom and sees Zim sitting in his desk looking bored.

"Its over Zim!" Dib says. "Last night sent proof to mysterious mysteries that you're an alien!"

"Foolish Dib-monkey." Zim responded looking pleased. "I had Gir disguise him self as the mailbox."

(Note: Italic writing is flash backs) Dib walks up to a mailbox on the street corner smiling with his tongue sticking out. He is holding an envelope with a big lump in it in his hands. There is insane noises coming from that mailbox. Dib puts the envelope in the mailbox. The mailbox begins to shake and make chomping noises. Dib doesn't notice, even though its really obvious, and walks away.

"Oh yaaaa," Dib says. "The mailbox was making insane noises." He realizes that he failed. "Nyahhh! Nothing I do ever works!"

Dib goes and sits down. Ms. Bitters slithers in.

"Unfortunately," she stated. "We have a new student in the class. Another horrible, disgusting, doomed student."

A cheerful looking girl walks in. She's wearing an orange skirt with black leggings knee-length underneath. She's also wearing a short sleeve orange sweater and a long sleeve shirt underneath and UGG boots. She has long brown hair with bangs and it is typed up.

"Hello," she said smiling. "My name is Julie. (Note: sorry invaderzimfannumber1. I didn't mean to steal this name from you. I just realized that you used it) I used to live in New York but I moved here because I'm looking for someone."

"Who?" The letter M asked.

"Uh…. A long lost relative. I also a-a-a-a-a…" She pointed at Zim and began to stammer. Looks around. Everyone looks confused. "uh……. an alien!"

"Finally!" Dib yelled, jumping up onto his desk. "Someone else who sees that Zim is an alien!" Dib notices everyone staring at him. "He is. She knows to." He slowly sits back down.

"Now," said Ms. Bitters. "You need a place to sit." She skims through the students. "You!" She says, pointing at Zita. (Zita sits behind Zim.) "Your being transferred to the underground classroom." She falls into the classroom like in Tak the Hideous New Girl.

Julie went and sat in Zita's old spot. While Ms. Bitters was giving a lecture, Julie just stared at the back of Zims head. "Finally!" She whispered.

Later at Lunch.

Julie walked by Dibs lunch table. As she walked by, Dib scooted over hoping she would sit down. When she didn't, Gaz snickered. Instead, Julie went and sat besides Zim. Dib looked confused.

"Go away," said Zim said, picking at his food not even bothering to look up.

"I want to help you!" Julie exclaimed.

"You!? Help ZIM!?" Zim shouted. "In class you told everyone I'm an alien!"

"Yes I know. I was just surprised, that's all."

"What do you want to help me with?"

"Taking over the earth."

"How do you know I'm taking over the earth?"

"Because… uh… stereotypes?"

Zim stared at her for a second. Then he just shrugged and looked back at his food. Dib overheard their conversation. He appears like he came out of no where and is sitting next to Julie.

"Why do you want to help Zim destroy mankind!?" Dib said. "DESTROY mankind? Humans? You're a human?"

"I don't know." Julie shrugged. "It would be fun."

"Fun? FUN!? Your letting Zim take us over so you can have a little… FUN!?"

Julie was getting annoyed by Dib. She took her cafeteria tray and poured all her food on Dib. It was the same goo stuff from Dib's Wonderful Life of Doom. Then she pushed Dib. She and Zim laughed while Dib got up off the floor looking mad.

"Is he always like this?" Julie asked.

"Dibs just a stupid worm baby," Zim replied. "A hideous, disgusting insane worm baby."

This went on for about the rest of the skool day. Dib would try to manipulate her into helping him, but then she would do some horrible, painful thing to him and she and Zim would laugh like crazy.

Later after school

Gir is asleep on the couch watching the angry monkey show. The TV is covered in Ice Cream. Zim walks in the door and Gir wakes up.

"Gir, I-" Zim stops and looks at the TV. "GIR! What did you… I don't even want to know. There's a new girl at school. She wants to help me. At first I didn't want a humans help but after seeing all the HORRIBLE-"

"Doomy?" Gir interrupted.

"Yes, doomy things shes done to Dib I might be able to use her."

The doorbell rang. Zim used the transparent door thing from Tak the Hideous New Girl and sees Julie standing on his porch. He opened it.

"Zim…" Julie said rubbing her arm. "I have something I need to tell you." She looked and sounded like she was about to confess her love. Dib is hiding in the bushes taking notes.

Duh duh DUUHHH! I'm making you people wait. What is it the Julie needs to tell Zim!? And what's Dib going to do? Am I going to give Gir any more lines!?

Disclaimers: As much as I want to, I don't own Invader Zim. I own Julie though because I made her up. I don't own Invaderzimfannumber1 because she's a person. I also don't own any ice cream. *Drools* Ice cream…..